Scalar function types at a glance
Applies to: ✅ Microsoft Fabric ✅ Azure Data Explorer ✅ Azure Monitor ✅ Microsoft Sentinel
This article lists all available scalar functions grouped by type. For aggregation functions, see Aggregation function types.
Function Name | Description |
binary_and() | Returns a result of the bitwise and operation between two values. |
binary_not() | Returns a bitwise negation of the input value. |
binary_or() | Returns a result of the bitwise or operation of the two values. |
binary_shift_left() | Returns binary shift left operation on a pair of numbers: a << n. |
binary_shift_right() | Returns binary shift right operation on a pair of numbers: a >> n. |
binary_xor() | Returns a result of the bitwise xor operation of the two values. |
bitset_count_ones() | Returns the number of set bits in the binary representation of a number. |
Function Name | Description |
tobool() | Convert inputs to boolean (signed 8-bit) representation. |
todatetime() | Converts input to datetime scalar. |
todouble() | Converts the input to a value of type real. |
tostring() | Converts input to a string representation. |
totimespan() | Converts input to timespan scalar. |
Function Name | Description |
ago() | Subtracts the given timespan from the current UTC clock time. |
datetime_add() | Calculates a new datetime from a specified datepart multiplied by a specified amount, added to a specified datetime. |
datetime_diff() | Returns the end of the year containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
datetime_local_to_utc() | Converts local datetime to UTC datetime using a time-zone specification. |
datetime_part() | Extracts the requested date part as an integer value. |
datetime_utc_to_local() | Converts UTC datetimgoe to local datetime using a time-zone specification. |
dayofmonth() | Returns the integer number representing the day number of the given month. |
dayofweek() | Returns the integer number of days since the preceding Sunday, as a timespan. |
dayofyear() | Returns the integer number represents the day number of the given year. |
endofday() | Returns the end of the day containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
endofmonth() | Returns the end of the month containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
endofweek() | Returns the end of the week containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
endofyear() | Returns the end of the year containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
format_datetime() | Formats a datetime parameter based on the format pattern parameter. |
format_timespan() | Formats a format-timespan parameter based on the format pattern parameter. |
getyear() | Returns the year part of the datetime argument. |
hourofday() | Returns the integer number representing the hour number of the given date. |
make_datetime() | Creates a datetime scalar value from the specified date and time. |
make_timespan() | Creates a timespan scalar value from the specified time period. |
monthofyear() | Returns the integer number that represents the month number of the given year. |
now() | Returns the current UTC clock time, optionally offset by a given timespan. |
startofday() | Returns the start of the day containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
startofmonth() | Returns the start of the month containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
startofweek() | Returns the start of the week containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
startofyear() | Returns the start of the year containing the date, shifted by an offset, if provided. |
todatetime() | Converts input to datetime scalar. |
totimespan() | Converts input to timespan scalar. |
unixtime_microseconds_todatetime() | Converts unix-epoch microseconds to UTC datetime. |
unixtime_milliseconds_todatetime() | Converts unix-epoch milliseconds to UTC datetime. |
unixtime_nanoseconds_todatetime() | Converts unix-epoch nanoseconds to UTC datetime. |
unixtime_seconds_todatetime() | Converts unix-epoch seconds to UTC datetime. |
weekofyear() | Returns an integer representing the week number. |
Function Name | Description |
array_concat() | Concatenates a number of dynamic arrays to a single array. |
array_iff() | Applies element-wise iif function on arrays. |
array_index_of() | Searches the array for the specified item, and returns its position. |
array_length() | Calculates the number of elements in a dynamic array. |
array_reverse() | Reverses the order of the elements in a dynamic array. |
array_rotate_left() | Rotates values inside a dynamic array to the left. |
array_rotate_right() | Rotates values inside a dynamic array to the right. |
array_shift_left() | Shifts values inside a dynamic array to the left. |
array_shift_right() | Shifts values inside a dynamic array to the right. |
array_slice() | Extracts a slice of a dynamic array. |
array_sort_asc() | Sorts a collection of arrays in ascending order. |
array_sort_desc() | Sorts a collection of arrays in descending order. |
array_split() | Builds an array of arrays split from the input array. |
array_sum() | Calculates the sum of a dynamic array. |
bag_has_key() |
Checks whether a dynamic bag column contains a given key. |
bag_keys() | Enumerates all the root keys in a dynamic property-bag object. |
bag_merge() | Merges dynamic property-bags into a dynamic property-bag with all properties merged. |
bag_pack() | Creates a dynamic object (property bag) from a list of names and values. |
bag_pack_columns() | Creates a dynamic object (property bag) from a list of columns. |
bag_remove_keys() | Removes keys and associated values from a dynamic property-bag. |
bag_set_key() | Sets a given key to a given value in a dynamic property-bag. |
jaccard_index() | Computes the Jaccard index of two sets. |
pack_all() | Creates a dynamic object (property bag) from all the columns of the tabular expression. |
pack_array() | Packs all input values into a dynamic array. |
repeat() | Generates a dynamic array holding a series of equal values. |
set_difference() | Returns an array of the set of all distinct values that are in the first array but aren't in other arrays. |
set_has_element() | Determines whether the specified array contains the specified element. |
set_intersect() | Returns an array of the set of all distinct values that are in all arrays. |
set_union() | Returns an array of the set of all distinct values that are in any of provided arrays. |
treepath() | Enumerates all the path expressions that identify leaves in a dynamic object. |
zip() | The zip function accepts any number of dynamic arrays. Returns an array whose elements are each an array with the elements of the input arrays of the same index. |
Function Name | Description |
next() | For the serialized row set, returns a value of a specified column from the later row according to the offset. |
prev() | For the serialized row set, returns a value of a specified column from the earlier row according to the offset. |
row_cumsum() | Calculates the cumulative sum of a column. |
row_number() | Returns a row's number in the serialized row set - consecutive numbers starting from a given index or from 1 by default. |
row_rank_dense() | Returns a row's dense rank in the serialized row set. |
row_rank_min() | Returns a row's minimal rank in the serialized row set. |
Function Name | Description |
toscalar() | Returns a scalar constant value of the evaluated expression. |
Function Name | Description |
abs() | Calculates the absolute value of the input. |
acos() | Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number (the inverse operation of cos()). |
asin() | Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number (the inverse operation of sin()). |
atan() | Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number (the inverse operation of tan()). |
atan2() | Calculates the angle, in radians, between the positive x-axis and the ray from the origin to the point (y, x). |
beta_cdf() | Returns the standard cumulative beta distribution function. |
beta_inv() | Returns the inverse of the beta cumulative probability beta density function. |
beta_pdf() | Returns the probability density beta function. |
cos() | Returns the cosine function. |
cot() | Calculates the trigonometric cotangent of the specified angle, in radians. |
degrees() | Converts angle value in radians into value in degrees, using formula degrees = (180 / PI) * angle-in-radians. |
erf() | Returns the error function. |
erfc() | Returns the complementary error function. |
exp() | The base-e exponential function of x, which is e raised to the power x: e^x. |
exp10() | The base-10 exponential function of x, which is 10 raised to the power x: 10^x. |
exp2() | The base-2 exponential function of x, which is 2 raised to the power x: 2^x. |
gamma() | Computes gamma function. |
isfinite() | Returns whether input is a finite value (isn't infinite or NaN). |
isinf() | Returns whether input is an infinite (positive or negative) value. |
isnan() | Returns whether input is Not-a-Number (NaN) value. |
log() | Returns the natural logarithm function. |
log10() | Returns the common (base-10) logarithm function. |
log2() | Returns the base-2 logarithm function. |
loggamma() | Computes log of absolute value of the gamma function. |
not() | Reverses the value of its bool argument. |
pi() | Returns the constant value of Pi (π). |
pow() | Returns a result of raising to power. |
radians() | Converts angle value in degrees into value in radians, using formula radians = (PI / 180) * angle-in-degrees. |
rand() | Returns a random number. |
range() | Generates a dynamic array holding a series of equally spaced values. |
round() | Returns the rounded source to the specified precision. |
sign() | Sign of a numeric expression. |
sin() | Returns the sine function. |
sqrt() | Returns the square root function. |
tan() | Returns the tangent function. |
welch_test() | Computes the p-value of the Welch-test function. |
Function Name | Description |
column_ifexists() | Takes a column name as a string and a default value. Returns a reference to the column if it exists, otherwise - returns the default value. |
current_cluster_endpoint() | Returns the current cluster running the query. |
current_database() | Returns the name of the database in scope. |
current_principal() | Returns the current principal running this query. |
current_principal_details() | Returns details of the principal running the query. |
current_principal_is_member_of() | Checks group membership or principal identity of the current principal running the query. |
cursor_after() | Used to access to the records that were ingested after the previous value of the cursor. |
estimate_data_size() | Returns an estimated data size of the selected columns of the tabular expression. |
extent_id() | Returns a unique identifier that identifies the data shard ("extent") that the current record resides in. |
extent_tags() | Returns a dynamic array with the tags of the data shard ("extent") that the current record resides in. |
ingestion_time() | Retrieves the record's $IngestionTime hidden datetime column, or null. |
Function Name | Description |
bin() | Rounds values down to an integer multiple of a given bin size. |
bin_at() | Rounds values down to a fixed-size "bin", with control over the bin's starting point. (See also bin function.) |
ceiling() | Calculates the smallest integer greater than, or equal to, the specified numeric expression. |
Function Name | Description |
case() | Evaluates a list of predicates and returns the first result expression whose predicate is satisfied. |
coalesce() | Evaluates a list of expressions and returns the first non-null (or non-empty for string) expression. |
iff() | Evaluate the first argument (the predicate), and returns the value of either the second or third arguments, depending on whether the predicate evaluated to true (second) or false (third). |
max_of() | Returns the maximum value of several evaluated numeric expressions. |
min_of() | Returns the minimum value of several evaluated numeric expressions. |
Function Name | Description |
series_abs() | Calculates the element-wise absolute value of the numeric series input. |
series_acos() | Calculates the element-wise arccosine function of the numeric series input. |
series_add() | Calculates the element-wise addition of two numeric series inputs. |
series_asin() | Calculates the element-wise arcsine function of the numeric series input. |
series_atan() | Calculates the element-wise arctangent function of the numeric series input. |
series_ceiling() | Calculates the element-wise ceiling function of the numeric series input. |
series_cos() | Calculates the element-wise cosine function of the numeric series input. |
series_divide() | Calculates the element-wise division of two numeric series inputs. |
series_equals() | Calculates the element-wise equals (== ) logic operation of two numeric series inputs. |
series_exp() | Calculates the element-wise base-e exponential function (e^x) of the numeric series input. |
series_floor() | Calculates the element-wise floor function of the numeric series input. |
series_greater() | Calculates the element-wise greater (> ) logic operation of two numeric series inputs. |
series_greater_equals() | Calculates the element-wise greater or equals (>= ) logic operation of two numeric series inputs. |
series_less() | Calculates the element-wise less (< ) logic operation of two numeric series inputs. |
series_less_equals() | Calculates the element-wise less or equal (<= ) logic operation of two numeric series inputs. |
series_log() | Calculates the element-wise natural logarithm function (base-e) of the numeric series input. |
series_multiply() | Calculates the element-wise multiplication of two numeric series inputs. |
series_not_equals() | Calculates the element-wise not equals (!= ) logic operation of two numeric series inputs. |
series_pow() | Calculates the element-wise power of two numeric series inputs. |
series_sign() | Calculates the element-wise sign of the numeric series input. |
series_sin() | Calculates the element-wise sine function of the numeric series input. |
series_subtract() | Calculates the element-wise subtraction of two numeric series inputs. |
series_tan() | Calculates the element-wise tangent function of the numeric series input. |
Function Name | Description |
series_cosine_similarity() | Calculates the cosine similarity of two numeric series. |
series_decompose() | Does a decomposition of the series into components. |
series_decompose_anomalies() | Finds anomalies in a series based on series decomposition. |
series_decompose_forecast() | Forecast based on series decomposition. |
series_dot_product() | Calculates the dot product of two numeric series. |
series_fill_backward() | Performs backward fill interpolation of missing values in a series. |
series_fill_const() | Replaces missing values in a series with a specified constant value. |
series_fill_forward() | Performs forward fill interpolation of missing values in a series. |
series_fill_linear() | Performs linear interpolation of missing values in a series. |
series_fft() | Applies the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on a series. |
series_fir() | Applies a Finite Impulse Response filter on a series. |
series_fit_2lines() | Applies two segments linear regression on a series, returning multiple columns. |
series_fit_2lines_dynamic() | Applies two segments linear regression on a series, returning dynamic object. |
series_fit_line() | Applies linear regression on a series, returning multiple columns. |
series_fit_line_dynamic() | Applies linear regression on a series, returning dynamic object. |
series_fit_poly() | Applies polynomial regression on a series, returning multiple columns. |
series_ifft() | Applies the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) on a series. |
series_iir() | Applies an Infinite Impulse Response filter on a series. |
series_magnitude() | Calculates the magnitude of the numeric series. |
series_outliers() | Scores anomaly points in a series. |
series_pearson_correlation() | Calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient of two series. |
series_periods_detect() | Finds the most significant periods that exist in a time series. |
series_periods_validate() | Checks whether a time series contains periodic patterns of given lengths. |
series_seasonal() | Finds the seasonal component of the series. |
series_stats() | Returns statistics for a series in multiple columns. |
series_stats_dynamic() | Returns statistics for a series in dynamic object. |
series_sum() | Calculates the sum of numeric series elements. |
Function Name | Description |
base64_encode_tostring() | Encodes a string as base64 string. |
base64_encode_fromguid() | Encodes a GUID as base64 string. |
base64_decode_tostring() | Decodes a base64 string to a UTF-8 string. |
base64_decode_toarray() | Decodes a base64 string to an array of long values. |
base64_decode_toguid() | Decodes a base64 string to a GUID. |
countof() | Counts occurrences of a substring in a string. Plain string matches may overlap; regex matches don't. |
extract() | Get a match for a regular expression from a text string. |
extract_all() | Get all matches for a regular expression from a text string. |
extract_json() | Get a specified element out of a JSON text using a path expression. |
has_any_index() | Searches the string for items specified in the array and returns the position of the first item found in the string. |
indexof() | Function reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specified string within input string. |
isempty() | Returns true if the argument is an empty string or is null. |
isnotempty() | Returns true if the argument isn't an empty string or a null. |
isnotnull() | Returns true if the argument is not null. |
isnull() | Evaluates its sole argument and returns a bool value indicating if the argument evaluates to a null value. |
parse_command_line() | Parses a Unicode command line string and returns an array of the command line arguments. |
parse_csv() | Splits a given string representing comma-separated values and returns a string array with these values. |
parse_ipv4() | Converts input to long (signed 64-bit) number representation. |
parse_ipv4_mask() | Converts input string and IP-prefix mask to long (signed 64-bit) number representation. |
parse_ipv6() | Converts IPv6 or IPv4 string to a canonical IPv6 string representation. |
parse_ipv6_mask() | Converts IPv6 or IPv4 string and netmask to a canonical IPv6 string representation. |
parse_json() | Interprets a string as a JSON value and returns the value as dynamic. |
parse_url() | Parses an absolute URL string and returns a dynamic object contains all parts of the URL. |
parse_urlquery() | Parses a url query string and returns a dynamic object contains the Query parameters. |
parse_version() | Converts input string representation of version to a comparable decimal number. |
replace_regex() | Replace all regex matches with another string. |
replace_string() | Replace all single string matches with a specified string. |
replace_strings() | Replace all multiple strings matches with specified strings. |
punycode_from_string() | Encodes domain name to Punycode form. |
punycode_to_string() | Decodes domain name from Punycode form. |
reverse() | Function makes reverse of input string. |
split() | Splits a given string according to a given delimiter and returns a string array with the contained substrings. |
strcat() | Concatenates between 1 and 64 arguments. |
strcat_delim() | Concatenates between 2 and 64 arguments, with delimiter, provided as first argument. |
strcmp() | Compares two strings. |
strlen() | Returns the length, in characters, of the input string. |
strrep() | Repeats given string provided number of times (default - 1). |
substring() | Extracts a substring from a source string starting from some index to the end of the string. |
toupper() | Converts a string to upper case. |
translate() | Replaces a set of characters ('searchList') with another set of characters ('replacementList') in a given a string. |
trim() | Removes all leading and trailing matches of the specified regular expression. |
trim_end() | Removes trailing match of the specified regular expression. |
trim_start() | Removes leading match of the specified regular expression. |
url_decode() | The function converts encoded URL into a regular URL representation. |
url_encode() | The function converts characters of the input URL into a format that can be transmitted over the Internet. |
Function Name | Description |
ipv4_compare() | Compares two IPv4 strings. |
ipv4_is_in_range() | Checks if IPv4 string address is in IPv4-prefix notation range. |
ipv4_is_in_any_range() | Checks if IPv4 string address is any of the IPv4-prefix notation ranges. |
ipv4_is_match() | Matches two IPv4 strings. |
ipv4_is_private() | Checks if IPv4 string address belongs to a set of private network IPs. |
ipv4_netmask_suffix | Returns the value of the IPv4 netmask suffix from IPv4 string address. |
parse_ipv4() | Converts input string to long (signed 64-bit) number representation. |
parse_ipv4_mask() | Converts input string and IP-prefix mask to long (signed 64-bit) number representation. |
ipv4_range_to_cidr_list() | Converts IPv4 address range to a list of CIDR ranges. |
ipv6_compare() | Compares two IPv4 or IPv6 strings. |
ipv6_is_match() | Matches two IPv4 or IPv6 strings. |
parse_ipv6() | Converts IPv6 or IPv4 string to a canonical IPv6 string representation. |
parse_ipv6_mask() | Converts IPv6 or IPv4 string and netmask to a canonical IPv6 string representation. |
format_ipv4() | Parses input with a netmask and returns string representing IPv4 address. |
format_ipv4_mask() | Parses input with a netmask and returns string representing IPv4 address as CIDR notation. |
ipv6_is_in_range() | Checks if an IPv6 string address is in IPv6-prefix notation range. |
ipv6_is_in_any_range() | Checks if an IPv6 string address is in any of the IPv6-prefix notation ranges. |
geo_info_from_ip_address() | Retrieves geolocation information about IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. |
Function Name | Description |
has_ipv4() | Searches for an IPv4 address in a text. |
has_ipv4_prefix() | Searches for an IPv4 address or prefix in a text. |
has_any_ipv4() | Searches for any of the specified IPv4 addresses in a text. |
has_any_ipv4_prefix() | Searches for any of the specified IPv4 addresses or prefixes in a text. |
Function Name | Description |
gettype() | Returns the runtime type of its single argument. |
Function Name | Description |
dcount_hll() | Calculates the dcount from hll results (which was generated by hll or hll-merge). |
hll_merge() | Merges hll results (scalar version of the aggregate version hll-merge()). |
percentile_tdigest() | Calculates the percentile result from tdigest results (which was generated by tdigest or merge_tdigest). |
percentile_array_tdigest() | Calculates the percentile array result from tdigest results (which was generated by tdigest or merge_tdigest). |
percentrank_tdigest() | Calculates the percentage ranking of a value in a dataset. |
rank_tdigest() | Calculates relative rank of a value in a set. |
merge_tdigest() | Merge tdigest results (scalar version of the aggregate version tdigest-merge()). |
Function Name | Description |
geo_angle() | Calculates clockwise angle in radians between two lines on Earth. |
geo_azimuth() | Calculates clockwise angle in radians between the line from point1 to true north and a line from point1 to point2 on Earth. |
geo_distance_2points() | Calculates the shortest distance between two geospatial coordinates on Earth. |
geo_distance_point_to_line() | Calculates the shortest distance between a coordinate and a line or multiline on Earth. |
geo_distance_point_to_polygon() | Calculates the shortest distance between a coordinate and a polygon or multipolygon on Earth. |
geo_intersects_2lines() | Calculates whether the two lines or multilines intersects. |
geo_intersects_2polygons() | Calculates whether the two polygons or multipolygons intersects. |
geo_intersects_line_with_polygon() | Calculates whether the line or multiline intersects with polygon or multipolygon. |
geo_intersection_2lines() | Calculates the intersection of two lines or multilines. |
geo_intersection_2polygons() | Calculates the intersection of two polygons or multipolygons. |
geo_intersection_line_with_polygon() | Calculates the intersection of line or multiline with polygon or multipolygon. |
geo_point_buffer() | Calculates polygon that contains all points within the given radius of the point on Earth. |
geo_point_in_circle() | Calculates whether the geospatial coordinates are inside a circle on Earth. |
geo_point_in_polygon() | Calculates whether the geospatial coordinates are inside a polygon or a multipolygon on Earth. |
geo_point_to_geohash() | Calculates the Geohash string value for a geographic location. |
geo_point_to_s2cell() | Calculates the S2 Cell token string value for a geographic location. |
geo_point_to_h3cell() | Calculates the H3 Cell token string value for a geographic location. |
geo_line_buffer() | Calculates polygon or multipolygon that contains all points within the given radius of the input line or multiline on Earth. |
geo_line_centroid() | Calculates the centroid of line or a multiline on Earth. |
geo_line_densify() | Converts planar line edges to geodesics by adding intermediate points. |
geo_line_length() | Calculates the total length of line or a multiline on Earth. |
geo_line_simplify() | Simplifies line or a multiline by replacing nearly straight chains of short edges with a single long edge on Earth. |
geo_line_to_s2cells() | Calculates S2 cell tokens that cover a line or multiline on Earth. Useful geospatial join tool. |
geo_polygon_area() | Calculates the area of polygon or a multipolygon on Earth. |
geo_polygon_buffer() | Calculates polygon or multipolygon that contains all points within the given radius of the input polygon or multipolygon on Earth. |
geo_polygon_centroid() | Calculates the centroid of polygon or a multipolygon on Earth. |
geo_polygon_densify() | Converts polygon or multipolygon planar edges to geodesics by adding intermediate points. |
geo_polygon_perimeter() | Calculates the length of the boundary of polygon or a multipolygon on Earth. |
geo_polygon_simplify() | Simplifies polygon or a multipolygon by replacing nearly straight chains of short edges with a single long edge on Earth. |
geo_polygon_to_s2cells() | Calculates S2 Cell tokens that cover a polygon or multipolygon on Earth. Useful geospatial join tool. |
geo_polygon_to_h3cells() | Converts polygon to H3 cells. Useful geospatial join and visualization tool. |
geo_geohash_to_central_point() | Calculates the geospatial coordinates that represent the center of a Geohash rectangular area. |
geo_geohash_neighbors() | Calculates the geohash neighbors. |
geo_geohash_to_polygon() | Calculates the polygon that represents the geohash rectangular area. |
geo_s2cell_to_central_point() | Calculates the geospatial coordinates that represent the center of an S2 Cell. |
geo_s2cell_neighbors() | Calculates the S2 cell neighbors. |
geo_s2cell_to_polygon() | Calculates the polygon that represents the S2 Cell rectangular area. |
geo_h3cell_to_central_point() | Calculates the geospatial coordinates that represent the center of an H3 Cell. |
geo_h3cell_neighbors() | Calculates the H3 cell neighbors. |
geo_h3cell_to_polygon() | Calculates the polygon that represents the H3 Cell rectangular area. |
geo_h3cell_parent() | Calculates the H3 cell parent. |
geo_h3cell_children() | Calculates the H3 cell children. |
geo_h3cell_level() | Calculates the H3 cell resolution. |
geo_h3cell_rings() | Calculates the H3 cell Rings. |
geo_simplify_polygons_array() | Simplifies polygons by replacing nearly straight chains of short edges with a single long edge, while ensuring mutual boundaries consistency related to each other, on Earth. |
geo_union_lines_array() | Calculates the union of lines or multilines on Earth. |
geo_union_polygons_array() | Calculates the union of polygons or multipolygons on Earth. |
Function Name | Description |
hash() | Returns a hash value for the input value. |
hash_combine() | Combines two or more hash values. |
hash_many() | Returns a combined hash value of multiple values. |
hash_md5() | Returns an MD5 hash value for the input value. |
hash_sha1() | Returns a SHA1 hash value for the input value. |
hash_sha256() | Returns a SHA256 hash value for the input value. |
hash_xxhash64() | Returns an XXHASH64 hash value for the input value. |
Function Name | Description |
convert_angle() | Returns the input value converted from one angle unit to another |
convert_energy() | Returns the input value converted from one energy unit to another |
convert_force() | Returns the input value converted from one force unit to another |
convert_length() | Returns the input value converted from one length unit to another |
convert_mass() | Returns the input value converted from one mass unit to another |
convert_speed() | Returns the input value converted from one speed unit to another |
convert_temperature() | Returns the input value converted from one temperature unit to another |
convert_volume() | Returns the input value converted from one volume unit to another |