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Formats a secure device address given a unique device id for platforms that don't support SDAs.


HRESULT XblFormatSecureDeviceAddress(  
         const char* deviceId,  
         XblFormattedSecureDeviceAddress* address  


deviceId   _In_
Type: char*

A unique id to represent this device for the lifetime of the local game process/instance.

address   _Inout_
Type: XblFormattedSecureDeviceAddress*

Passes back the formatted secure device address.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


Formats the deviceId string according to the following recommendation: Generate 16 random bytes(e.g., a GUID) to be used for the lifetime of the local game process/instance to uniquely represent the device. Format the 'secureDeviceAddress' to be a string with the prefix "AAAAAAAA" (8 capital letter As) followed by the 32 character hexadecimal representation of the random bytes(upper or lower case letters don't matter, nor does the byte order if the bytes are an actual structured GUID). For example, "AAAAAAAA00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF". Call XblMultiplayerSessionCurrentUserSetSecureDeviceAddressBase64 using the formatted SDA to set the SDA for the user.


Header: multiplayer_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
