authority - Url of the authority. If no value is set, defaults to
knownAuthorities - Needed for Azure B2C and ADFS. All authorities that will be used in the client application. Only the host of the authority should be passed in.
clientSecret - Secret string that the application uses when requesting a token. Only used in confidential client applications. Can be created in the Azure app registration portal.
clientAssertion - Assertion string that the application uses when requesting a token. Only used in confidential client applications. Assertion should be of type urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer.
clientCertificate - Certificate that the application uses when requesting a token. Only used in confidential client applications. Requires hex encoded X.509 SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificiate, and the PEM encoded private key (string should contain -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY----- )
protocolMode - Enum that represents the protocol that msal follows. Used for configuring proper endpoints.
skipAuthorityMetadataCache - A flag to choose whether to use or not use the local metadata cache during authority initialization. Defaults to false.