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Mapbox (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

Mapbox allows you to access its navigation, location search and static map generation services to create interative/static maps in your application.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Simone Lin
Connector Metadata
Publisher Simone Lin
Privacy policy
Categories Data

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API access token securestring The app/subscription API access token issued by Mapbox True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Forward Geocoding

This action allows you to look up a single location by name and will return you the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the location

Get Route To Location

This action calculates and returns optimal route to reach a specified location from a given location.

Get Static Map Image

This action outputs a static map image of a location in base64, the location is specified by its longitude and latitude. The static map image does not have interactivity or controls.

Forward Geocoding

This action allows you to look up a single location by name and will return you the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the location


Name Key Required Type Description
Address or post code of the location.
search_text True string

An address or a post code of the location that the user wants to retrieve geocoordinates from.

Favor results taht are closer to the specified location
proximity True string

Bias the response to favor results that are closer to this location. Default is ip, or can be longitude,latitude coordinates

Feature types included in the search
types True string

Filter results to include only a subset (one or more) of the available feature types. Options are country, region, postcode, district, place, locality, neighborhood, address, and poi

Maximum number of results to return
limit True integer

Specify the maximum number of results to return, default is 2 and maximum is 10

Set autocomplete results
autocomplete True boolean

Specify whether to return autocomplete results, default is false.

Specify the user's language
language True string

Specify the user's language. This parameter controls the language of the text supplied in responses.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.
Name Path Type Description
query array of string

An array of space and punctuation separated strings from the original query

features array of object

An array of feature objects ordered by relevance

features.relevance float

Indicates how well the returned feature matches to user's query on a scale of 0 to 1

features.place_name string

A string representing the feature in the requested language if specified and its full result hierarchy

features.bbox array of float

A bounding box array

center array of float

The coordinates of the feature's center in the form of [longitude, latitude], may be the literal center or the center of human activities

Get Route To Location

This action calculates and returns optimal route to reach a specified location from a given location.


Name Key Required Type Description
Routing profile
routing True string

Routing profile to use possible values are driving-traffic, driving, walking, cycling

Start end coordinate
coordinates True string

semicolon-separated list of coordinates. e.g. startlon,startlat;endlon,endlat

Alternative route boolean
alternatives True boolean

If set to true it will return up to two alternative route than the fastest one

Returned geometry format
geometries True string

the format of the returned geometry, allowed values are geojson, polyline and polyline6

Type of overview geometry
overview True string

Displays the requested type of overview geometry, can be full (most detailed) simplified or false

Set turn by turn instructions
steps True boolean

Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions (true) or not

Language of the instructions
language True string

The language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.
Name Path Type Description
routes array of object

describes a route through multiple waypoints

routes.legs array of object

An array of rout legs

Route summary
routes.legs.summary string

A summary of the route

Route leg duration
routes.legs.duration float

The estimated travel time beteen route legs waypoints in seconds

routes.legs.steps array of object

Depending on the steps parameter this can be either an array of steps or empty array.

routes.legs.steps.driving_side string

The legal driving side at the location for this step. Either left or right.

routes.legs.steps.mode string

The mode of transportation

routes.legs.steps.maneuver.bearing_after integer

A number between 0 and 360 indicating the clockwise angle from true north to the direction of travel immediately after the maneuve

routes.legs.steps.maneuver.instruction string

A human readable instruction of how to execute the returned maneuver

Single maneuver duration
routes.legs.steps.duration integer

The estimated time traveled, in seconds, from the maneuver to the next route step.

Single maneuver road name string

The name of the road or path that forms part of the route step.

Single maneuver distance
routes.legs.steps.distance integer

The distance traveled, in meters, from the maneuver to the next route step.

Route leg distance
routes.legs.distance float

The distance travelled between route leg waypoints in meter

routes.duration float

The estimated travel time through the waypoints in seconds

routes.distance float

The distance travelled through the waypoints in meter

waypoints array of object

array of waypoint object

name string

the name of the road or path to which the input coordinates have beend snapped

waypoints.location array of float

array of the snapped coordinate in the format [lon, lat]

Get Static Map Image

This action outputs a static map image of a location in base64, the location is specified by its longitude and latitude. The static map image does not have interactivity or controls.


Name Key Required Type Description
Pin longitude
pinlon True string

longitude value which should be the same as the center longitude specified in variable lon, in order to pin the desired location

Pin latitude
pinlat True string

latitude value which should be the same as the center latitude specified in variable lon, in order to pin the desired location

lon True float

Longitude for the center point of the static map; a number between -180 and 180.

lat True float

Latitude for the center point of the static map; a number between -85.0511 and 85.0511.

Image Zoom
zoom True float

Zoom level; a number between 0 and 22. Fractional zoom levels will be rounded to two decimal places

Image Rotation
bearing True float

Bearing rotates the map around its center. A number between 0 and 360, interpreted as decimal degrees.

Image Tilt
pitch True float

Pitch tilts the map, producing a perspective effect. A number between 0 and 60, measured in degrees.

Image Width
width True integer

Width of the image; a number between 1 and 1280 pixels.

Image Height
height True integer

Height of the image; a number between 1 and 1280 pixels.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.



This is the basic data type 'binary'.