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ADO.NET Entity Framework Hands-on Lab

Last week the Swiss MSDN Team hold once again a Hands-on Lab here in Wallisellen. This time the topic was Entity Framework, the new Microsoft’s technology for bridging the gap between data structures and objects in your applications.

The lab was divided into 4 parts. In the first part of the lab attendees were required to create and customize an Entity Data Model (EDM) within Visual Studio 2008 SP1. They saw how it is easy to define a conceptual model which is independent from the underlying data store structure.

With the second part they started using the model, by first integrating it in a typical 2-tier Web Architecture (ASP.NET Web Application).

The third part instead, the most difficult one, showed them how to build a typical disconnected 3-tier WPF Application using the new WPF DataGrid control (currently available as a CTP release).

With the last part attendees learnt how to build an ADO.NET Data Services layer (new feature of .NET 3.5 SP1) over a relational Database using the EDM they created during the first part of the lab.

If you missed the event and you want to have a good introduction to the Entity Framework, then you can download the English written HOL manual from the Swiss MSDN Site or from the following direct link:

Entity Framework Hands-on Lab Material

If you liked it and you missed our previous Hands-on Labs, here you can find them (all manuals available in English):

      · Windows Mobile and the .NET Compact Framework 3.5

· Introducing Windows Communication Foundation

· Silverlight 2 Beta1

· Office Business Application

· C# 3.0 Enhancements & LINQ

· Windows Workflow Foundation: Building State Machine Workflows with WF

· Windows Presentation Foundation: Building Line Of Business Application (Outlook UI)

Have fun!



  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2009
    One of the things that’s cool about working on the EF team and getting the chance to talk to customers

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2011
    sir i need full hands on lab on in vb