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Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types microsoft.graph/tenants
Categories Azure Resources, Security
Solutions LogManagement
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
AADTenantId string
AlternateSignInName string The identification that the user provided to sign in. It may be the userPrincipalName but it's also populated when a user signs in using other identifiers.
AppDisplayName string The application name displayed in the Azure Portal.
AppId string The application identifier in Azure Active Directory.
AppliedConditionalAccessPolicies string
AppliedEventListeners dynamic Detailed information about the listeners, such as Azure Logic Apps and Azure Functions, that were triggered by the corresponding events in the sign-in event.
AuthenticationContextClassReferences string Contains a collection of values that represent the conditional access authentication contexts applied to the sign-in.
AuthenticationDetails string The result of the authentication attempt and additional details on the authentication method.
AuthenticationMethodsUsed string The authentication methods used. Possible values: SMS, Authenticator App, App Verification code, Password, FIDO, PTA, or PHS.
AuthenticationProcessingDetails string Additional authentication processing details, such as the agent name in case of PTA/PHS or Server/farm name in case of federated authentication.
AuthenticationProtocol string Lists the protocol type or grant type used in the authentication. The possible values are: none, oAuth2, ropc, wsFederation, saml20, deviceCode. For authentications that use protocols other than the possible values listed, the protocol type is listed as none.
AuthenticationRequirement string This holds the highest level of authentication needed through all the sign-in steps, for sign-in to succeed.
AuthenticationRequirementPolicies string Sources of authentication requirement, such as conditional access, per-user MFA, identity protection, and security defaults.
AutonomousSystemNumber string The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network used by the actor.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
Category string
ClientAppUsed string The legacy client used for sign-in activity. For example: Browser, Exchange ActiveSync, Modern clients, IMAP, MAPI, SMTP, or POP.
ConditionalAccessPolicies dynamic A list of conditional access policies that are triggered by the corresponding sign-in activity.
ConditionalAccessStatus string The status of the conditional access policy triggered. Possible values: success, failure, or notApplied.
CorrelationId string The identifier that's sent from the client when sign-in is initiated. This is used for troubleshooting the corresponding sign-in activity when calling for support.
CreatedDateTime datetime The date and time the sign-in was initiated. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
CrossTenantAccessType string Describes the type of cross-tenant access used by the actor to access the resource.
DeviceDetail dynamic The device information from where the sign-in occurred. Includes information such as deviceId, OS, and browser.
DurationMs long
FlaggedForReview bool During a failed sign in, a user may click a button in the Azure portal to mark the failed event for tenant admins. If a user clicked the button to flag the failed sign in, this value is true.
HomeTenantId string The tenant identifier of the user initiating the sign in. Not applicable in Managed Identity or service principal sign ins.
Id string The identifier representing the sign-in activity.
Identity string The display name of the actor identified in the signin.
IPAddress string The IP address of the client from where the sign-in occurred.
IPAddressFromResourceProvider string The IP address a user used to reach a resource provider, used to determine Conditional Access compliance for some policies. For example, when a user interacts with Exchange Online, the IP address Exchange receives from the user may be recorded here. This value is often null.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
IsInteractive bool Indicates whether a user sign in is interactive. In interactive sign in, the user provides an authentication factor to Azure AD. These factors include passwords, responses to MFA challenges, biometric factors, or QR codes that a user provides to Azure AD or an associated app. In non-interactive sign in, the user doesn't provide an authentication factor. Instead, the client app uses a token or code to authenticate or access a resource on behalf of a user. Non-interactive sign ins are commonly used for a client to sign in on a user's behalf in a process transparent to the user.
IsRisky bool
Level string
Location string The 2 letter country code from where the sign-in occurred. Depending on IP address provided, this value may not always resolve to a city or region level of detail.
LocationDetails dynamic Provides the city, state, country/region and latitude and longitude from where the sign-in happened.
MfaDetail dynamic This property is deprecated.
NetworkLocationDetails string The network location details including the type of network used and its names.
OperationName string
OperationVersion string
OriginalRequestId string The request identifier of the first request in the authentication sequence.
ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds string
Resource string
ResourceDisplayName string The name of the resource that the user signed in to.
ResourceGroup string
ResourceId string The identifier of the resource that the user signed in to.
ResourceIdentity string The resource that the user signed in to.
ResourceProvider string
ResourceServicePrincipalId string The identifier of the service principal representing the target resource in the sign-in event.
ResourceTenantId string The tenant identifier of the resource referenced in the sign in.
ResultDescription string Provides the error message or the reason for failure for the corresponding sign-in activity.
ResultSignature string
ResultType string Provides the 5-6 digit error code that's generated during a sign-in event. 0 indicates success; other values are failures. You can find more information using the Azure AD Error Codes documentation or https://login.microsoftonline.com/error.
RiskDetail string The reason behind a specific state of a risky user, sign-in, or a risk event. Possible values: none, adminGeneratedTemporaryPassword, userPerformedSecuredPasswordChange, userPerformedSecuredPasswordReset, adminConfirmedSigninSafe, aiConfirmedSigninSafe, userPassedMFADrivenByRiskBasedPolicy, adminDismissedAllRiskForUser, or adminConfirmedSigninCompromised. The value none means that no action has been performed on the user or sign-in so far. Note: Details for this property are only available for Azure AD Premium P2 customers. All other customers are returned hidden.
RiskEventTypes string This property is deprecated.
RiskEventTypes_V2 string The list of risk event types associated with the sign-in. Possible values: unlikelyTravel, anonymizedIPAddress, maliciousIPAddress, unfamiliarFeatures, malwareInfectedIPAddress, suspiciousIPAddress, leakedCredentials, investigationsThreatIntelligence, or generic.
RiskLevel string
RiskLevelAggregated string The aggregated risk level. Possible values: none, low, medium, high, or hidden. The value hidden means the user or sign-in was not enabled for Azure AD Identity Protection. Note: Details for this property are only available for Azure AD Premium P2 customers. All other customers are returned hidden.
RiskLevelDuringSignIn string The risk level during sign-in. Possible values: none, low, medium, high, or hidden. The value hidden means the user or sign-in was not enabled for Azure AD Identity Protection. Note: Details for this property are only available for Azure AD Premium P2 customers. All other customers are returned hidden.
RiskState string The risk state of a risky user, sign-in, or a risk event. Possible values: none, confirmedSafe, remediated, dismissed, atRisk, or confirmedCompromised.
ServicePrincipalId string The application identifier used for sign-in. This field is populated when you are signing in using an application.
ServicePrincipalName string The application name used for sign-in. This field is populated when you are signing in using an application.
SessionLifetimePolicies string Any conditional access session management policies that were applied during the sign-in event.
SignInIdentifier string The identification that the user provided to sign in. It may be the userPrincipalName but it's also populated when a user signs in using other identifiers.
SignInIdentifierType string The type of sign in identifier. Possible values are: userPrincipalName, phoneNumber, proxyAddress, qrCode, onPremisesUserPrincipalName.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
Status dynamic The sign-in status. Includes the error code and description of the error (in case of a sign-in failure).
TimeGenerated datetime
TokenIssuerName string The name of the identity provider. For example, sts.microsoft.com.
TokenIssuerType string The type of identity provider. The possible values are: AzureAD, or ADFederationServices, AzureADBackupAuth, ADFederationServicesMFAAdapter, NPSExtension.
Type string The name of the table
UniqueTokenIdentifier string A unique base64 encoded request identifier used to track tokens issued by Azure AD as they are redeemed at resource providers.
UserAgent string The user agent information related to sign-in.
UserDisplayName string The display name of the user.
UserId string The identifier of the user.
UserPrincipalName string The UPN of the user.
UserType string Identifies whether the user is a member or guest in the tenant. Possible values are: member and guest.