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Welcome to my blog

Hi there,

I'd like to welcome visitors to my blog. In this space, i will be posting all sort of information about synchronization technologies having worked in sync and replication for the last 5 years. Originally in windows where i helped build the next generation File Replication engine and now in SQL team working in merge and ADO.NET sync services among other new and fascinating projects. I am excited and if you are developing sync or offline applications you should be excited too as a brave new world is about to emerge for sync developers ... enjoy.

Rafik Robeal


Update: Just to let you know, I left Microsoft to start a new company, Raveable Hotel Reviews . See examples: Top 10 Hotels in Myrtle Beach, Best Hotels in New York City, Romantic Hotels in Seattle , Hotels with a kitchen or kitchenette and Top 10 Hotels in San Francisco . Your feedback is welcome on, raveable blog.


  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2007
    Thanks for the example.  The SQL compact database file is being created by the tables are not.  I get a Microsoft.Syncronization.Data.SchemaException trying to find table Message "Table '[order_details]' does not exist." string Is this suppose to create the SQL Compact tables?

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2007
    Hi Rafik Thanks for the great example. I was actually looking out for a viable solution to implement sync feature with our product. Ours is a health care product and we need to make available the application and the data (partail content) to doctors who go to remote locations to visit patients. I was looking out for various options like SCOAB, SQL Merger Replication, etc.. finally got hold of the ADO.Net sync service, and I hope this would provide me with the right solution to for adoption. I initially had a look at the webcast from Steve, was pretty interesting and then was looking out for samples, which I could run through. then luckily happened to come across your samples, which were of great help. Rafik, do you also have a sample which demostrates a n-tier scenarion, that is the sync being handled by a webservice or  wcf service, cause in out product I am desigining all the communication part to be handled through WCF services.(.net 3.0) Some sample on that lines would be a great help. I would come up with more queries and hope it wouldn,t be a problem for you to guide us on this area. Thanks n great work..