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TablePattern.Pattern Campo


Identifica el patrón de control TablePattern.

public: static initonly System::Windows::Automation::AutomationPattern ^ Pattern;
public static readonly System.Windows.Automation.AutomationPattern Pattern;
 staticval mutable Pattern : System.Windows.Automation.AutomationPattern
Public Shared ReadOnly Pattern As AutomationPattern 

Valor de campo


En el ejemplo siguiente, se obtiene un TablePattern patrón de control de .AutomationElement

/// <summary>
/// Obtains a TablePattern control pattern from an 
/// automation element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetControl">
/// The automation element of interest.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A TablePattern object.
/// </returns>
private TablePattern GetTablePattern(
    AutomationElement targetControl)
    TablePattern tablePattern = null;

        tablePattern =
            as TablePattern;
    // Object doesn't support the 
    // GridPattern control pattern
    catch (InvalidOperationException)
        return null;

    return tablePattern;
''' <summary>
''' Obtains a TablePattern control pattern from an 
''' automation element.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="targetControl">
''' The automation element of interest.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A TablePattern object.
''' </returns>
Private Function GetTablePattern( _
ByVal targetControl As AutomationElement) As TablePattern
    Dim tablePattern As TablePattern = Nothing

        tablePattern = DirectCast( _
        targetControl.GetCurrentPattern(tablePattern.Pattern), TablePattern)
    Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
        ' Object doesn't support the 
        ' GridPattern control pattern
        Return Nothing
    End Try

    Return tablePattern

End Function 'GetTablePattern


Este identificador lo usan las aplicaciones cliente de Automatización de la interfaz de usuario. Automatización de la interfaz de usuario proveedores deben usar el campo equivalente en TablePatternIdentifiers.

El identificador de patrón se pasa a métodos como GetCurrentPattern para recuperar el patrón de control de interés del especificado AutomationElement.

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