Compartir a través de

Ejemplo de control ComboBox, método AddItem y propiedades Picture, PicturePosition

En el ejemplo siguiente se utiliza un control ComboBox para mostrar las opciones de ubicación de una imagen en un control. Cada vez que el usuario hace clic en una opción de una lista, se actualizan la imagen y el título del control CommandButton. En este ejemplo de código también se usa el método AddItem para rellenar las opciones de ComboBox .

Para usar este ejemplo, copie este código de muestra en la parte Declaraciones de un formulario. Asegúrese de que el formulario contiene:

  • Un control Label denominado Label1.
  • Un CommandButton llamado CommandButton1.
  • Un ComboBox llamado ComboBox1.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 
 Label1.Left = 18 
 Label1.Top = 12 
 Label1.Height = 12 
 Label1.Width = 190 
 Label1.Caption = "Select picture placement " _ 
 & "relative to the caption." 
 'Add list entries to combo box. The value of each 
 'entry matches the corresponding ListIndex value 
 'in the combo box. 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Left Top" 'ListIndex = 0 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Left Center" 'ListIndex = 1 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Left Bottom" 'ListIndex = 2 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Right Top" 'ListIndex = 3 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Right Center" 'ListIndex = 4 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Right Bottom" 'ListIndex = 5 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Above Left" 'ListIndex = 6 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Above Center" 'ListIndex = 7 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Above Right" 'ListIndex = 8 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Below Left" 'ListIndex = 9 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Below Center" 'ListIndex = 10 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Below Right" 'ListIndex = 11 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Centered" 'ListIndex = 12 
 'Use drop-down list 
 ComboBox1.Style = fmStyleDropDownList 
 'Combo box values are ListIndex values 
 ComboBox1.BoundColumn = 0 
 'Set combo box to first entry 
 ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 
 ComboBox1.Left = 18 
 ComboBox1.Top = 36 
 ComboBox1.Width = 90 
 ComboBox1.ListWidth = 90 
 'Initialize CommandButton1 
 CommandButton1.Left = 230 
 CommandButton1.Top = 36 
 CommandButton1.Height = 120 
 CommandButton1.Width = 120 
 'Note: Be sure to refer to a bitmap file that is 
 'present on your system, and to include the path 
 'in the filename. 
 CommandButton1.Picture = _ 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = ComboBox1.Value 
End Sub 
Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() 
 Select Case ComboBox1.Value 
 Case 0 'Left Top 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Left Top" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 1 'Left Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Left Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 2 'Left Bottom 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Left Bottom" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 3 'Right Top 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Right Top" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 4 'Right Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Right Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 5 'Right Bottom 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Right Bottom" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 6 'Above Left 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Above Left" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 7 'Above Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Above Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 8 'Above Right 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Above Right" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 9 'Below Left 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Below Left" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 10 'Below Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Below Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 11 'Below Right 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Below Right" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 12 'Centered 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Centered" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 End Select 
End Sub

Soporte técnico y comentarios

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