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(RUS) Fixed requisites (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click General ledger > Setup > Financial reports generator > Fixed requisites.

Use this form to create requisites with fixed values or values that can be retrieved from database tables, and requisites that are used in multiple templates. Fixed requisites are used to customize document templates for electronic reporting.

Task that uses this form

(RUS) Set up a fixed requisite

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create a fixed requisite.


Update the requisite details.


Enter the query and value details for the selected requisite.





Open the Requisites import form, where you can import fixed requisites from a Microsoft Excel file.


Move the selected line one position up.


This button is available on the Expression tab.


Move the selected line one position down.


This button is available on the Expression tab.





Enter an identification number for the requisite.


Enter a name for the requisite.


Update the XML attribute name. By default, the requisite identification number that is entered is displayed in this field. The attribute name is used when the requisite is exported to an output file.


Select the requisite type from the following options:

  • Value – Set values by entering them manually in the Value field or by running macros. For XML format versions, use the Value requisite type, and compile the value by using macros.

  • Expression – The Value field on the Expression tab is updated by using the queries that are set up in the Queries form. This option is available if the requisite value has several fields stored in the queries database tables, or if it is calculated based on the data in the function that is supplemented with manually entered values.

  • File ID – The Value field is updated automatically when you upload the electronic documents to the tax authorities. Use the File ID requisite type for reports that are submitted in text formats.

  • Requisites number – The Value field is updated automatically when you import the data. If the Content check box in the Document templates form is selected for a section, all related child section requisites are included in this requisite. Use the Requisites number requisite type for reports that are submitted in text formats.

  • File name – This requisite is used to define the file naming rule. You can create multiple fixed file name requisites, and then select the appropriate requisite in the Periods of formats application form for each format version. When the document is exported to an output file, the file name is created according to the name entered in the Value field, and appropriate values are used instead of macros. To use the value of the requisite to create the file name, select the File name requisite type.


Enter the value of the requisite and the appropriate macros.


This field is available only when you select Value or File name in the Type field.

Data type

Select the requisite data type from the following options:

  • General – The requisite can have any kind of value.

  • Numeric – The requisite must be numeric. If a cell contains text, the imported value of the requisite is blank.

  • Text – The requisite can have any value.

  • Date – The requisite must be in date format. If a cell contains any other type of value, the value of the requisite is blank.

  • Conditional – The requisite depends on the values displayed in the cells when the requisite is imported. If a cell is not blank, the requisite value is updated with the value in the Value field in the right section of the Requisites setup form. Otherwise, the requisite value is updated with the value in the Default field.

Output type

Select the requisite output type from the following options:

  • Optional – The requisite is excluded from the report file if the requisite value is blank.

  • Required – The requisite is required and is always included in the report file. The requisite value cannot be blank.

  • Predefined – A requisite code must be available. The requisite value can be blank.

Extended data type

Select the extended data type to verify the value of the requisite that is imported.


Select the alignment of the text in the Value field. You can select Default, Left, Right, or Center.

String length

Enter the string length.

Fractional part

Enter the number of decimal places in the numeric value.

Empty symbol

Enter the character that is entered between the prefix and postfix values to complete the string length.


Enter the name of the Excel worksheet that is used by default.


Enter the cell name in the Excel worksheet that is used by default.


Select a query for the requisite.


Select the name of the main query table.

Field name

Select the name of the field in the table.


Enter the value that must precede the value of the selected field.


Enter the value that must follow the value of the selected field.

See also

(RUS) Create a query for electronic reporting

(RUS) Queries (form)

(RUS) Documents (form)

(RUS) Periods of formats application (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).