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TNWiki Article Spotlight – ASP.NET Core 2.2 step-by-step

Dear All,

Welcome to the TechNet Wiki Tuesday – TNWiki Article Spotlight.

We are in 50:50 now ,yes we are in the end of June month  that means as we have passed 6 month of 2019 and we have 6 more month to welcome our 2020,In this middle place I would like to share with you all an special article which explains in detail about  ASP.NET Core 2.2 step-by-step: Creating applications by  Shweta Jain (Lodha)

In our TechNet wiki there are  lots of article related to ASP.NET Core but still this article seems to be more good for me as this article explains in step by step with various examples to getting started with ASP.NET Core,This is the main reason i select this article to spotlight today.

Here I would like to highlight few interesting topics covered in this  article ASP.NET Core 2.2 step-by-step: Creating applications by  Shweta Jain (Lodha)

  • Introduction
  • Prerequisite
  • Machine Configuration
  • Expectation
  • Good to Start
  • Creating a new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Application
  • Plugging Middleware and Services
  • Creating Model and Repository Classes
  • Adding Controller
  • Adding View
  • Improvising on including HTML markup
  • Introducing Layout Template
  • Refining the View even further using _ViewStart
  • Introducing ViewModel
  • Improving Look and Feel of the view using Bootstrap
  • Getting real data using EF Core
  • Creating a Database
  • Adding Navigation
  • Adding Form to Request Comments
  • Adding authorization Support

This is the great feat for the SP.NET Core lovers who are looking for an article to getting started.As we can see this article covers all the basic topics need to be understand before starting with ASP.NET Core.If you are new to ASP.NET Core and looking to get started then I will recommend you to read this article from here ASP.NET Core 2.2 step-by-step: Creating applications by  Shweta Jain (Lodha)

See you all soon in another blog post.

Thank you all.

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  • Anonymous
    June 18, 2019
    "We are in 50:50 now..."?Awesome post? I loved the opening, and great choice of article.