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System.ClientModel.Primitives Namespace



A PipelinePolicy that uses an ApiKeyCredential to set a value on a PipelineRequest to authenticate with the cloud service.


Represents a collection of values returned from a cloud service operation. The collection values may be delivered over one or more service responses.


Represents an extensible pipeline used by clients that call cloud services to send and receive HTTP request and responses. Creators of ClientPipeline can modify how it process a PipelineMessage by adding PipelinePolicy instances at various points in the default pipeline.


Options that control the creation of a ClientPipeline used by a service client to send and receive HTTP messages. Service clients must create a client-specific subtype of this class to pass to their constructors to allow for service-specific options with a client-wide scope.


A PipelinePolicy used by a ClientPipeline to decide whether or not to retry a PipelineRequest.


Represents a collection of values returned from a cloud service operation. The collection values may be delivered over one or more service responses.


An implementation of PipelineTransport that uses a HttpClient to send and receive HTTP requests and responses.


A generic converter which allows JsonSerializer to be able to write and read any models that implement IJsonModel<T>.


Provides functionality to read and write IPersistableModel<T> and IJsonModel<T>.


Provides the client options for reading and writing models.


Represents an operation that runs asynchronously on a cloud service. Cloud services use long-running operations to allow users to start an operation with one request and then monitor progress of the operation until it has completed. OperationResult enables waiting for completion of long-running operations. Client libraries provide derived types that add properties such as Value or Status as applicable for a given service operation.


Attribute that indicates a proxy Type to use for reading a model. The proxy Type must implement IPersistableModel<T> and have a public or non-public parameterless constructor.


Represents an HTTP message that can be sent from a ClientPipeline. Request holds the request sent to the cloud service, and Response holds the response received from the service.


A classifier that can evaluate a PipelineMessage in two ways. First, given an HTTP message, the PipelineMessageClassifier can determine whether the service response it holds should be considered an error response. Second, given an HTTP message and an optional pipeline exception, the classifier can determine whether or not the ClientPipeline should retry the request.


A policy that can be added to a ClientPipeline to process a PipelineMessage during a call to Send(PipelineMessage). Types deriving from PipelinePolicy can read or modify the Request, implement functionality based on Response, and must pass control to the next PipelinePolicy in the pipeline by calling ProcessNext(PipelineMessage, IReadOnlyList<PipelinePolicy>, Int32).


Represents an HTTP request to be sent to a cloud service. The type of a PipelineRequest is specific to the type of the PipelineTransport used by the ClientPipeline that sends the request. Because of this, CreateMessage() is used to create an instance of PipelineRequest for a given pipeline.


Represents the collection of HTTP headers on a PipelineRequest.


Represents an HTTP response received from a cloud service.


A collection of HTTP response headers and their values.


Represents an HTTP pipeline transport used to send and receive HTTP requests and responses.


Options that can be used to control the behavior of a request sent by a client.



Allows an object to control its own JSON writing and reading.


Allows an object to control its own writing and reading. The format is determined by the implementer.



ClientErrorBehaviors controls the behavior of a service method when an unexpected response status code is received.


The position at which to insert a PipelinePolicy into the default ClientPipeline policy collection.