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IApplicationTrustManager Interfaz


Determina si se debería ejecutar una aplicación y qué conjunto de permisos se le debería conceder.

public interface class IApplicationTrustManager : System::Security::ISecurityEncodable
public interface IApplicationTrustManager : System.Security.ISecurityEncodable
type IApplicationTrustManager = interface
    interface ISecurityEncodable
Public Interface IApplicationTrustManager
Implements ISecurityEncodable


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra una implementación sencilla de IApplicationTrustManager.

// To use the custom trust manager MyTrustManager, compile it into CustomTrustManager.dll, 
// place that assembly in the GAC, and  put the following elements in
// an ApplicationTrust.config file in the config folder in the Microsoft .NET framework
// installation folder.

//<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
//                    <ApplicationEntries />
//                    <IApplicationTrustManager class="MyNamespace.MyTrustManager, CustomTrustManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5659fc598c2a503e"/>

using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyTrustManager : IApplicationTrustManager
        public ApplicationTrust DetermineApplicationTrust(ActivationContext appContext, TrustManagerContext context)
            ApplicationTrust trust = new ApplicationTrust(appContext.Identity);
            trust.IsApplicationTrustedToRun = false;

            ApplicationSecurityInfo asi = new ApplicationSecurityInfo(appContext);
            trust.DefaultGrantSet = new PolicyStatement(asi.DefaultRequestSet, PolicyStatementAttribute.Nothing);
            if (context.UIContext == TrustManagerUIContext.Run)
                string message = "Do you want to run " + asi.ApplicationId.Name + " ?";
                string caption = "MyTrustManager";
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
                DialogResult result;

                // Displays the MessageBox.

                result = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons);

                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    trust.IsApplicationTrustedToRun = true;
                    if (context != null)
                        trust.Persist = context.Persist;
                        trust.Persist = false;

            return trust;

        public SecurityElement ToXml()
            SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement("IApplicationTrustManager");
            se.AddAttribute("class", typeof(MyTrustManager).AssemblyQualifiedName);
            return se;

        public void FromXml(SecurityElement se)
            if (se.Tag != "IApplicationTrustManager" || (string)se.Attributes["class"] != typeof(MyTrustManager).AssemblyQualifiedName)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid tag");
' To use the custom trust manager MyTrustManager, compile it into CustomTrustManager.dll, 
' place that assembly in the GAC, and  put the following elements in
' an ApplicationTrust.config file in the config folder in the Microsoft .NET framework
' installation folder.
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
'                    <ApplicationEntries />
'                    <IApplicationTrustManager class="MyNamespace.MyTrustManager, CustomTrustManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5659fc598c2a503e"/>
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Policy
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class MyTrustManager
    Implements IApplicationTrustManager
    Public Function DetermineApplicationTrust(ByVal appContext As ActivationContext, ByVal context As TrustManagerContext) As ApplicationTrust Implements IApplicationTrustManager.DetermineApplicationTrust
        Dim trust As New ApplicationTrust(appContext.Identity)
        trust.IsApplicationTrustedToRun = False

        Dim asi As New ApplicationSecurityInfo(appContext)
        trust.DefaultGrantSet = New PolicyStatement(asi.DefaultRequestSet, _
        If context.UIContext = TrustManagerUIContext.Run Then
            Dim message As String = "Do you want to run " + asi.ApplicationId.Name + " ?"
            Dim caption As String = "MyTrustManager"
            Dim buttons As MessageBoxButtons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
            Dim result As DialogResult

            ' Displays the MessageBox.
            result = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons)

            If result = DialogResult.Yes Then
                trust.IsApplicationTrustedToRun = True
                If Not (context Is Nothing) Then
                    trust.Persist = context.Persist
                    trust.Persist = False
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Return trust

    End Function 'DetermineApplicationTrust
    Public Function ToXml() As SecurityElement Implements IApplicationTrustManager.ToXml
        Dim se As New SecurityElement("IApplicationTrustManager")
        se.AddAttribute("class", GetType(MyTrustManager).AssemblyQualifiedName)
        Return se

    End Function 'ToXml
    Public Sub FromXml(ByVal se As SecurityElement) Implements IApplicationTrustManager.FromXml
        If se.Tag <> "IApplicationTrustManager" OrElse _
        CStr(se.Attributes("class")) <> GetType(MyTrustManager).AssemblyQualifiedName Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid tag")
        End If

    End Sub
End Class


Los administradores de confianza deben implementar la IApplicationTrustManager interfaz . El host llama al IApplicationTrustManager.DetermineApplicationTrust método para determinar si se debe ejecutar una aplicación y qué permisos se deben conceder a la aplicación.

En .NET Framework 4 y versiones posteriores, solo hay un administrador de confianza, que puede ser una implementación personalizada de la IApplicationTrustManager interfaz. La implementación predeterminada del administrador de confianza solicita al usuario permiso para instalar la aplicación y elevar los permisos concedidos a la aplicación. Otras implementaciones del administrador de confianza pueden proporcionar experiencias de usuario diferentes. Por ejemplo, una implementación podría comprobar una lista empresarial para las aplicaciones de confianza en lugar de solicitar al usuario esa información.


DetermineApplicationTrust(ActivationContext, TrustManagerContext)

Determina si se debería ejecutar una aplicación y qué conjunto de permisos se le debería conceder.


Reconstruye un objeto de seguridad con un estado especificado a partir de codificación XML.

(Heredado de ISecurityEncodable)

Crea una codificación XML del objeto de seguridad y su estado actual.

(Heredado de ISecurityEncodable)

Se aplica a