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Install Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc Edge Volumes (preview)

This article describes the steps to install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension.

Prepare the azure-arc-containerstorage namespace

In this step, you prepare a namespace in Kubernetes for azure-arc-containerstorage and add it to your Open Service Mesh (OSM) configuration for link security. If you want to use a namespace other than azure-arc-containerstorage, substitute it in the export extension_namespace:

export extension_namespace=azure-arc-containerstorage
kubectl create namespace "${extension_namespace}"
kubectl label namespace "${extension_namespace}" openservicemesh.io/monitored-by=osm
kubectl annotate namespace "${extension_namespace}" openservicemesh.io/sidecar-injection=enabled
# Disable OSM permissive mode.
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config \
  -n "arc-osm-system" \
  -p '{"spec":{"traffic":{"enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode":'"false"'}}}'  \

Install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension

Install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension using the following command:

az k8s-extension create --resource-group "${YOUR-RESOURCE-GROUP}" --cluster-name "${YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME}" --cluster-type connectedClusters --name azure-arc-containerstorage --extension-type microsoft.arc.containerstorage


By default, the --release-namespace parameter is set to azure-arc-containerstorage. If you want to override this setting, add the --release-namespace flag to the following command and populate it with your details. Any values set at installation time persist throughout the installation lifetime (including manual and auto-upgrades).


If you use OneLake, you must use a unique extension name for the --name variable in the az k8s-extension create command.

Configuration operator

Configuration CRD

The Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension uses a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) in Kubernetes to configure the storage service. Before you publish this CRD on your Kubernetes cluster, the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension is dormant and uses minimal resources. Once your CRD is applied with the configuration options, the appropriate storage classes, CSI driver, and service PODs are deployed to provide services. In this way, you can customize Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc to meet your needs, and it can be reconfigured without reinstalling the Arc Kubernetes Extension. Common configurations are contained here, however this CRD offers the capability to configure non-standard configurations for Kubernetes clusters with differing storage capabilities.

Single node or 2-node cluster with Ubuntu or Edge Essentials

If you run a single node or 2-node cluster with Ubuntu or Edge Essentials, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a file named edgeConfig.yaml with the following contents:

    apiVersion: arccontainerstorage.azure.net/v1
    kind: EdgeStorageConfiguration
      name: edge-storage-configuration
        - "default"
        - "local-path"
      serviceMesh: "osm" 
  2. To apply this .yaml file, run:

    kubectl apply -f "edgeConfig.yaml"

Next steps