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CoreWebView2AcceleratorKeyPressedEventArgs Class

Event args for the CoreWebView2Controller.AcceleratorKeyPressed event.


Members Description
Handled Indicates whether the CoreWebView2Controller.AcceleratorKeyPressed event is handled by host.
KeyEventKind Gets the key event kind that caused the event to run.
KeyEventLParam Gets the LPARAM value that accompanied the window message.
PhysicalKeyStatus Gets a CoreWebView2PhysicalKeyStatus representing the information passed in the LPARAM of the window message.
VirtualKey Gets the Win32 virtual key code of the key that was pressed or released.



bool Handled

Indicates whether the CoreWebView2Controller.AcceleratorKeyPressed event is handled by host. If set to true then this prevents the WebView from performing the default action for this accelerator key. Otherwise the WebView will perform the default action for the accelerator key.


readonly CoreWebView2KeyEventKind KeyEventKind

Gets the key event kind that caused the event to run.


readonly int KeyEventLParam

Gets the LPARAM value that accompanied the window message. See the documentation for the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages.


readonly CoreWebView2PhysicalKeyStatus PhysicalKeyStatus

Gets a CoreWebView2PhysicalKeyStatus representing the information passed in the LPARAM of the window message.


readonly uint32_t VirtualKey

Gets the Win32 virtual key code of the key that was pressed or released. It is one of the Win32 virtual key constants such as VK_RETURN or an (uppercase) ASCII value such as 'A'. Verify whether Ctrl or Alt are pressed by running GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) or GetKeyState(VK_MENU).

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