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DataGrid.ForeColor Propiedad


Obtiene o establece la propiedad del color de primer plano (normalmente el color del texto) del control DataGrid.

 virtual property System::Drawing::Color ForeColor { System::Drawing::Color get(); void set(System::Drawing::Color value); };
public override System.Drawing.Color ForeColor { get; set; }
member this.ForeColor : System.Drawing.Color with get, set
Public Overrides Property ForeColor As Color

Valor de propiedad


Color que representa el color de primer plano. El valor predeterminado es el color WindowText.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra el uso de este miembro.

// String variable used to show message.
String^ myString = "Selection backgound color changed from: ";

// Store current foreground color of selected cells.
Color myCurrentColor = myDataGrid->SelectionBackColor;
myString = String::Concat( myString, myCurrentColor.ToString() );

// Reset selection background color to default.
myString = String::Concat( myString, " to " );
myString = String::Concat( myString, myDataGrid->SelectionBackColor.ToString() );

// Show information about changes in color setting.  
MessageBox::Show( myString, "Selection background color information" );
// String variable used to show message.
string myString = "Selection backgound color changed from: ";
// Store current foreground color of selected cells.
Color myCurrentColor = myDataGrid.SelectionBackColor;
myString += myCurrentColor.ToString();
// Reset selection background color to default.
myString += "  to ";
myString += myDataGrid.SelectionBackColor.ToString();
// Show information about changes in color setting.  
MessageBox.Show(myString, "Selection background color information");
' String variable used to show message.
Dim myString As String = "Selection backgound color changed from: "
' Store current foreground color of selected cells.
Dim myCurrentColor As Color = myDataGrid.SelectionBackColor
myString += myCurrentColor.ToString()
' Reset selection background color to default.
myString += "  to "
myString += myDataGrid.SelectionBackColor.ToString()
' Show information about changes in color setting.  
MessageBox.Show(myString, "Selection background color information")

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