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Información general sobre cómo utilizar controles en los formularios Windows Forms

En este tema se describen los elementos esenciales de una aplicación de Windows Forms y se proporciona un ejemplo sencillo en el que se usan controles y se controlan eventos en una aplicación de Windows Forms.

Aplicaciones de Windows Forms sencillas

Una aplicación de Windows Forms consta como mínimo de los siguientes elementos:

  • Una o varias clases que derivan de System.Windows.Forms.Form.

  • Un método Main que invoca al método Runstatic (shared en Visual Basic) y pasa una instancia Form a este. El método Run procesa los mensajes desde el sistema operativo a la aplicación.

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestran los elementos esenciales de una aplicación de Windows Forms.

Option Explicit  
Option Strict  
Imports System  
Imports System.Windows.Forms  
Public Class MyForm  
   Inherits Form  
   Public Sub New()  
      Me.Text = "Hello World"  
   End Sub 'New  
   <STAThread()> _  
   Public Shared Sub Main()  
      Dim aform As New MyForm()  
      ' The Application.Run method processes messages from the operating system
      ' to your application. If you comment out the next line of code,
      ' your application will compile and execute, but because it is not in the  
      ' message loop, it will exit after an instance of the form is created.  
   End Sub  
End Class  
using System;  
using System.Windows.Forms;  
public class MyForm : Form {  
   public MyForm() {  
      this.Text = "Hello World";  
   public static void Main(string[] args) {  
     MyForm aform = new MyForm();  
// The Application.Run method processes messages from the operating system
// to your application. If you comment out the next line of code,
// your application will compile and execute, but because it is not in the // message loop, it will exit after an instance of the form is created.  

Uso de controles en una aplicación de Windows Forms

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra una aplicación sencilla que muestra cómo las aplicaciones de Windows Forms usan controles y controlan eventos. El ejemplo consta de tres botones en un formulario; cada botón cambia de color de fondo cuando se hace clic en ellos.

Option Explicit  
Option Strict  
Imports System  
Imports System.ComponentModel  
Imports System.Windows.Forms  
Imports System.Resources  
Imports System.Drawing  
Public Class MyForm  
   Inherits Form  
   Private red As Button  
   Private blue As Button  
   Private green As Button  
   Public Sub New()  
   End Sub  
   Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing as Boolean)  
   End Sub  
   ' InitializeComponent is a helper method for the constructor.
   ' It is included for consistency with code that is
   ' auto-generated by the Windows Forms designer in Visual Studio.
   Private Sub InitializeComponent()  
      ' Creates three buttons, sets their properties, and attaches  
      ' an event handler to each button.  
      red = New Button()  
      red.Text = "Red"  
      red.Location = New Point(100, 50)  
      red.Size = New Size(50, 50)  
      AddHandler red.Click, AddressOf button_Click  
      blue = New Button()  
      blue.Text = "Blue"  
      blue.Location = New Point(100, 100)  
      blue.Size = New Size(50, 50)  
      AddHandler blue.Click, AddressOf button_Click  
      green = New Button()  
      green.Text = "Green"  
      green.Location = New Point(100, 150)  
      green.Size = New Size(50, 50)  
      AddHandler green.Click, AddressOf button_Click  
   End Sub  
   ' Event handler.  
   Private Sub button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)  
      If sender Is red Then  
         Me.BackColor = Color.Red  
         If sender Is blue Then  
            Me.BackColor = Color.Blue  
            Me.BackColor = Color.Green  
         End If  
      End If
   End Sub  
   ' The STAThreadAttribute informs the common language runtime that  
   ' Windows Forms uses the single-threaded apartment model.  
   <STAThread()> _  
   Public Shared Sub Main()  
      Application.Run(New MyForm())  
   End Sub  
End Class  
using System;  
using System.ComponentModel;  
using System.Windows.Forms;  
using System.Resources;  
using System.Drawing;  
public class MyForm : Form {  
   private Button red;  
   private Button blue;  
   private Button green;  
   public MyForm() : base() {
   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {  
// InitializeComponent is a helper method for the constructor.
// It is included for consistency with code that is
// auto-generated by the Windows Forms designer in Visual Studio.
   private void InitializeComponent() {  
// A delegate for the click event of a button. The argument to
// the constructor contains a reference to the method that performs the
// event handling logic.  
      EventHandler handler = new EventHandler(button_Click);  
// Creates three buttons, sets their properties, and attaches  
// an event handler to each button.  
      red = new Button();  
      red.Text = "Red";  
      red.Location = new Point(100, 50);  
      red.Size = new Size(50, 50);  
      red.Click +=handler;  
      blue = new Button();  
      blue.Text = "Blue";  
      blue.Location = new Point(100, 100);  
      blue.Size = new Size(50, 50);  
      blue.Click += handler;  
      green = new Button();  
      green.Text = "Green";  
      green.Location = new Point(100, 150);  
      green.Size = new Size(50, 50);  
      green.Click += handler;  
   // Event handler.  
   private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {  
            if (sender == red) this.BackColor = Color.Red ;  
                  else if (sender == blue) this.BackColor = Color.Blue;  
                  else this.BackColor = Color.Green;  
   // The STAThreadAttribute informs the common language runtime that  
   // Windows Forms uses the single-threaded apartment model.  
   public static void Main(string[] args) {  
   Application.Run(new MyForm());  

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