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TNWiki Article Spotlight – Microsoft Bot Framework: Real Life Example of Authentication Using Azure Bot Service And FitBit Web API

Dear All,

Welcome to the TechNet Wiki Tuesday – TNWiki Article Spotlight.

We are in a lovely season month ,In this season month I would love to wish all our TechNet Wiki family members a advance Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New year,Thanks to Rajeesh menoth for this lovely banner image.

We are all in festival mood and looking forward to welcome New year in few more days.In this lovely occation I would like to share with you all a lovely article which explaines in detail about Microsoft Bot Framework: Real Life Example of Authentication Using Azure Bot Service And FitBit Web API by Mandar Dharmadhikari

The reason I chose these articles as Working with Authentication in any application is very very important part and in this article Mandar  has explains in detail  about Microsoft Bot Framework: Real Life Example of Authentication Using Azure Bot Service And FitBit Web API, Here I would like to highlight few interesting topics covered in this  article.

  • Introduction
  • Scenario
  • What is FitBit?
  • Tools and Frameworks Used
  • Basic Concepts
  • What are Rich Cards?
  • Authentication in Bot
  • Design Principle
  • Implementation
  • Development
  • Creating FitBit Application
  • FitBit Web API
  • Bot
  • Constant.cs
  • GenericHelper.cs
  • FitBitApiHelper.cs
  • DialogHelpers.cs
  • Welcome Card
  • Functions Card
  • Helper Card
  • Error Card
  • UserProfileAdaptiveCard
  • User Badges Adaptive Card
  • OAuthPrompt
  • Send Welcome Message
  • Send Error Message
  • FitBitAssistantBotAccessors.cs
  • FitBitAssistantBot.cs
  • Constructor
  • ProcessInputAsync
  • WaterFall Steps
  • PromptStepAsync
  • ProcessInputAsync
  • Startup.cs
  • Constructor
  • ConfigureServices
  • Configure
  • Deployment
  • Creating Bot Channels Registration
  • Encrypting the Bot

If you are curious to learn more about Authentication Using Azure Bot Service And FitBit Web API then this article guides you all in detail to getting started. Thank you Mandar  for sharing the lovely article to our TechNet Wiki Community.

See you all soon in another blog post.

Thank you all.

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