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Consultas para la tabla Event

Para obtener información sobre el uso de estas consultas en Azure Portal, consulte tutorial de Log Analytics. Para obtener la API REST, consulte Consulta.

Porcentaje de uso de memoria

Para el porcentaje promedio de uso de memoria de nodo de la vista de clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID
//Unit for MemoryUsage is in percentage(%),TotalMemory, and UsedMemory are in bytes
//Please use Nodename to set alert for each node
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3000"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend servers_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).m_servers
| mv-expand servers_information
| extend Nodename = tostring(servers_information.m_name)
| extend TotalMemory = todecimal(servers_information.m_totalPhysicalMemoryInBytes)
| extend UsedMemory = iff(TotalMemory == 0.0, todecimal(0.0), todecimal(servers_information.m_usedPhysicalMemoryInBytes))
| extend MemoryUsage = iff(TotalMemory == 0.0, todecimal(0.0), todecimal(round(UsedMemory / TotalMemory * 100, 0)))

Porcentaje medio de uso de CPU del nodo

Para el porcentaje promedio de uso de CPU del nodo de la vista de clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID
//Unit for UsedCpuPercentage is in percentage(%)
//Please use Nodename to set alert for each node
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3000"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend servers_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).m_servers
| mv-expand servers_information
| extend Nodename = tostring(servers_information.m_name)
| extend UsedCpuPercentage = toint(servers_information.m_totalProcessorsUsedPercentage)

Error en las máquinas virtuales

Para el clúster, vea las máquinas virtuales con errores en un clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3003"
| extend ClusterName = tostring(parse_xml(EventData).DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(parse_xml(EventData).DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend description = parse_json(RenderedDescription)
| extend VmsFailed = toint(description.m_totalVmsFailed)

Total de máquinas virtuales en un clúster.

Para el clúster, vea el total, la ejecución, las máquinas virtuales detenidas y con errores en un clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3003"
| extend ClusterName = tostring(parse_xml(EventData).DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(parse_xml(EventData).DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend description = parse_json(RenderedDescription)
| extend VmsStopped = toint(description.m_totalVmsStopped)

Capacidad de volumen disponible en un clúster.

Visualización de la capacidad disponible (en bytes) de un volumen en un clúster

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID 
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3002"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend volumes_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).VolumeList
| mv-expand volumes_information
| extend Volumes = tostring(volumes_information.m_Label)
| extend TotalCap = todecimal(volumes_information.m_Size)
| extend AvailableCap = TotalCap - todecimal(volumes_information.m_SizeUsed)

Latencia del volumen

Esta consulta muestra la latencia de los volúmenes.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3002"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend volumes_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).VolumeList
| mv-expand volumes_information
| extend VolumeName = tostring(volumes_information.m_Label)
| extend Latency = todouble(volumes_information.m_AverageLatency)
| extend Latency = iff(Latency < 0, 0.0, Latency)

IOPS de los volúmenes

Esta consulta muestra las operaciones de salida de entrada por segundo para los volúmenes de un clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID to view IOPS of volumes in a cluster
//Unit for IOPS will be IOPS/s
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3002"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend volumes_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).VolumeList
| mv-expand volumes_information
| extend VolumesName = tostring(volumes_information.m_Label)
| extend Iops = todouble(volumes_information.m_TotalIops)
| extend Iops = iff(Iops < 0, 0.0, Iops)

Rendimiento de los volúmenes

Esta consulta muestra el rendimiento de los volúmenes de un clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace enter cluster ID with your cluster arm ID
//Unit for throughput is B/s
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3002"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
| where ClusterArmId =~ 'enter cluster ID'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, RenderedDescription)
| extend volumes_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).VolumeList
| mv-expand volumes_information
| extend VolumeName = tostring(volumes_information.m_Label)
| extend Throughput = todouble(volumes_information.m_TotalThroughput)
| extend Throughput = iff(Throughput < 0, 0.0, Throughput)

Nodo de clúster inactivo

Obtenga una alerta si un nodo está inactivo dentro de un clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace clusterarmId1 with your cluster arm ID
//Please split dimensions by clusterarmID and dimension name as faulting resource ID to set up alerts for each node within a cluster. Please check include all future values to get alerts for future dimension names.
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-Health/Operational"
| extend description = parse_json(RenderedDescription)
| extend CorrelationId = tostring(description.CorrelationId)
| join kind=leftsemi (Event
    | where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-Health/Operational"
    | extend description = parse_json(RenderedDescription)
    | extend ClusterArmId = tostring(description.ArmId)
    //| where ClusterArmId in~ ('clusterarmId1', 'clusterarmId2', 'clusterarmId3')
    | where tostring(description.IsLastMessage) =~ 'true'
    | extend CorrelationId = tostring(description.CorrelationId)
    | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ClusterArmId
    | project CorrelationId)
    on CorrelationId
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(description.ArmId)
| where tostring(description.Fault.RootObjectType) == 'Microsoft.Health.EntityType.Cluster'
| extend Fault = description.Fault
| extend ShortDescription = split(tostring(Fault.Type), '.')[-1]
| extend Faulttype= Fault.Type
| where Faulttype == "Microsoft.Health.FaultType.Server.Down"
| extend Severity = toint(Fault.Severity)
| extend FaultingResourceType = split(tostring(Fault.ObjectType), '.')[-1]
| extend FaultingResourceId = tostring(Fault.ObjectId)
| extend ReportedTime = datetime_add('Microsecond', tolong(Fault.Timestamp) / 10, make_datetime(1601, 1, 1))
| extend Detail = pack(
    "Severity", iff(Severity == 0, "Healthy", iff(Severity == 1, "Warning", iff(Severity == 2, "Critical", "Unknown"))),
    "Faulting Resource ID", FaultingResourceId,
    "Faulting Resource Type", FaultingResourceType,
    "Faulttype", Faulttype,
    "Reported Time", ReportedTime,
    "Short Description", ShortDescription,
    "Description", tostring(Fault.Description),
    "clusterARMId", tostring(ClusterArmId),
    "Remediation", tostring(Fault.Remediation))
| sort by ReportedTime asc
| limit 100

Porcentaje de uso de memoria

Para el porcentaje promedio de uso de memoria de nodo de la vista de clúster.

//Select your log analytics workspace and replace clusterarmId1 with your cluster arm ID
//Unit for MemoryUsage is in percentage(%),TotalMemory, and UsedMemory are in bytes
| where EventLog =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SDDC-Management/Operational" and EventID == "3000"
| extend ClusterData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend ClusterName = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ClusterName"])
| extend ClusterArmId = tostring(ClusterData.DataItem.UserData.EventData["ArmId"])
//| where ClusterArmId in~ ('clusterarmId1', 'clusterarmId2', 'clusterarmId3')
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ClusterArmId
| extend servers_information = parse_json(RenderedDescription).m_servers
| mv-expand servers_information
| extend Nodename = tostring(servers_information.m_name)
| extend TotalMemory = todecimal(servers_information.m_totalPhysicalMemoryInBytes)
| extend UsedMemory = iff(TotalMemory == 0.0, todecimal(0.0), todecimal(servers_information.m_usedPhysicalMemoryInBytes))
| extend MemoryUsage = iff(TotalMemory == 0.0, todecimal(0.0), todecimal(round(UsedMemory / TotalMemory * 100, 0)))
| extend MemoryUsageint = toint(MemoryUsage)
| where Nodename != ""
| limit 100

Diagrama de tiempo de latencia de ingesta (de un extremo a otro): tabla de eventos

Gráfico la latencia de la ingesta en la tabla Event en el último día.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
| project TimeGenerated, IngestionDurationSeconds = (ingestion_time()-TimeGenerated)/1s
| render timechart title = "Ingestion latency: Event table" 

Mostrar la tendencia de un evento seleccionado

Cree un gráfico del número de veces que se ha comunicado un evento durante el último día.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID == 44 // this ID indicates Windows Update started downloading an update
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Computer, _ResourceId // bin is used to set the time grain to 1 hour
| render barchart

Evento de error en el equipo que falta la actualización crítica de seguridad

Eventos de error para las máquinas que faltan actualizaciones críticas o de seguridad necesarias.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventLevelName == "error"
    | join kind=inner (Update |where (Classification == "Security Updates" or Classification == "Critical Updates") and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" | distinct Computer) on Computer 
    | sort by TimeGenerated desc

Todos los eventos de la última hora

Todos los eventos de la última hora.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Eventos iniciados

Eventos iniciados por el identificador de evento.

| where RenderedDescription contains "started" 
| summarize count() by EventID

Eventos por origen de eventos

Eventos por origen de eventos.

| summarize count() by Source

Eventos por identificador de evento

10 eventos principales por identificador de evento.

| summarize count() by EventID
| top 10 by count_

Eventos de advertencia

Eventos de advertencia ordenados por tiempo.

| where EventLevelName == "warning" 
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Recuento de eventos de advertencia

Recuento de eventos de advertencia por identificador de evento.

| where EventLevelName == "warning" 
| summarize count() by EventID

Eventos en OM entre 2000 y 3000

Eventos de administrador de operaciones con identificadores en un intervalo de 2000 a 3000.

| where EventLog == "Operations Manager" and (EventID >= 2000 and EventID <= 3000) 
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Configuración de directivas de Windows Fireawall

Se ha cambiado la configuración de directiva de Windows Fireawall.

| where EventLog == "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/Firewall" and EventID == 2008 
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Configuración de directiva de Windows Fireawall cambiada por máquinas

La configuración de directiva de Windows Fireawall ha cambiado por las máquinas.

| where EventLog == "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/Firewall" and EventID == 2008 
| summarize count() by Computer 
| limit 10000