HP Power Supplies
HP servers have redundant power supplies. SCOM will tell me which one is broken if it’s down, but in this case, I lost power to one side of the rack, and want to see if replacing the distribution unit fixed the issue. Here’s a quick-and-dirty WMI wrapper to do that:
function Get-HPPowerSupplyStatus
Get HP Power Supply status for each power supply
Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\HPQ -class HP_PowerSupply to extract out the SystemName, DeviceID, and StatusDescriptions (plural) properties.
Uses WinRM to run the WMI queries locally for efficiency.
By default, returns only power supply data for ones that do not have StatusDescriptions value of "Power Supply is operating normally".
.parameter ComputerName
Name(s) of computers on which to query. Defaults to localhost.
.parameter TimeoutInterval
Seconds to wait for all jobs to complete. Defaults to 60 seconds.
.parameter JobPollingInterval
Seconds to wait between polling for newly completed WinRM jobs. Defaults to 5 seconds.
.parameter ThrottleLimit
Number of jobs to run at a time. Defaults to 100.
.parameter Full
Return power suppy data for all power supplies, regardless of StatusDescriptions value.
PsCustomObject with properties ComputerName, DeviceID, and StatusDescriptions
When What Who Why
2014-05-20 v1.0 timdunn RTO
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine=$true)][String[]]$ComputerName = @($env:ComputerName),
[int]$TimeoutInterval = 60,
[int]$JobPollingInterval = 5,
[int]$ThrottleLimit = 100,
begin {
$scriptBlock = {
Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\HPQ -Class HP_PowerSupply -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object -Property @{
n = 'ComputerName';
e = { $_.SystemName.ToLower(); }
}, DeviceID, @{
n = 'StatusDescriptions';
e = { [string]::Join(",", $_.StatusDescriptions); }
} # $scriptblock
$jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
process {
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName)
if (($Computer -match "^$env:ComputerName\.") -or ($Computer -match "^$env:ComputerName$"))
$jobs.Add((Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -ArgumentList $arguments)) | Out-Null;
} # if (($Computer -match "^$env:ComputerName\.") -or ($Computer -match "^$env:ComputerName$"))
Invoke-Command -AsJob -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -ArgumentList $arguments -ComputerName $computer -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit -HideComputerName
)) |
} # if (($Computer -match "^$env:ComputerName\.") -or ($Computer -match "^$env:ComputerName$")) ... else
} # foreach ($computer in $ComputerName)
} # process
end {
$initialCount = $jobs.Count;
$notAfter = (Get-Date) + (New-TimeSpan -Seconds $TimeoutInterval);
while ($jobs)
$now = Get-Date;
if ($now -gt $notAfter) { break; }
Write-Progress $now "$($jobs.Count)/$initialCount jobs and $([int]($notAfter - $now).TotalSeconds) seconds to go.";
Get-Job -Id ($jobs | % { $_.Id }) |
? { $_.State -ne 'Running' } |
% {
if ($_.State -eq 'Completed')
if ($data = (Receive-Job -Id $_.Id))
if ($ShowRunspaceID)
} # if ($ShowRunspaceID)
$properties = $data | Get-Member -MemberType *Propert* |
% {
if ($_.name -ne 'RunspaceId')
} # if ($_.name -ne 'RunspaceId')
} # $properties = $data | Get-Member -MemberType *Propert* |
$data | Select-Object -Property $properties;
} # if ($ShowRunspaceID) ... else
} # if ($data = (Receive-Job -Id $_.Id))
Write-Warning "No data-received from job at $($_.Location)";
} # if ($data = (Receive-Job -Id $_.Id)) ... else
Remove-Job -id $_.Id;
} # if ($_.State -eq 'Completed')
Write-Warning "JobId $($_.Id) failed. Please investigate.";
} # if ($_.State -eq 'Completed') ... else
$jobs.Remove($_) | Out-Null;
} |
? {
if (($Full) -or ($_.StatusDescriptions -ne 'Power Supply is operating properly'))
} # if (($Full) -or ($_.StatusDescriptions -ne 'Power Supply is operating properly'))
} # Get-Job -Id ($jobs | % { $_.Id }) | ? { $_.State -ne 'Running' }
if ($jobs) { start-sleep $JobPollingInterval; }
} # while ($jobs)
} # end
} # function Get-HPPowerSupplyStatus