Parsing the POP3 UIDL History
In my previous post, we discussed how to locate Outlook’s POP3 UIDL history. Now that we have the blob, let’s look at how to parse it:
POPBlob Structure:
Resource Tags:A resource tag encodes a UID with some metadata. The format of a resource tag string is represented as follows: Mcyyyymmddhhmmssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... where
The encoded uid of the message has been escaped so only alphanumeric characters and the character '$' are present. Non-alphanumeric characters in the original UID are represented as '$'+ 2 digit hex encoding. For instance, the character '-' is encoded in the UID as $2d
For example, this blob:
Can be interpreted as follows:
1700 Count: Count of restags (0x17 = 23)
2B623230313230393036313331313338304243353335444224326445413633243264313145312432644137354324326430303231354144374242373400 Tag 1
2B623230313230393036313331313337313433444242434224326445413636243264313145312432644135463224326430303232363443313534424100 Tag 2
2B623230313230393036313331313339323445383833333324326445413334243264313145312432644133414324326430303231354144374631353600 Tag 3
2B623230313230393036313331313336333446324533383124326445423236243264313145312432644244353924326430303231354144383043324300 Tag 4
2B623230313230393036313331313339333733443545363924326445413236243264313145312432644231363024326430303231354144393946303000 Tag 5
And we can parse one of the resource tags as follows:
2B623230313230393036313331313338304243353335444224326445413633243264313145312432644137354324326430303231354144374242373400 =
+ = Successful get
b = Content is body
2012 = Year
09 = Month
06 = Day
13 = Hour
11 = Minute
38 = Second
0BC535DB$2dEA63$2d11E1$2dA75C$2d00215AD7BB74 = UID
This UID can then be interpreted as:
0BC535DB + $2d + EA63 + $2d + 11E1 + $2d + A75C + $2d + 00215AD7BB74 =
0BC535DB + '-' + EA63 + '-' + 11E1 + '-' + A75C + '-' + 00215AD7BB74 =
So the first UID encoded in this blob is "0BC535DB-EA63-11E1-A75C-00215AD7BB74", and the body was successfully retrieved on 9/6/2012 at 13:11:38.