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NsdManager.UnregisterService(NsdManager+IRegistrationListener) Method


[Android.Runtime.Register("unregisterService", "(Landroid/net/nsd/NsdManager$RegistrationListener;)V", "")]
public void UnregisterService (Android.Net.Nsd.NsdManager.IRegistrationListener? listener);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("unregisterService", "(Landroid/net/nsd/NsdManager$RegistrationListener;)V", "")>]
member this.UnregisterService : Android.Net.Nsd.NsdManager.IRegistrationListener -> unit



This should be the listener object that was passed to M:Android.Net.Nsd.NsdManager.RegisterService(Android.Net.Nsd.NsdServiceInfo,Android.Net.Nsd.NsdProtocol,Android.Net.Nsd.NsdProtocol). It identifies the service that should be unregistered and notifies of a successful or unsuccessful unregistration via the listener callbacks. In API versions 20 and above, the listener object may be used for another service registration once the callback has been called. In API versions <= 19, there is no entirely reliable way to know when a listener may be re-used, and a new listener should be created for each service registration request.



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