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Procedimiento para enlazar controles de formularios Windows Forms a valores de base de datos DBNull

Cuando enlaza los controles de Windows Forms a un origen de datos y ese origen devuelve un valor DBNull, puede sustituir un valor adecuado sin controlar, dar formato o analizar eventos. La propiedad NullValue convertirá DBNull en un objeto especificado al dar formato o analizar los valores de origen de datos.


El ejemplo siguiente muestra cómo enlazar un valor DBNull en dos situaciones diferentes. En la primera se muestra cómo establecer NullValue para una propiedad de cadena y la segunda muestra cómo establecer NullValue para una propiedad de imagen.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DBNullCS
    public class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);

        // The controls and components we need for the form.
        private Button button1;
        private PictureBox pictureBox1;
        private BindingSource bindingSource1;
        private TextBox textBox1;
        private TextBox textBox2;

        // Data table to hold the database data.
        DataTable employeeTable = new DataTable();

        void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Basic form setup.
            this.pictureBox1 = new PictureBox();
            this.bindingSource1 = new BindingSource();
            this.textBox1 = new TextBox();
            this.textBox2 = new TextBox();
            this.button1 = new Button();
            this.pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 20);
            this.pictureBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(174, 179);
            this.textBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 215);
            this.textBox1.ReadOnly = true;
            this.textBox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 241);
            this.textBox2.ReadOnly = true;
            this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 103);
            this.button1.Text = "Move Next";
            this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273);

            // Create the connection string and populate the data table
            // with data.
            string connectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI;" +
                "Persist Security Info = False;Initial Catalog=Northwind;" +
                "Data Source = localhost";
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();
            connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
            SqlDataAdapter employeeAdapter =
                new SqlDataAdapter(new SqlCommand("Select * from Employees", connection));

            // Set the DataSource property of the BindingSource to the employee table.
            bindingSource1.DataSource = employeeTable;

           // Set up the binding to the ReportsTo column.
            Binding reportsToBinding = textBox2.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource1,
                "ReportsTo", true);

            // Set the NullValue property for this binding.
            reportsToBinding.NullValue = "No Manager";

            // Set up the binding for the PictureBox using the Add method, setting
            // the null value in method call.
            pictureBox1.DataBindings.Add("Image", bindingSource1, "Photo", true,
                DataSourceUpdateMode.Never, new Bitmap(typeof(Button), "Button.bmp"));

            // Set up the remaining binding.
            textBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource1, "LastName", true);

        // Move through the data when the button is clicked.
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new Form1());
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1
    Inherits Form
    Public Sub New() 
    End Sub
    ' The controls and components we need for the form.
    Private WithEvents button1 As Button
    Private pictureBox1 As PictureBox
    Private bindingSource1 As BindingSource
    Private textBox1 As TextBox
    Private textBox2 As TextBox
    ' Data table to hold the database data.
    Private employeeTable As New DataTable()
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles Me.Load

        ' Basic form setup.
        Me.pictureBox1 = New PictureBox()
        Me.bindingSource1 = New BindingSource()
        Me.textBox1 = New TextBox()
        Me.textBox2 = New TextBox()
        Me.button1 = New Button()
        Me.pictureBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 20)
        Me.pictureBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(174, 179)
        Me.textBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(25, 215)
        Me.textBox1.ReadOnly = True
        Me.textBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(25, 241)
        Me.textBox2.ReadOnly = True
        Me.button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(200, 103)
        Me.button1.Text = "Move Next"
        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 273)

        ' Create the connection string and populate the data table
        ' with data.
        Dim connectionString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
            "Persist Security Info = False;Initial Catalog=Northwind;" _
            & "Data Source = localhost"
        Dim connection As New SqlConnection()
        connection.ConnectionString = connectionString
        Dim employeeAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter _
            (New SqlCommand("Select * from Employees", connection))

        ' Set the DataSource property of the BindingSource to the employee table.
        bindingSource1.DataSource = employeeTable

        ' Set up the binding to the ReportsTo column.
        Dim reportsToBinding As Binding = _
            textBox2.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource1, "ReportsTo", _

        ' Set the NullValue property for this binding.
        reportsToBinding.NullValue = "No Manager"

        ' Set up the binding for the PictureBox using the Add method, setting
        ' the null value in method call.
        pictureBox1.DataBindings.Add("Image", bindingSource1, "Photo", _
            True, DataSourceUpdateMode.Never, _
            New Bitmap(GetType(Button), "Button.bmp"))

        ' Set up the remaining binding.
        textBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource1, "LastName", True)

    End Sub
    ' Move through the data when the button is clicked.
    Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles button1.Click


    End Sub
    <STAThread()>  _
    Shared Sub Main() 
        Application.Run(New Form1())
    End Sub
End Class

Los tipos de la propiedad enlazada y la propiedad NullValue debe ser iguales. De lo contrario, se producirá un error y no se procesará ningún valor NullValue. En esta situación, no tendrá lugar ninguna excepción.

Compilar el código

Para este ejemplo se necesita:

  • Referencias a los ensamblados System, System.Data, System.Drawing y System.Windows.Forms.

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