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CoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView Class

View of the HTTP representation for a web resource response. The properties of this object are not mutable. This response view is used with the CoreWebView2.WebResourceResponseReceived event.


Members Description
Headers Gets the HTTP response headers as received.
ReasonPhrase Gets the HTTP response reason phrase.
StatusCode Gets the HTTP response status code.
GetContentAsync Gets the response content stream asynchronously.



readonly CoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders Headers

Gets the HTTP response headers as received.


readonly string ReasonPhrase

Gets the HTTP response reason phrase.


readonly int StatusCode

Gets the HTTP response status code.



IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> GetContentAsync()

Gets the response content stream asynchronously. A null stream means no content was found. Note content (if any) for redirect responses is ignored. This method returns null if content size is more tha 123MB or for navigations that become downloads or if response is downloadable content type (e.g., application/octet-stream). See CoreWebView2.DownloadStarting event to handle the response. If this method is being called again before a first call has completed, it will complete at the same time all prior calls do. If this method is being called after a first call has completed, it will return immediately (asynchronously).

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