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Tutorial: Uso de BatchBlock y BatchedJoinBlock para mejorar la eficacia

La biblioteca de flujos de datos TPL proporciona las clases System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.BatchBlock<T> y System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2> para poder recibir y almacenar en búfer datos de uno o más orígenes y después propagar esos datos almacenados en búfer como una colección. Este mecanismo por lotes es útil cuando se recopilan datos de uno o más orígenes y después se procesan varios elementos de datos como un lote. Por ejemplo, piense en una aplicación que usa flujo de datos para insertar registros en una base de datos. Esta operación puede ser más eficaz si varios elementos se insertan al mismo tiempo en lugar de insertar de uno en uno de forma secuencial. En este documento se describe cómo utilizar la clase BatchBlock<T> para mejorar la eficacia de las operaciones de inserción de la base de datos. También se describe cómo utilizar la clase BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2> para capturar los resultados y cualquier excepción que se produce cuando el programa lee de una base de datos.


La biblioteca de flujos de datos TPL (el espacio de nombres System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow) no se distribuye con .NET. Para instalar el espacio de nombres System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow en Visual Studio, abra el proyecto, seleccione Administrar paquetes NuGet en el menú Proyecto y busque en línea el paquete System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow. Como alternativa, para realizar la instalación con la CLI de .Net Core, ejecute dotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.

Requisitos previos

  1. Lea la sección sobre bloques de combinación en el documento Flujo de datos antes de iniciar este tutorial.

  2. Asegúrese de que tiene una copia de la base de datos Northwind, Northwind.sdf, disponible en el equipo. Este archivo se encuentra normalmente en la carpeta %Archivos de programa%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Ejemplos\.


    En algunas versiones de Windows, no se puede conectar a Northwind.sdf si Visual Studio se ejecuta en modo que no sea de administrador. Para conectarse a Northwind.sdf, inicie Visual Studio o Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores de Visual Studio en modo Ejecutar como administrador.

Este tutorial contiene las siguientes secciones:

Crear la aplicación de consola

  1. En Visual Studio, cree un proyecto Aplicación de consola de Visual C# o Visual Basic. En este documento, el proyecto se denomina DataflowBatchDatabase.

  2. En el proyecto, agregue una referencia a System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll y una referencia a System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll.

  3. Asegúrese de que Form1.cs (Form1.vb para Visual Basic) contenga las siguientes instrucciones using (Imports en Visual Basic).

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
    Imports System.Diagnostics
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
  4. Agregue a la clase Program los miembros de datos siguientes:

    // The number of employees to add to the database.
    // TODO: Change this value to experiment with different numbers of
    // employees to insert into the database.
    static readonly int insertCount = 256;
    // The size of a single batch of employees to add to the database.
    // TODO: Change this value to experiment with different batch sizes.
    static readonly int insertBatchSize = 96;
    // The source database file.
    // TODO: Change this value if Northwind.sdf is at a different location
    // on your computer.
    static readonly string sourceDatabase =
       @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Samples\Northwind.sdf";
    // TODO: Change this value if you require a different temporary location.
    static readonly string scratchDatabase =
    ' The number of employees to add to the database.
    ' TODO: Change this value to experiment with different numbers of 
    ' employees to insert into the database.
    Private Shared ReadOnly insertCount As Integer = 256
    ' The size of a single batch of employees to add to the database.
    ' TODO: Change this value to experiment with different batch sizes.
    Private Shared ReadOnly insertBatchSize As Integer = 96
    ' The source database file.
    ' TODO: Change this value if Northwind.sdf is at a different location
    ' on your computer.
    Private Shared ReadOnly sourceDatabase As String = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Samples\Northwind.sdf"
    ' TODO: Change this value if you require a different temporary location.
    Private Shared ReadOnly scratchDatabase As String = "C:\Temp\Northwind.sdf"

Definir la clase Employee

Agregue la clase Program a la clase Employee.

// Describes an employee. Each property maps to a
// column in the Employees table in the Northwind database.
// For brevity, the Employee class does not contain
// all columns from the Employees table.
class Employee
   public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }
   public string FirstName { get; set; }

   // A random number generator that helps tp generate
   // Employee property values.
   static Random rand = new Random(42);

   // Possible random first names.
   static readonly string[] firstNames = { "Tom", "Mike", "Ruth", "Bob", "John" };
   // Possible random last names.
   static readonly string[] lastNames = { "Jones", "Smith", "Johnson", "Walker" };

   // Creates an Employee object that contains random
   // property values.
   public static Employee Random()
      return new Employee
         EmployeeID = -1,
         LastName = lastNames[rand.Next() % lastNames.Length],
         FirstName = firstNames[rand.Next() % firstNames.Length]
' Describes an employee. Each property maps to a 
' column in the Employees table in the Northwind database.
' For brevity, the Employee class does not contain
' all columns from the Employees table.
Private Class Employee
    Public Property EmployeeID() As Integer
    Public Property LastName() As String
    Public Property FirstName() As String

    ' A random number generator that helps tp generate
    ' Employee property values.
    Private Shared rand As New Random(42)

    ' Possible random first names.
    Private Shared ReadOnly firstNames() As String = {"Tom", "Mike", "Ruth", "Bob", "John"}
    ' Possible random last names.
    Private Shared ReadOnly lastNames() As String = {"Jones", "Smith", "Johnson", "Walker"}

    ' Creates an Employee object that contains random 
    ' property values.
    Public Shared Function Random() As Employee
        Return New Employee With {.EmployeeID = -1, .LastName = lastNames(rand.Next() Mod lastNames.Length), .FirstName = firstNames(rand.Next() Mod firstNames.Length)}
    End Function
End Class

La clase Employee contiene tres propiedades EmployeeID, LastName y FirstName. Estas propiedades corresponden a las columnas Employee ID, Last Name y First Name en la tabla Employees de la base de datos Northwind. Para esta demostración, la clase Employee también define el método Random, que crea un objeto Employee con valores aleatorios para sus propiedades.

Definir las operaciones de la base de datos de empleados

Agregue a la clase Program los métodos InsertEmployees, GetEmployeeCount y GetEmployeeID.

// Adds new employee records to the database.
static void InsertEmployees(Employee[] employees, string connectionString)
   using (SqlCeConnection connection =
      new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
         // Create the SQL command.
         SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(
            "INSERT INTO Employees ([Last Name], [First Name])" +
            "VALUES (@lastName, @firstName)",

         for (int i = 0; i < employees.Length; i++)
            // Set parameters.
            command.Parameters.Add("@lastName", employees[i].LastName);
            command.Parameters.Add("@firstName", employees[i].FirstName);

            // Execute the command.

// Retrieves the number of entries in the Employees table in
// the Northwind database.
static int GetEmployeeCount(string connectionString)
   int result = 0;
   using (SqlCeConnection sqlConnection =
      new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
      SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCeCommand(
         "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees", sqlConnection);

         result = (int)sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar();
   return result;

// Retrieves the ID of the first employee that has the provided name.
static int GetEmployeeID(string lastName, string firstName,
   string connectionString)
   using (SqlCeConnection connection =
      new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
      SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(
            "SELECT [Employee ID] FROM Employees " +
            "WHERE [Last Name] = '{0}' AND [First Name] = '{1}'",
            lastName, firstName),

         return (int)command.ExecuteScalar();
' Adds new employee records to the database.
Private Shared Sub InsertEmployees(ByVal employees() As Employee, ByVal connectionString As String)
    Using connection As New SqlCeConnection(connectionString)
            ' Create the SQL command.
            Dim command As New SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Employees ([Last Name], [First Name])" & "VALUES (@lastName, @firstName)", connection)

            For i As Integer = 0 To employees.Length - 1
                ' Set parameters.
                command.Parameters.Add("@lastName", employees(i).LastName)
                command.Parameters.Add("@firstName", employees(i).FirstName)

                ' Execute the command.
            Next i
        End Try
    End Using
End Sub

' Retrieves the number of entries in the Employees table in 
' the Northwind database.
Private Shared Function GetEmployeeCount(ByVal connectionString As String) As Integer
    Dim result As Integer = 0
    Using sqlConnection As New SqlCeConnection(connectionString)
        Dim sqlCommand As New SqlCeCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees", sqlConnection)

            result = CInt(Fix(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()))
        End Try
    End Using
    Return result
End Function

' Retrieves the ID of the first employee that has the provided name.
Private Shared Function GetEmployeeID(ByVal lastName As String, ByVal firstName As String, ByVal connectionString As String) As Integer
    Using connection As New SqlCeConnection(connectionString)
        Dim command As New SqlCeCommand(String.Format("SELECT [Employee ID] FROM Employees " & "WHERE [Last Name] = '{0}' AND [First Name] = '{1}'", lastName, firstName), connection)

            Return CInt(Fix(command.ExecuteScalar()))
        End Try
    End Using
End Function

El método InsertEmployees agrega nuevos registros de empleados en la base de datos. El método GetEmployeeCount recupera el número de entradas de la tabla Employees. El método GetEmployeeID recupera el identificador del primer empleado con el nombre proporcionado. Cada uno de estos métodos lleva una cadena de conexión la base de datos Northwind y utiliza la funcionalidad del espacio de nombres System.Data.SqlServerCe para comunicarse con la base de datos.

Agregar datos de empleados a la base de datos sin usar el almacenamiento en búfer

Agregue a la clase Program los métodos AddEmployees y PostRandomEmployees.

// Posts random Employee data to the provided target block.
static void PostRandomEmployees(ITargetBlock<Employee> target, int count)
   Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} entries to Employee table...", count);

   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

// Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
static void AddEmployees(string connectionString, int count)
   // Create an ActionBlock<Employee> object that adds a single
   // employee entry to the database.
   var insertEmployee = new ActionBlock<Employee>(e =>
      InsertEmployees(new Employee[] { e }, connectionString));

   // Post several random Employee objects to the dataflow block.
   PostRandomEmployees(insertEmployee, count);

   // Set the dataflow block to the completed state and wait for
   // all insert operations to complete.
' Posts random Employee data to the provided target block.
Private Shared Sub PostRandomEmployees(ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of Employee), ByVal count As Integer)
    Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} entries to Employee table...", count)

    For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
    Next i
End Sub

' Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
Private Shared Sub AddEmployees(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal count As Integer)
    ' Create an ActionBlock<Employee> object that adds a single
    ' employee entry to the database.
    Dim insertEmployee = New ActionBlock(Of Employee)(Sub(e) InsertEmployees(New Employee() {e}, connectionString))

    ' Post several random Employee objects to the dataflow block.
    PostRandomEmployees(insertEmployee, count)

    ' Set the dataflow block to the completed state and wait for 
    ' all insert operations to complete.
End Sub

El método AddEmployees agrega datos del empleado en la base de datos mediante el flujo de datos. También crea un objeto ActionBlock<TInput> que llama al método InsertEmployees para agregar una entrada de empleado en la base de datos. A continuación, el método AddEmployees llama al método PostRandomEmployees para enviar varios objetos Employee al objeto ActionBlock<TInput>. El método AddEmployees espera que todas las operaciones de inserción finalicen.

Usar el almacenamiento en búfer para agregar datos de empleados en la base de datos

Agregue a la clase Program el método AddEmployeesBatched.

// Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
// This method is similar to AddEmployees except that it uses batching
// to add multiple employees to the database at a time.
static void AddEmployeesBatched(string connectionString, int batchSize,
   int count)
   // Create a BatchBlock<Employee> that holds several Employee objects and
   // then propagates them out as an array.
   var batchEmployees = new BatchBlock<Employee>(batchSize);

   // Create an ActionBlock<Employee[]> object that adds multiple
   // employee entries to the database.
   var insertEmployees = new ActionBlock<Employee[]>(a =>
      InsertEmployees(a, connectionString));

   // Link the batch block to the action block.

   // When the batch block completes, set the action block also to complete.
   batchEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(delegate { insertEmployees.Complete(); });

   // Post several random Employee objects to the batch block.
   PostRandomEmployees(batchEmployees, count);

   // Set the batch block to the completed state and wait for
   // all insert operations to complete.
' Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
' This method is similar to AddEmployees except that it uses batching
' to add multiple employees to the database at a time.
Private Shared Sub AddEmployeesBatched(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal batchSize As Integer, ByVal count As Integer)
    ' Create a BatchBlock<Employee> that holds several Employee objects and
    ' then propagates them out as an array.
    Dim batchEmployees = New BatchBlock(Of Employee)(batchSize)

    ' Create an ActionBlock<Employee[]> object that adds multiple
    ' employee entries to the database.
    Dim insertEmployees = New ActionBlock(Of Employee())(Sub(a) Program.InsertEmployees(a, connectionString))

    ' Link the batch block to the action block.

    ' When the batch block completes, set the action block also to complete.
    batchEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(Sub() insertEmployees.Complete())

    ' Post several random Employee objects to the batch block.
    PostRandomEmployees(batchEmployees, count)

    ' Set the batch block to the completed state and wait for 
    ' all insert operations to complete.
End Sub

Este método es similar a AddEmployees, salvo que también utiliza la clase BatchBlock<T> para almacenar en búfer varios objetos Employee antes de enviar esos objetos al objeto ActionBlock<TInput>. Dado que la clase BatchBlock<T> propaga varios elementos como una colección, el objeto ActionBlock<TInput> se modifica para actuar sobre una matriz de objetos Employee. Como en el método AddEmployees, AddEmployeesBatched llama al método PostRandomEmployees para enviar varios objetos Employee; sin embargo, AddEmployeesBatched envía estos objetos al objeto BatchBlock<T>. El método AddEmployeesBatched también espera a que todas las operaciones de inserción finalicen.

Usar una combinación almacenada en búfer para leer datos de empleados de la base de datos

Agregue a la clase Program el método GetRandomEmployees.

// Displays information about several random employees to the console.
static void GetRandomEmployees(string connectionString, int batchSize,
   int count)
   // Create a BatchedJoinBlock<Employee, Exception> object that holds
   // both employee and exception data.
   var selectEmployees = new BatchedJoinBlock<Employee, Exception>(batchSize);

   // Holds the total number of exceptions that occurred.
   int totalErrors = 0;

   // Create an action block that prints employee and error information
   // to the console.
   var printEmployees =
      new ActionBlock<Tuple<IList<Employee>, IList<Exception>>>(data =>
         // Print information about the employees in this batch.
         Console.WriteLine("Received a batch...");
         foreach (Employee e in data.Item1)
            Console.WriteLine("Last={0} First={1} ID={2}",
               e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.EmployeeID);

         // Print the error count for this batch.
         Console.WriteLine("There were {0} errors in this batch...",

         // Update total error count.
         totalErrors += data.Item2.Count;

   // Link the batched join block to the action block.

   // When the batched join block completes, set the action block also to complete.
   selectEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(delegate { printEmployees.Complete(); });

   // Try to retrieve the ID for several random employees.
   Console.WriteLine("Selecting random entries from Employees table...");
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         // Create a random employee.
         Employee e = Employee.Random();

         // Try to retrieve the ID for the employee from the database.
         e.EmployeeID = GetEmployeeID(e.LastName, e.FirstName, connectionString);

         // Post the Employee object to the Employee target of
         // the batched join block.
      catch (NullReferenceException e)
         // GetEmployeeID throws NullReferenceException when there is
         // no such employee with the given name. When this happens,
         // post the Exception object to the Exception target of
         // the batched join block.

   // Set the batched join block to the completed state and wait for
   // all retrieval operations to complete.

   // Print the total error count.
   Console.WriteLine("Finished. There were {0} total errors.", totalErrors);
' Displays information about several random employees to the console.
Private Shared Sub GetRandomEmployees(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal batchSize As Integer, ByVal count As Integer)
    ' Create a BatchedJoinBlock<Employee, Exception> object that holds
    ' both employee and exception data.
    Dim selectEmployees = New BatchedJoinBlock(Of Employee, Exception)(batchSize)

    ' Holds the total number of exceptions that occurred.
    Dim totalErrors As Integer = 0

    ' Create an action block that prints employee and error information
    ' to the console.
    Dim printEmployees = New ActionBlock(Of Tuple(Of IList(Of Employee), IList(Of Exception)))(Sub(data)
                                                                                                   ' Print information about the employees in this batch.
                                                                                                   ' Print the error count for this batch.
                                                                                                   ' Update total error count.
                                                                                                   Console.WriteLine("Received a batch...")
                                                                                                   For Each e As Employee In data.Item1
                                                                                                       Console.WriteLine("Last={0} First={1} ID={2}", e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.EmployeeID)
                                                                                                   Next e
                                                                                                   Console.WriteLine("There were {0} errors in this batch...", data.Item2.Count)
                                                                                                   totalErrors += data.Item2.Count
                                                                                               End Sub)

    ' Link the batched join block to the action block.

    ' When the batched join block completes, set the action block also to complete.
    selectEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(Sub() printEmployees.Complete())

    ' Try to retrieve the ID for several random employees.
    Console.WriteLine("Selecting random entries from Employees table...")
    For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
            ' Create a random employee.
            Dim e As Employee = Employee.Random()

            ' Try to retrieve the ID for the employee from the database.
            e.EmployeeID = GetEmployeeID(e.LastName, e.FirstName, connectionString)

            ' Post the Employee object to the Employee target of 
            ' the batched join block.
        Catch e As NullReferenceException
            ' GetEmployeeID throws NullReferenceException when there is 
            ' no such employee with the given name. When this happens,
            ' post the Exception object to the Exception target of
            ' the batched join block.
        End Try
    Next i

    ' Set the batched join block to the completed state and wait for 
    ' all retrieval operations to complete.

    ' Print the total error count.
    Console.WriteLine("Finished. There were {0} total errors.", totalErrors)
End Sub

Este método imprime información sobre empleados aleatorios en la consola. Crea varios objetos Employee aleatorios y llama al método GetEmployeeID para recuperar el identificador único para cada objeto. Debido a que el método GetEmployeeID produce una excepción si no hay ningún empleado coincidente con los nombres y apellidos dados, el método GetRandomEmployees utiliza la clase BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2> para almacenar objetos Employee para llamadas correctas a GetEmployeeID y objetos System.Exception para llamadas que dan error. El objeto ActionBlock<TInput> en este ejemplo actúa sobre un objeto Tuple<T1,T2> que contiene una lista de objetos Employee y una lista de objetos Exception. El objeto BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2> propaga estos datos cuando la suma del objeto Employee y Exception recibido es igual que el tamaño del lote.

Ejemplo completo

El ejemplo siguiente muestra el código completo: El método Main compara el tiempo necesario para realizar inserciones por lotes de la base de datos frente al tiempo necesario para realizar inserciones sin lotes de la base de datos. También muestra el uso de una combinación almacenada en búfer para leer datos de empleados de la base de datos, así como notificar errores.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;

// Demonstrates how to use batched dataflow blocks to improve
// the performance of database operations.
namespace DataflowBatchDatabase
   class Program
      // The number of employees to add to the database.
      // TODO: Change this value to experiment with different numbers of
      // employees to insert into the database.
      static readonly int insertCount = 256;

      // The size of a single batch of employees to add to the database.
      // TODO: Change this value to experiment with different batch sizes.
      static readonly int insertBatchSize = 96;

      // The source database file.
      // TODO: Change this value if Northwind.sdf is at a different location
      // on your computer.
      static readonly string sourceDatabase =
         @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Samples\Northwind.sdf";

      // TODO: Change this value if you require a different temporary location.
      static readonly string scratchDatabase =

      // Describes an employee. Each property maps to a
      // column in the Employees table in the Northwind database.
      // For brevity, the Employee class does not contain
      // all columns from the Employees table.
      class Employee
         public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
         public string LastName { get; set; }
         public string FirstName { get; set; }

         // A random number generator that helps tp generate
         // Employee property values.
         static Random rand = new Random(42);

         // Possible random first names.
         static readonly string[] firstNames = { "Tom", "Mike", "Ruth", "Bob", "John" };
         // Possible random last names.
         static readonly string[] lastNames = { "Jones", "Smith", "Johnson", "Walker" };

         // Creates an Employee object that contains random
         // property values.
         public static Employee Random()
            return new Employee
               EmployeeID = -1,
               LastName = lastNames[rand.Next() % lastNames.Length],
               FirstName = firstNames[rand.Next() % firstNames.Length]

      // Adds new employee records to the database.
      static void InsertEmployees(Employee[] employees, string connectionString)
         using (SqlCeConnection connection =
            new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
               // Create the SQL command.
               SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(
                  "INSERT INTO Employees ([Last Name], [First Name])" +
                  "VALUES (@lastName, @firstName)",

               for (int i = 0; i < employees.Length; i++)
                  // Set parameters.
                  command.Parameters.Add("@lastName", employees[i].LastName);
                  command.Parameters.Add("@firstName", employees[i].FirstName);

                  // Execute the command.

      // Retrieves the number of entries in the Employees table in
      // the Northwind database.
      static int GetEmployeeCount(string connectionString)
         int result = 0;
         using (SqlCeConnection sqlConnection =
            new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
            SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCeCommand(
               "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees", sqlConnection);

               result = (int)sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar();
         return result;

      // Retrieves the ID of the first employee that has the provided name.
      static int GetEmployeeID(string lastName, string firstName,
         string connectionString)
         using (SqlCeConnection connection =
            new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
            SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(
                  "SELECT [Employee ID] FROM Employees " +
                  "WHERE [Last Name] = '{0}' AND [First Name] = '{1}'",
                  lastName, firstName),

               return (int)command.ExecuteScalar();

      // Posts random Employee data to the provided target block.
      static void PostRandomEmployees(ITargetBlock<Employee> target, int count)
         Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} entries to Employee table...", count);

         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

      // Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
      static void AddEmployees(string connectionString, int count)
         // Create an ActionBlock<Employee> object that adds a single
         // employee entry to the database.
         var insertEmployee = new ActionBlock<Employee>(e =>
            InsertEmployees(new Employee[] { e }, connectionString));

         // Post several random Employee objects to the dataflow block.
         PostRandomEmployees(insertEmployee, count);

         // Set the dataflow block to the completed state and wait for
         // all insert operations to complete.

      // Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
      // This method is similar to AddEmployees except that it uses batching
      // to add multiple employees to the database at a time.
      static void AddEmployeesBatched(string connectionString, int batchSize,
         int count)
         // Create a BatchBlock<Employee> that holds several Employee objects and
         // then propagates them out as an array.
         var batchEmployees = new BatchBlock<Employee>(batchSize);

         // Create an ActionBlock<Employee[]> object that adds multiple
         // employee entries to the database.
         var insertEmployees = new ActionBlock<Employee[]>(a =>
            InsertEmployees(a, connectionString));

         // Link the batch block to the action block.

         // When the batch block completes, set the action block also to complete.
         batchEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(delegate { insertEmployees.Complete(); });

         // Post several random Employee objects to the batch block.
         PostRandomEmployees(batchEmployees, count);

         // Set the batch block to the completed state and wait for
         // all insert operations to complete.

      // Displays information about several random employees to the console.
      static void GetRandomEmployees(string connectionString, int batchSize,
         int count)
         // Create a BatchedJoinBlock<Employee, Exception> object that holds
         // both employee and exception data.
         var selectEmployees = new BatchedJoinBlock<Employee, Exception>(batchSize);

         // Holds the total number of exceptions that occurred.
         int totalErrors = 0;

         // Create an action block that prints employee and error information
         // to the console.
         var printEmployees =
            new ActionBlock<Tuple<IList<Employee>, IList<Exception>>>(data =>
               // Print information about the employees in this batch.
               Console.WriteLine("Received a batch...");
               foreach (Employee e in data.Item1)
                  Console.WriteLine("Last={0} First={1} ID={2}",
                     e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.EmployeeID);

               // Print the error count for this batch.
               Console.WriteLine("There were {0} errors in this batch...",

               // Update total error count.
               totalErrors += data.Item2.Count;

         // Link the batched join block to the action block.

         // When the batched join block completes, set the action block also to complete.
         selectEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(delegate { printEmployees.Complete(); });

         // Try to retrieve the ID for several random employees.
         Console.WriteLine("Selecting random entries from Employees table...");
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
               // Create a random employee.
               Employee e = Employee.Random();

               // Try to retrieve the ID for the employee from the database.
               e.EmployeeID = GetEmployeeID(e.LastName, e.FirstName, connectionString);

               // Post the Employee object to the Employee target of
               // the batched join block.
            catch (NullReferenceException e)
               // GetEmployeeID throws NullReferenceException when there is
               // no such employee with the given name. When this happens,
               // post the Exception object to the Exception target of
               // the batched join block.

         // Set the batched join block to the completed state and wait for
         // all retrieval operations to complete.

         // Print the total error count.
         Console.WriteLine("Finished. There were {0} total errors.", totalErrors);

      static void Main(string[] args)
         // Create a connection string for accessing the database.
         // The connection string refers to the temporary database location.
         string connectionString = string.Format(@"Data Source={0}",

         // Create a Stopwatch object to time database insert operations.
         Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

         // Start with a clean database file by copying the source database to
         // the temporary location.
         File.Copy(sourceDatabase, scratchDatabase, true);

         // Demonstrate multiple insert operations without batching.
         Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating non-batched database insert operations...");
         Console.WriteLine("Original size of Employee table: {0}.",
         AddEmployees(connectionString, insertCount);
         Console.WriteLine("New size of Employee table: {0}; elapsed insert time: {1} ms.",
            GetEmployeeCount(connectionString), stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


         // Start again with a clean database file.
         File.Copy(sourceDatabase, scratchDatabase, true);

         // Demonstrate multiple insert operations, this time with batching.
         Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating batched database insert operations...");
         Console.WriteLine("Original size of Employee table: {0}.",
         AddEmployeesBatched(connectionString, insertBatchSize, insertCount);
         Console.WriteLine("New size of Employee table: {0}; elapsed insert time: {1} ms.",
            GetEmployeeCount(connectionString), stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


         // Start again with a clean database file.
         File.Copy(sourceDatabase, scratchDatabase, true);

         // Demonstrate multiple retrieval operations with error reporting.
         Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating batched join database select operations...");
         // Add a small number of employees to the database.
         AddEmployeesBatched(connectionString, insertBatchSize, 16);
         // Query for random employees.
         GetRandomEmployees(connectionString, insertBatchSize, 10);
/* Sample output:
Demonstrating non-batched database insert operations...
Original size of Employee table: 15.
Adding 256 entries to Employee table...
New size of Employee table: 271; elapsed insert time: 11035 ms.

Demonstrating batched database insert operations...
Original size of Employee table: 15.
Adding 256 entries to Employee table...
New size of Employee table: 271; elapsed insert time: 197 ms.

Demonstrating batched join database insert operations...
Adding 16 entries to Employee table...
Selecting items from Employee table...
Received a batch...
Last=Jones First=Tom ID=21
Last=Jones First=John ID=24
Last=Smith First=Tom ID=26
Last=Jones First=Tom ID=21
There were 4 errors in this batch...
Received a batch...
Last=Smith First=Tom ID=26
Last=Jones First=Mike ID=28
There were 0 errors in this batch...
Finished. There were 4 total errors.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow

' Demonstrates how to use batched dataflow blocks to improve
' the performance of database operations.
Namespace DataflowBatchDatabase
    Friend Class Program
        ' The number of employees to add to the database.
        ' TODO: Change this value to experiment with different numbers of 
        ' employees to insert into the database.
        Private Shared ReadOnly insertCount As Integer = 256

        ' The size of a single batch of employees to add to the database.
        ' TODO: Change this value to experiment with different batch sizes.
        Private Shared ReadOnly insertBatchSize As Integer = 96

        ' The source database file.
        ' TODO: Change this value if Northwind.sdf is at a different location
        ' on your computer.
        Private Shared ReadOnly sourceDatabase As String = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Samples\Northwind.sdf"

        ' TODO: Change this value if you require a different temporary location.
        Private Shared ReadOnly scratchDatabase As String = "C:\Temp\Northwind.sdf"

        ' Describes an employee. Each property maps to a 
        ' column in the Employees table in the Northwind database.
        ' For brevity, the Employee class does not contain
        ' all columns from the Employees table.
        Private Class Employee
            Public Property EmployeeID() As Integer
            Public Property LastName() As String
            Public Property FirstName() As String

            ' A random number generator that helps tp generate
            ' Employee property values.
            Private Shared rand As New Random(42)

            ' Possible random first names.
            Private Shared ReadOnly firstNames() As String = {"Tom", "Mike", "Ruth", "Bob", "John"}
            ' Possible random last names.
            Private Shared ReadOnly lastNames() As String = {"Jones", "Smith", "Johnson", "Walker"}

            ' Creates an Employee object that contains random 
            ' property values.
            Public Shared Function Random() As Employee
                Return New Employee With {.EmployeeID = -1, .LastName = lastNames(rand.Next() Mod lastNames.Length), .FirstName = firstNames(rand.Next() Mod firstNames.Length)}
            End Function
        End Class

        ' Adds new employee records to the database.
        Private Shared Sub InsertEmployees(ByVal employees() As Employee, ByVal connectionString As String)
            Using connection As New SqlCeConnection(connectionString)
                    ' Create the SQL command.
                    Dim command As New SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Employees ([Last Name], [First Name])" & "VALUES (@lastName, @firstName)", connection)

                    For i As Integer = 0 To employees.Length - 1
                        ' Set parameters.
                        command.Parameters.Add("@lastName", employees(i).LastName)
                        command.Parameters.Add("@firstName", employees(i).FirstName)

                        ' Execute the command.
                    Next i
                End Try
            End Using
        End Sub

        ' Retrieves the number of entries in the Employees table in 
        ' the Northwind database.
        Private Shared Function GetEmployeeCount(ByVal connectionString As String) As Integer
            Dim result As Integer = 0
            Using sqlConnection As New SqlCeConnection(connectionString)
                Dim sqlCommand As New SqlCeCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees", sqlConnection)

                    result = CInt(Fix(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()))
                End Try
            End Using
            Return result
        End Function

        ' Retrieves the ID of the first employee that has the provided name.
        Private Shared Function GetEmployeeID(ByVal lastName As String, ByVal firstName As String, ByVal connectionString As String) As Integer
            Using connection As New SqlCeConnection(connectionString)
                Dim command As New SqlCeCommand(String.Format("SELECT [Employee ID] FROM Employees " & "WHERE [Last Name] = '{0}' AND [First Name] = '{1}'", lastName, firstName), connection)

                    Return CInt(Fix(command.ExecuteScalar()))
                End Try
            End Using
        End Function

        ' Posts random Employee data to the provided target block.
        Private Shared Sub PostRandomEmployees(ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of Employee), ByVal count As Integer)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} entries to Employee table...", count)

            For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
            Next i
        End Sub

        ' Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
        Private Shared Sub AddEmployees(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal count As Integer)
            ' Create an ActionBlock<Employee> object that adds a single
            ' employee entry to the database.
            Dim insertEmployee = New ActionBlock(Of Employee)(Sub(e) InsertEmployees(New Employee() {e}, connectionString))

            ' Post several random Employee objects to the dataflow block.
            PostRandomEmployees(insertEmployee, count)

            ' Set the dataflow block to the completed state and wait for 
            ' all insert operations to complete.
        End Sub

        ' Adds random employee data to the database by using dataflow.
        ' This method is similar to AddEmployees except that it uses batching
        ' to add multiple employees to the database at a time.
        Private Shared Sub AddEmployeesBatched(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal batchSize As Integer, ByVal count As Integer)
            ' Create a BatchBlock<Employee> that holds several Employee objects and
            ' then propagates them out as an array.
            Dim batchEmployees = New BatchBlock(Of Employee)(batchSize)

            ' Create an ActionBlock<Employee[]> object that adds multiple
            ' employee entries to the database.
            Dim insertEmployees = New ActionBlock(Of Employee())(Sub(a) Program.InsertEmployees(a, connectionString))

            ' Link the batch block to the action block.

            ' When the batch block completes, set the action block also to complete.
            batchEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(Sub() insertEmployees.Complete())

            ' Post several random Employee objects to the batch block.
            PostRandomEmployees(batchEmployees, count)

            ' Set the batch block to the completed state and wait for 
            ' all insert operations to complete.
        End Sub

        ' Displays information about several random employees to the console.
        Private Shared Sub GetRandomEmployees(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal batchSize As Integer, ByVal count As Integer)
            ' Create a BatchedJoinBlock<Employee, Exception> object that holds
            ' both employee and exception data.
            Dim selectEmployees = New BatchedJoinBlock(Of Employee, Exception)(batchSize)

            ' Holds the total number of exceptions that occurred.
            Dim totalErrors As Integer = 0

            ' Create an action block that prints employee and error information
            ' to the console.
            Dim printEmployees = New ActionBlock(Of Tuple(Of IList(Of Employee), IList(Of Exception)))(Sub(data)
                                                                                                           ' Print information about the employees in this batch.
                                                                                                           ' Print the error count for this batch.
                                                                                                           ' Update total error count.
                                                                                                           Console.WriteLine("Received a batch...")
                                                                                                           For Each e As Employee In data.Item1
                                                                                                               Console.WriteLine("Last={0} First={1} ID={2}", e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.EmployeeID)
                                                                                                           Next e
                                                                                                           Console.WriteLine("There were {0} errors in this batch...", data.Item2.Count)
                                                                                                           totalErrors += data.Item2.Count
                                                                                                       End Sub)

            ' Link the batched join block to the action block.

            ' When the batched join block completes, set the action block also to complete.
            selectEmployees.Completion.ContinueWith(Sub() printEmployees.Complete())

            ' Try to retrieve the ID for several random employees.
            Console.WriteLine("Selecting random entries from Employees table...")
            For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
                    ' Create a random employee.
                    Dim e As Employee = Employee.Random()

                    ' Try to retrieve the ID for the employee from the database.
                    e.EmployeeID = GetEmployeeID(e.LastName, e.FirstName, connectionString)

                    ' Post the Employee object to the Employee target of 
                    ' the batched join block.
                Catch e As NullReferenceException
                    ' GetEmployeeID throws NullReferenceException when there is 
                    ' no such employee with the given name. When this happens,
                    ' post the Exception object to the Exception target of
                    ' the batched join block.
                End Try
            Next i

            ' Set the batched join block to the completed state and wait for 
            ' all retrieval operations to complete.

            ' Print the total error count.
            Console.WriteLine("Finished. There were {0} total errors.", totalErrors)
        End Sub

        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Create a connection string for accessing the database.
            ' The connection string refers to the temporary database location.
            Dim connectionString As String = String.Format("Data Source={0}", scratchDatabase)

            ' Create a Stopwatch object to time database insert operations.
            Dim stopwatch As New Stopwatch()

            ' Start with a clean database file by copying the source database to 
            ' the temporary location.
            File.Copy(sourceDatabase, scratchDatabase, True)

            ' Demonstrate multiple insert operations without batching.
            Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating non-batched database insert operations...")
            Console.WriteLine("Original size of Employee table: {0}.", GetEmployeeCount(connectionString))
            AddEmployees(connectionString, insertCount)
            Console.WriteLine("New size of Employee table: {0}; elapsed insert time: {1} ms.", GetEmployeeCount(connectionString), stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)


            ' Start again with a clean database file.
            File.Copy(sourceDatabase, scratchDatabase, True)

            ' Demonstrate multiple insert operations, this time with batching.
            Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating batched database insert operations...")
            Console.WriteLine("Original size of Employee table: {0}.", GetEmployeeCount(connectionString))
            AddEmployeesBatched(connectionString, insertBatchSize, insertCount)
            Console.WriteLine("New size of Employee table: {0}; elapsed insert time: {1} ms.", GetEmployeeCount(connectionString), stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)


            ' Start again with a clean database file.
            File.Copy(sourceDatabase, scratchDatabase, True)

            ' Demonstrate multiple retrieval operations with error reporting.
            Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating batched join database select operations...")
            ' Add a small number of employees to the database.
            AddEmployeesBatched(connectionString, insertBatchSize, 16)
            ' Query for random employees.
            GetRandomEmployees(connectionString, insertBatchSize, 10)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
' Sample output:
'Demonstrating non-batched database insert operations...
'Original size of Employee table: 15.
'Adding 256 entries to Employee table...
'New size of Employee table: 271; elapsed insert time: 11035 ms.
'Demonstrating batched database insert operations...
'Original size of Employee table: 15.
'Adding 256 entries to Employee table...
'New size of Employee table: 271; elapsed insert time: 197 ms.
'Demonstrating batched join database insert operations...
'Adding 16 entries to Employee table...
'Selecting items from Employee table...
'Received a batch...
'Last=Jones First=Tom ID=21
'Last=Jones First=John ID=24
'Last=Smith First=Tom ID=26
'Last=Jones First=Tom ID=21
'There were 4 errors in this batch...
'Received a batch...
'Last=Smith First=Tom ID=26
'Last=Jones First=Mike ID=28
'There were 0 errors in this batch...
'Finished. There were 4 total errors.

Vea también