The MQ connector provides an API to work with IBM MQ server.
This article describes the operations for the IBM MQ built-in connector, which is available only for Standard workflows in single-tenant Azure Logic Apps. If you're looking for the MQ managed connector operations instead, see MQ managed connector reference.
In a Standard logic app resource, the application and host settings control various thresholds for performance, throughput, timeout, and so on. For more information, see Edit host and app settings for Standard logic app workflows.
For more information about connecting to an MQ system from your workflow in Azure Logic Apps, see Connect to IBM MQ servers from workflows in Azure Logic Apps.
The host name for the MQ server
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Server name | The host name for the MQ server | string | True |
The TCP port number for connecting to the MQ queue manager on the host
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Port number | The TCP port number for connecting to the MQ queue manager on the host | int | True |
The name for the MQ server connection channel
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Channel | The name for the MQ server connection channel | string | True |
Queue manager name
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Queue manager | Queue manager name | string | True |
Connect As name
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Connect As | Connect As name | string | True |
The dead-letter queue name
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Dead-letter queue name | The dead-letter queue name | string | False |
The name for the optional backup MQ server in a multi-instance queue manager setup
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Backup server name | The name for the optional backup MQ server in a multi-instance queue manager setup | string | False |
The optional backup port number in a multi-instance queue manager setup
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Backup port number | The optional backup port number in a multi-instance queue manager setup | int | False |
The optional username for connection authentication
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
User name | The optional username for connection authentication | string | False |
The optional user password for connection authentication
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Password | The optional user password for connection authentication | securestring | False |
The optional maximum number of pooled connections for the flow. The default is 10 connections.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Max connections | The optional maximum number of pooled connections for the flow. The default is 10 connections. | int | False |
The optional time out period in seconds for a pooled connection before the connection is closed and any browse-locked messages are unlocked and return to the queue. The default is '3600' seconds.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Connection timeout | The optional time out period in seconds for a pooled connection before the connection is closed and any browse-locked messages are unlocked and return to the queue. The default is '3600' seconds. | int | False |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Use TLS | bool | False |
The client certificate thumbprint for use with Mutual TLS authentication
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Client Cert Thumbprint | The client certificate thumbprint for use with Mutual TLS authentication | securestring | False |
Browse message |
Returns a message from a queue using browse-lock. The received message is locked but not deleted from the queue. |
Browse multiple messages |
Returns one or more messages from a queue using browse-lock. The received messages are locked but not deleted from the queue. If no maximum message count is provided, the default count is 20 messages. |
Complete message |
Either commits (deletes from queue) or abort (unlocks in queue) a browse-locked message. |
Complete multiple messages |
Either commits (deletes from queue) or abort (unlocks in queue) multiple browse-locked messages. |
Move message to MQ dead-letter queue |
Move a selected message to the MQ dead-letter queue (DLQ) |
Receive message |
Returns a message from a queue using auto-complete. The received message is deleted from the queue. |
Receive multiple messages |
Returns one or more messages from a queue using auto-complete. The received messages are deleted from the queue. If no maximum message count is provided, the default count is 20 messages. |
Send message |
Sends a message to a queue. |
Send multiple messages |
Sends one or more messages to a queue. |
Returns a message from a queue using browse-lock. The received message is locked but not deleted from the queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Include headers
includeInfo | True | string |
Yes to include message headers |
getMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation connection ID
connectionId | string |
The unique connection ID used in the operation |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
Message item
message | string |
The message affected by the operation |
Returns one or more messages from a queue using browse-lock. The received messages are locked but not deleted from the queue. If no maximum message count is provided, the default count is 20 messages.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Include headers
includeInfo | True | string |
Yes to include message headers |
getMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation connection ID
connectionId | string |
The unique connection ID used in the operation |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
messages | string |
The list of messages affected by the operation |
Either commits (deletes from queue) or abort (unlocks in queue) a browse-locked message.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Connection ID
connectionId | True | string |
The connection ID from the previous browse operation |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The queue name from the previous browse operation |
Unique identifier
uniqueId | True | string |
The MQ message unique identifier from previous browse operation. |
Message ID
messageId | True | string |
The message ID from the previous browse operation |
Complete action
completeAction | True | string |
The commit (delete from queue) or abort (unlock in queue) options when completing a browse-locked message |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation connection ID
connectionId | string |
The unique connection ID used in the operation |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
Completed message
message | string |
The message affected by the operation |
Either commits (deletes from queue) or abort (unlocks in queue) multiple browse-locked messages.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Connection ID
connectionId | True | string |
The connection ID from the previous browse operation |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The queue name from the previous browse operation |
Complete action
completeAction | True | string |
The commit (delete from queue) or abort (unlock in queue) options when completing a browse-locked message |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation connection ID
connectionId | string |
The unique connection ID used in the operation |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
messages | string |
The list of messages affected by the operation |
Move a selected message to the MQ dead-letter queue (DLQ)
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Message item
message | True | string |
The message schema item to send to the MQ dead-letter queue |
Dead-letter Reason
reasonCode | True | string |
The reason or error code for why the message is being moved to the dead-letter queue |
Dead-letter queue
deadLetterQueueName | string |
The MQ dead-letter queue name |
sendMessageOptions | string |
The message schema item to send to the MQ dead-letter queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
message | string |
The message affected by the operation |
Returns a message from a queue using auto-complete. The received message is deleted from the queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Include headers
includeInfo | True | string |
Yes to include message headers |
getMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
Message item
message | string |
The message affected by the operation |
Returns one or more messages from a queue using auto-complete. The received messages are deleted from the queue. If no maximum message count is provided, the default count is 20 messages.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Include headers
includeInfo | True | string |
Yes to include message headers |
getMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
messages | string |
The list of messages affected by the operation |
Sends a message to a queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
message | True | string |
The message body content |
sendMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Sent message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
message | string |
The message affected by the operation |
Sends one or more messages to a queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
messageList | True | string |
One or more messages schema to send to the queue |
sendMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Operation queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Operation reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Operation reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Sent message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Operation timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
messages | string |
The list of messages affected by the operation |
When message is available in a queue |
Triggers a flow when a message is available in a queue. |
When one or more messages are received from a queue (auto-complete) |
Triggers a flow when one or more messages are received from a queue using auto-complete. The received messages are deleted from the queue. |
When one or more messages are received from a queue (browse-lock) |
Triggers a flow when one or more messages are received from a queue using browse-lock. The received messages are locked but not deleted from the queue. |
Triggers a flow when a message is available in a queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Wait interval (sec)
waitIntervalInSeconds | string |
The wait period (sec) before MQ returns from a GET call without a message. The default is 0 second. The maximum allowed is 360 seconds. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Trigger queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Trigger reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Trigger reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Trigger timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
Triggers a flow when one or more messages are received from a queue using auto-complete. The received messages are deleted from the queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Include headers
includeInfo | True | string |
Yes to include message headers |
getMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Trigger queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Trigger reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Trigger reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Trigger message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Trigger timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
messages | string |
The list of messages returned from the trigger operation |
Triggers a flow when one or more messages are received from a queue using browse-lock. The received messages are locked but not deleted from the queue.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Queue name
queueName | True | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Include headers
includeInfo | True | string |
Yes to include message headers |
getMessageOptions | string |
The name for the IBM MQ queue |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Trigger connection ID
connectionId | string |
The unique connection ID used in the operation |
Trigger queue name
queueName | string |
The name for the queue used in the operation |
Trigger reason code
reasonCode | string |
The numeric value that is the IBM representation of a status code. |
Trigger reason code description
reasonCodeDescription | string |
The description for the numeric reason code, similar to an exception message. |
Trigger message count
count | string |
The number of messages affected by the operation |
Trigger timestamp
timestamp | string |
The timestamp for the operation |
messages | string |
The list of messages returned from the trigger operation |