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coding standards...

Oooooofda.  The last few days I've been reading through some code that I found on SourceForge...and my initial impressions are that it's horrible.  It doesn't seem that anyone has implimented any standards of any sort to how code was to be added.  It really looks like 50 different people added random bits of code to this project...and the scary part is that it actually's just impossible to read.

There's no commenting of any sort, everything is all static based, when there are several places where instances would make more sense...every class's members are being referenced directly instead of using a property to expose them, and the list goes on and on...

This is a project I kinda wanted to get involved in...but I'm a little scared now.  I don't know if I wanna take part in something that's so disorganized.  Heh, at the very least it's made me appricated the quality of coding that goes on in my team at work.  :)  Now that I've read through some really really bad code...I think the code my team produces totally rocks.