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(RUS) Report (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click General ledger > Setup > Financial reports generator > Financial reports generator.

Use the Report form to set up the financial reports generator. The financial reports generator (FRG) lets you generate reports by using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel templates. The reports can include data for ledger transactions, budget transactions, and calculated tax registers.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter a list of all of the reports that are set up.


Update the parameters for report generation.

Type of transactions

Enter the parameters for filtering transactions.

Reversing entry

Filter the transactions based on the reversing entry.


This tab is available when you select Transactions in the Data field.

Type of operation

Filter the transactions by transaction type.


This tab is available when you select Transactions in the Data field.


Filter the transactions by accounting type.


This tab is available when you select Transactions in the Data field.

Financial dimensions

Enter the dimension name and the dimension range to filter transactions by financial dimensions.





Open the template file.


Open the Field setup form, where you can set up cell operations and create report cells.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Copy – Open the Copy report settings into a new report form, where you can copy a cell, along with all of its settings and cell operations, from any report for any company to the current report.

  • Create financial report lines – Open the Create or update FRG lines form, where you can create or update the financial report.




Report code

Enter the report code.


Enter a description for the report.


Select the document template.


Select the currency from which the report is created, from the following options:

  • Base currency – All of the data on the report is presented in the default currency of the company.

  • Reporting currency – All of the data on the report is presented in the secondary currency of the company.


Select the period for calculation.


Select the default data source for the report, from the following options:

  • Transactions – Data about the posted vouchers for ledger accounts is available on the report.

  • Budget – Data from the budget transactions is available on the report.

  • Register – Data from tax register transactions is available on the report.

  • Constant – Data is generated from a predefined constant.

  • Function query - Data is generated from a predefined function query.

  • Contractor – Data from the customer, vendor, or employee transactions is available on the report.

  • Fixed requisite – Data is generated from a predefined fixed requisite.

Budget model

Select the budget model number.


This field is available when you select Budget in the Data field.

Output to

Select the application to use to create the report, from the following options:

  • Microsoft Office Word

  • Microsoft Office Excel

File name

Select the report template file path.


Any user with rights to access the financial reports generator can generate a report and then save the template in a shared network folder. However, if the template is saved in the local folder of the user, the report can only be generated from the workstation of the user.


Enter the value that the report data is divided by.

Fractional part

Enter the number of decimal places that are entered on the report that is generated.

Transaction usage

Select the type of transaction that is taken into account when the report is created, from the following options:

  • All – View all transactions.

  • Only reversing entry – View reverse transactions.

  • Without reversing entry – Hide reverse transactions.

Transaction type

Select the transaction type.


The transaction type determines from which module the transactions are used when the report is generated.

Posting layer

Select the code for current, operating, or fiscal transactions, from the following options:

  • Current

  • Operations

  • Tax

  • Operations minus tax

  • Only operations

  • Only tax

  • Operations plus tax

  • Total

  • Dual warehouse


Select the dimension name.


Select the starting code for the dimension range for which the transactions should be included on the report.


Select the ending code for the dimension range for which the transactions should be included on the report.

See also

(RUS) Field setup (form)

(RUS) Financial report generator parameters copying (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).