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Interview with a Wiki Ninja: Sathyanarrayanan S, MCC and TechNet Guru Medal Winner

Hello All, Welcome to our Monday Interview with a Wiki Ninja!

Today the interview will be with Sathyanarrayanan S. Sathyanarrayanan is a MCC and TechNet Guru Winner . So far Sathya has written 28 articles and is been active  on forums since Sep 2012.

Sathya's Profile:



Mahesh: Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?
Sathya:   My name is Sathyanarrayanan S AKA Deepak S . Born and brought up in Chennai,India . I am currently working as Database developer in an American multinational information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing company .I started my professional career with SQL Server , Since then I have been working with T-SQL,  SSIS, SSRS,  SSAS, Handling XML in SQL Server  and DB Administration . Most of the skillset I mentioned above are self-trained and proved my expertise in the same and this is going to be the only reason that I would like to continue my entire career only with Microsoft products . 

You can get to know more about me here in my site -   

Mahesh: What are your big projects right now?
Sathya:  Planning for MSBI certification .Apart from MSDN forums and TechNet Wiki , I share my knowledge and learning through my site - .Currently working in a project wherein I provide SSRS dashboard reports (which involves dynamic roll-out of months of previous and current financial year) to the top heads of the organisation .

Mahesh: What is TechNet Wiki for? Who is it for?
Sathya: Apart from MSDN BOL which provides neat guide on any Microsoft technology related topic's .Technet Wiki provides the space for sharing the work arounds and better solution for the typical issues .It is for everyone who wanted to share their ideas and obviously for the one who gets the solution through technet wiki article .  

Mahesh: What do you do with TechNet Wiki, and how does that fit into the rest of your job?
Sathya:  I am sharing the work arounds and ideas for not only the issues discussed on MSDN forums , also about the issues that I face in my tasks .Not sure about how it will fit into the rest of my job .

Mahesh: What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

Sathya:  The option for others to edit and correct one's mistake (not only typos also corrections on technical content) , which finally brings out a good article with the base idea of original author .

Mahesh: On what Wiki articles do you spend most of your time?
Sathya:  Any article which needs step by step guide with screenshots :^)

Mahesh: What are your favorite Wiki articles you’ve contributed?
Sathya: What ever I had contributed so far are my favorites - .Especially my T-SQL articles which entered TechNet guru contest and came out without medals :^)   


Mahesh: What are your top 5 favorite Wiki articles?
Sathya:  Only one and this covers all good articles


Mahesh: Who has impressed you in the Wiki community, and why?

Naomi N 
Dedication , patience and great commitment , one can see her anywhere in the TechNet community .
I would like to take this opportunity to thank retired MVP Madhu K Nair for advising me to involve in blogging and forum activities .
I am also happy and lucky to come under the organisational hierarchy of retired MVP 's Vidhyasagar and Madhu K Nair  .


Thank you, Sathya for all your contributions, and welcome to the community !!!

Feel free to ask him more questions in the comments!


-- Wiki Ninja Mahesh