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SharePoint 2010

Word web app cannot open this document for viewing due to an unexpected error. To view this document open it in Microsoft word.

The first point to check is if you are observing this error on the DC.

  1. For a DC there are additional steps that need to be taken for the Web app to work successfully.
  2. Executed the following command in SharePoint Powershell 
    • $e = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.TypeName.Equals("Word Viewing Service Application")}
    • $e.WordServerIsSandboxed = $false
    • $e.WordServerIsSandboxed
    • Browsed to server's “c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config” and added the following line below in the end of the dynamicTypes.
      • <add mimeType="application/zip" enabled="false" />
  3. Do an IIS reset and you are good to go.


note: You may experience similar issues with PowerPoint too. Here are additional PowerShell command to resolve

Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableSandboxedViewing $false
Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableSandboxedEditing $false

You will need to enter "Y" as answer for each cmd


Technorati Tags: Sharepoint 2010,Word Web app