Referencia de tabla o entidad View (SavedQuery)
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Saved query against the database.
Mensaje | Operación de API web | Método o clase de SDK |
Create | POST [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/savedqueries Vea Crear |
CreateRequest o Create |
Delete | DELETE [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/savedqueries(savedqueryid) Vea Eliminar |
DeleteRequest o Delete |
ExecuteByIdSavedQuery | Recuperar y ejecutar consultas predefinidas | ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest |
InstantiateFilters | InstantiateFilters Action | InstantiateFiltersRequest |
Retrieve | GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/savedqueries(savedqueryid) Vea Recuperar |
RetrieveRequest o Retrieve |
RetrieveMultiple | GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/savedqueries Vea Consultar datos |
RetrieveMultipleRequest o RetrieveMultiple |
RetrieveUnpublished | RetrieveUnpublished Function | RetrieveUnpublishedRequest |
RetrieveUnpublishedMultiple | RetrieveUnpublishedMultiple Function | RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest |
SetState | PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/savedqueries(savedqueryid) Actualizar propiedades statecode y statuscode . |
SetStateRequest |
Update | PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/savedqueries(savedqueryid) Vea Actualizar |
UpdateRequest o Update |
Validate | Validate Action | ValidateRequest |
ValidateSavedQuery | ValidateSavedQuery Action | ValidateSavedQueryRequest |
ValidateUnpublished | ValidateUnpublished Action | ValidateUnpublishedRequest |
Propiedad | Valor |
CollectionSchemaName | SavedQueries |
DisplayCollectionName | Views |
DisplayName | View |
EntitySetName | savedqueries |
IsBPFEntity | False |
LogicalCollectionName | savedqueries |
LogicalName | savedquery |
OwnershipType | OrganizationOwned |
PrimaryIdAttribute | savedqueryid |
PrimaryNameAttribute | name |
SchemaName | SavedQuery |
Estas columnas o atributos devuelven true para IsValidForCreate o IsValidForUpdate (generalmente ambos). Listado por SchemaName.
- AdvancedGroupBy
- CanBeDeleted
- ColumnSetXml
- ConditionalFormatting
- Description
- FetchXml
- IntroducedVersion
- IsCustomizable
- IsDefault
- IsQuickFindQuery
- LayoutJson
- LayoutXml
- Name
- OfflineSqlQuery
- QueryAppUsage
- QueryType
- ReturnedTypeCode
- RoleDisplayConditionsXml
- SavedQueryId
- StateCode
- StatusCode
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Type the column name that will be used to group the results from the data collected across multiple records from a system view. |
DisplayName | Advanced Group By |
FormatName | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | advancedgroupby |
MaxLength | 2000 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Tells whether the view can be deleted. |
DisplayName | Can Be Deleted |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | canbedeleted |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | ManagedProperty |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Contains the columns and sorting criteria for the view, stored in XML format. |
DisplayName | Column Set XML |
Format | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | columnsetxml |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Type information about how the items in the system view are formatted. |
DisplayName | Conditional formatting |
Format | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForCreate | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | conditionalformatting |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Type additional information to describe the view, such as the filter criteria or intended results set. |
DisplayName | Description |
Format | Text |
IsLocalizable | True |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | description |
MaxLength | 2000 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | String specifying the query in Fetch XML language. |
DisplayName | Fetch XML |
Format | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | fetchxml |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Version in which the form is introduced. |
DisplayName | Introduced Version |
FormatName | VersionNumber |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | introducedversion |
MaxLength | 48 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Tells whether the component can be customized. |
DisplayName | Customizable |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | iscustomizable |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | ManagedProperty |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Tells whether the view is the default view for the specified record type (entity). |
DisplayName | Default |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | isdefault |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Boolean |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Valor predeterminado: 0
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Choose whether the view is compatible with Quick Find. When users search for specific items, you define the fields that are searched in. |
DisplayName | Quick Find Compatible |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | isquickfindquery |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Boolean |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Valor predeterminado: 0
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Layout data in JSON format. |
DisplayName | Layout data in JSON format. |
Format | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | layoutjson |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Layout XML |
Format | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | layoutxml |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Type a name for the view to describe what results the view will contain. This name is visible to users in the View list. |
DisplayName | Name |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | True |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | name |
MaxLength | 200 |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | String specifying the corresponding sql query for the fetch xml specified for offline use. |
DisplayName | Offline SQL Query |
Format | TextArea |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | offlinesqlquery |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Query Application Usage |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | queryappusage |
MaxValue | 1000000000 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows the type of the query. |
DisplayName | Query Type |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | querytype |
MaxValue | 1000000000 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Integer |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Type of entity displayed in the view. |
DisplayName | Entity Name |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | returnedtypecode |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | EntityName |
Añadido por: solución RoleBasedAccessControl
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Contains the role display conditions for the SavedQuery. |
DisplayName | Role display conditions for the SavedQuery |
Format | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | roledisplayconditionsxml |
MaxLength | 1073741823 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Unique identifier of the view. |
DisplayName | View |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | savedqueryid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows the status of the view. |
DisplayName | Status |
IsValidForCreate | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statecode |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | State |
Valor | Etiqueta | Estado predeterminado | Nombre invariable |
0 | Active | 1 | Active |
1 | Inactive | 2 | Inactive |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows the reason code that explains the status of the record. |
DisplayName | Status Reason |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statuscode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Status |
Valor | Etiqueta | Estado |
1 | Active | 0 |
2 | Inactive | 1 |
Estas columnas o atributos devuelven false tanto para IsValidForCreate como para IsValidForUpdate. Listado por SchemaName.
- ComponentState
- CreatedBy
- CreatedByName
- CreatedByYomiName
- CreatedOn
- CreatedOnBehalfBy
- CreatedOnBehalfByName
- CreatedOnBehalfByYomiName
- IsCustom
- IsManaged
- IsPrivate
- IsUserDefined
- ModifiedBy
- ModifiedByName
- ModifiedByYomiName
- ModifiedOn
- ModifiedOnBehalfBy
- ModifiedOnBehalfByName
- ModifiedOnBehalfByYomiName
- OrganizationId
- OrganizationIdName
- OrganizationTabOrder
- OverwriteTime
- QueryAPI
- SavedQueryIdUnique
- SolutionId
- SupportingSolutionId
- VersionNumber
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Component State |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | componentstate |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Picklist |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
0 | Published | |
1 | Unpublished | |
2 | Deleted | |
3 | Deleted Unpublished |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows who created the record. |
DisplayName | Created By |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options. |
DisplayName | Created On |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. |
DisplayName | Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Tells whether a user created the view. |
DisplayName | Is Custom |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | iscustom |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Boolean |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Valor predeterminado: 1
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Tells whether the record is part of a managed solution. |
DisplayName | State |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | ismanaged |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Boolean |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
1 | Managed | |
0 | Unmanaged |
Valor predeterminado: 0
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Indicates whether or not this is viewable by the entire organization. |
DisplayName | Is Private |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | isprivate |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Boolean |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Valor predeterminado: 0
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Tells whether the view was created by a user. |
DisplayName | User Defined |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | isuserdefined |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Boolean |
Valor | Etiqueta | Descripción |
1 | Yes | |
0 | No |
Valor predeterminado: 1
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows who last updated the record. |
DisplayName | Modified By |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options. |
DisplayName | Modified On |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user. |
DisplayName | Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Choose the ID of the organization that the record is associated with. |
DisplayName | Organization |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | organizationid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Targets | organization |
Type | Lookup |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | organizationidname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For the organization, type the tab order to determine how users navigate through the screen using only the Tab key. |
DisplayName | Default Organization tab order |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | organizationtaborder |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
Propiedad | Valor |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Record Overwrite Time |
Format | DateOnly |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | overwritetime |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | DateTime |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Query API |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | queryapi |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | savedqueryidunique |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
DisplayName | Solution |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | solutionid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Solution |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | False |
LogicalName | supportingsolutionid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Propiedad | Valor |
Description | Version number of the view. |
DisplayName | Version Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | versionnumber |
MaxValue | 9223372036854775807 |
MinValue | -9223372036854775808 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | BigInt |
Listado por SchemaName.
- SavedQuery_SyncErrors
- lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_savedquery
- SavedQuery_BulkDeleteFailures
- SavedQuery_AsyncOperations
Igual que la relación de varios a uno SavedQuery_SyncErrors de la tabla syncerror.
Propiedad | Valor |
ReferencingEntity | syncerror |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | True |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | SavedQuery_SyncErrors |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: Cascade Reparent: Cascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
Igual que la relación de varios a uno lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_savedquery de la tabla mobileofflineprofileitem.
Propiedad | Valor |
ReferencingEntity | mobileofflineprofileitem |
ReferencingAttribute | profileitemrule |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_savedquery |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: Restrict Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
Igual que la relación de varios a uno SavedQuery_BulkDeleteFailures de la tabla bulkdeletefailure.
Propiedad | Valor |
ReferencingEntity | bulkdeletefailure |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | SavedQuery_BulkDeleteFailures |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
Igual que la relación de varios a uno SavedQuery_AsyncOperations de la tabla asyncoperation.
Propiedad | Valor |
ReferencingEntity | asyncoperation |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | SavedQuery_AsyncOperations |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
Cada relación de varios a uno se define mediante una relación de uno a varios correspondiente con la tabla relacionada. Listado por SchemaName.
- lk_savedquery_modifiedonbehalfby
- lk_savedquerybase_createdby
- lk_savedquerybase_modifiedby
- organization_saved_queries
- lk_savedquery_createdonbehalfby
Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_savedquery_modifiedonbehalfby de la tabla systemuser.
Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_savedquerybase_createdby de la tabla systemuser.
Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_savedquerybase_modifiedby de la tabla systemuser.
Consulte la relación de uno a varios organization_saved_queries de la tabla organization.
Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_savedquery_createdonbehalfby de la tabla systemuser.
Referencia de tabla o entidad de Dataverse Referencia de la API web savedquery EntityType