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Upgrade TFS 2010 Beta2 to RTM

(Note: Please download the latest Installation Guide for Team Foundation and read the Upgrade sections for details on types of upgrades and steps to perform an upgrade to TFS 2010)

TFS 2010 upgrade from Beta2 to RTM is similar to the upgrade experience from Orcas or Whidbey.  The upgrade itself goes faster because the difference from Beta2 to RTM is smaller than from Orcas or Whidbey.  Also none of the databases are renamed or deleted.  The upgrade requires all collection dbs, the configuration db, and the warehouse db.  You won't need the Analysis Services database (Tfs_Analysis) as that can be rebuilt if it is missing.  If it exists it will be upgraded.

If you are upgrading in-place (same hardware) you first need to uninstall TFS Beta2.  You do not need to uninstall the .NET Framework 4.0 Beta2.  That will get uninstalled when you install RTM.

Once Beta2 is uninstalled, install RTM and run the upgrade wizard.  This wizard has fewer options than the upgrade from Orcas and Whidbey.  When upgrading to RTM, you cannot change the TFS URL, you must use the same port and virtual directory. Also you cannot opt-in to Reporting or Sharepoint.  You can, however, opt-out of either Reporting or Sharepoint.  If you want to opt-in to either of Reporting or SharePoint, you can do that either before or after upgrade in the TFS Admin console.