Compartir a través de

Referencia de tabla o entidad Import Source File (ImportFile)


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File name of file used for import.


Mensaje Operación de API web Método o clase de SDK
Assign PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importfiles(importfileid)
Actualizar propiedad ownerid.
Create POST [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importfiles
Vea Crear
CreateRequest o
Delete DELETE [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importfiles(importfileid)
Vea Eliminar
DeleteRequest o
GetDistinctValuesImportFile GetDistinctValuesImportFile Function GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest
GetHeaderColumnsImportFile GetHeaderColumnsImportFile Function GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest
GrantAccess GrantAccess Action GrantAccessRequest
ModifyAccess ModifyAccess Action ModifyAccessRequest
Retrieve GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importfiles(importfileid)
Vea Recuperar
RetrieveRequest o
RetrieveMultiple GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importfiles
Vea Consultar datos
RetrieveMultipleRequest o
RetrieveParsedDataImportFile RetrieveParsedDataImportFile Function RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest
RetrievePrincipalAccess RetrievePrincipalAccess Function RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess Function RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest
RevokeAccess RevokeAccess Action RevokeAccessRequest
Update PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importfiles(importfileid)
Vea Actualizar
UpdateRequest o


Propiedad Valor
CollectionSchemaName ImportFiles
DisplayCollectionName Imports
DisplayName Import Source File
EntitySetName importfiles
IsBPFEntity False
LogicalCollectionName importfiles
LogicalName importfile
OwnershipType UserOwned
PrimaryIdAttribute importfileid
PrimaryNameAttribute name
SchemaName ImportFile

Columnas/atributos que se pueden escribir

Estas columnas o atributos devuelven true para IsValidForCreate o IsValidForUpdate (generalmente ambos). Listado por SchemaName.


Propiedad Valor
Description Stores the content of the import file, stored as comma-separated values.
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName content
MaxLength 1073741823
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Select the single-character data delimiter used in the import file. This is typically a single or double quotation mark.
DisplayName Data Delimiter
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName datadelimitercode
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de DataDelimiterCode

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 DoubleQuote
2 None
3 SingleQuote


Propiedad Valor
Description Select whether duplicate-detection rules should be run against the import job.
DisplayName Enable Duplicate Detection
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName enableduplicatedetection
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

Elecciones/opciones de EnableDuplicateDetection

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 Yes
0 No

Valor predeterminado: 0


Propiedad Valor
Description Unique identifier of the Alternate key Id
DisplayName Entity Key ID
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName entitykeyid
RequiredLevel None
Type Uniqueidentifier


Propiedad Valor
Description Select the character that is used to separate each field in the import file. Typically, it is a comma.
DisplayName Field Delimiter
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName fielddelimitercode
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de FieldDelimiterCode

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 Colon
2 Comma
3 Tab
4 Semicolon


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the type of source file that is uploaded for import.
DisplayName File Type
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName filetypecode
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de FileTypeCode

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 XML Spreadsheet 2003
2 Attachment


Propiedad Valor
Description Unique identifier of the import file.
DisplayName Import
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName importfileid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Uniqueidentifier


Propiedad Valor
Description Choose the import job that the file was uploaded for.
DisplayName Import Job ID
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName importid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Targets import
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
Description Choose a data map to match the import file and its column headers with the record types and fields in Microsoft Dynamics 365. If the column headers in the file match the display names of the target fields in Microsoft Dynamics 365, we import the data automatically. If not, you can manually define matches during import.
DisplayName Data Map
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName importmapid
RequiredLevel None
Targets importmap
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
Description Select whether the first row of the import file contains column headings, which are used for data mapping during the import job.
DisplayName Is First Row Header
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName isfirstrowheader
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Boolean

Elecciones/opciones de IsFirstRowHeader

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 Yes
0 No

Valor predeterminado: 0


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the name of the import file. This name is based on the name of the uploaded file.
DisplayName Import Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName name
MaxLength 256
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Enter the user who is assigned to follow up with or manage the import file. This field is updated every time the import file is assigned to a different user.
DisplayName Owner
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName ownerid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Targets systemuser,team
Type Owner


Propiedad Valor
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owneridtype
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type EntityName


Propiedad Valor
Description Tells whether the import file should be ignored or processed during the import.
DisplayName Process Code
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName processcode
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de ProcessCode

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 Process
2 Ignore
3 Internal


Propiedad Valor
Description Choose the user that the records created during the import job should be assigned to.
DisplayName Records Owner
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName recordsownerid
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser,team
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName recordsowneridtype
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type EntityName


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the columns that are mapped to a related record type (entity) of the primary record type (entity) included in the import file.
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName relatedentitycolumns
MaxLength 1073741823
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the size of the import file, in kilobytes.
DisplayName Size
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName size
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the name of the data source file uploaded in the import job.
DisplayName Source
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName source
MaxLength 256
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the record type (entity) of the source data.
DisplayName Source Entity
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName sourceentityname
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the status of the import file record. By default, all records are active and can't be deactivated.
DisplayName Status
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName statecode
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type State

Elecciones/opciones de StateCode

Valor Etiqueta Estado predeterminado Nombre invariable
0 Active 0 Active


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the reason code that explains the import file's status to identify the stage of the import process, from parsing the data to completed.
DisplayName Status Reason
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName statuscode
RequiredLevel None
Type Status

Elecciones/opciones de StatusCode

Valor Etiqueta Estado
0 Submitted 0
1 Parsing 0
2 Transforming 0
3 Importing 0
4 Completed 0
5 Failed 0


Propiedad Valor
Description Select the target record type (entity) for the records that will be created during the import job.
DisplayName Target Entity
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName targetentityname
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description For internal use only.
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName timezoneruleversionnumber
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -1
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
Description Select the value which is used for identify the upsert mode. By Default, it is a Create.
DisplayName Upsert Mode
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName upsertmodecode
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de UpsertModeCode

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
0 Create
1 Update
2 Ignore


Propiedad Valor
Description Tells whether an automatic system map was applied to the import file, which automatically maps the import data to the target entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
DisplayName Use System Map
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName usesystemmap
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Boolean

Elecciones/opciones de UseSystemMap

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 Yes
0 No

Valor predeterminado: 0


Propiedad Valor
Description Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName utcconversiontimezonecode
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -1
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer

Columnas/atributos de sólo lectura

Estas columnas o atributos devuelven false tanto para IsValidForCreate como para IsValidForUpdate. Listado por SchemaName.


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the secondary column headers. The additional headers are used during the process of transforming the import file into import data records.
DisplayName Additional Header
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName additionalheaderrow
MaxLength 100000
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Shows the date and time when the import associated with the import file was completed.
DisplayName Completed On
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName completedon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows who created the record.
DisplayName Created By
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.
DisplayName Created On
Format DateAndTime
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
DisplayName Created By (Delegate)
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the number of records in the import file that cannot be imported.
DisplayName Errors
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName failurecount
MaxValue 1000000000
MinValue 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows a list of each column header in the import file separated by a comma. The header is used for parsing the file during the import job.
DisplayName Header
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName headerrow
MaxLength 1073741823
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Name of the import.
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName importidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Name of the import map.
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName importmapidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows who last updated the record.
DisplayName Modified By
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.
DisplayName Modified On
Format DateAndTime
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedon
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type DateTime


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
DisplayName Modified By (Delegate)
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owneridname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owneridyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the business unit that the record owner belongs to.
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owningbusinessunit
RequiredLevel None
Targets businessunit
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owningbusinessunitname
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Unique identifier of the team who owns the import file.
DisplayName Owning Team
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owningteam
RequiredLevel None
Targets team
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
Description Unique identifier of the user who owns the import file.
DisplayName Owning User
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owninguser
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the prefix applied to each column after the import file is parsed.
DisplayName Parse Table Column Prefix
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parsedtablecolumnprefix
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the number of columns included in the parsed import file.
DisplayName Parse Table Column Number
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parsedtablecolumnsnumber
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the name of the table that contains the parsed data from the import file.
DisplayName Parse Table
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parsedtablename
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the number of records in this file that had failures during the import.
DisplayName Partial Failures
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName partialfailurecount
MaxValue 1000000000
MinValue 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the import file's processing status code. This indicates whether the data in the import file has been parsed, transformed, or imported.
DisplayName Processing Status
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName processingstatus
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Picklist

Elecciones/opciones de ProcessingStatus

Valor Etiqueta Descripción
1 Not Started
2 Parsing
3 Parsing Complete
4 Complex Transformation
5 Lookup Transformation
6 Picklist Transformation
7 Owner Transformation
8 Transformation Complete
9 Import Pass 1
10 Import Pass 2
11 Import Complete
12 Primary Key Transformation


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the progress code for the processing of the import file. This field is used when a paused import job is resumed.
DisplayName Progress Counter
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName progresscounter
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
Description Name of the record owner.
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName recordsowneridname
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the number of records in the import file that are imported successfully.
DisplayName Successes
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName successcount
MaxValue 1000000000
MinValue 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Propiedad Valor
Description Shows the total number of records in the import file.
DisplayName Total Processed
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totalcount
MaxValue 1000000000
MinValue 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer

Relaciones de uno a varios

Listado por SchemaName.


Igual que la relación de varios a uno ImportFile_BulkDeleteFailures de la tabla bulkdeletefailure.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity bulkdeletefailure
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName ImportFile_BulkDeleteFailures
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Igual que la relación de varios a uno ImportLog_ImportFile de la tabla importlog.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity importlog
ReferencingAttribute importfileid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName ImportLog_ImportFile
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Igual que la relación de varios a uno ImportFile_AsyncOperations de la tabla asyncoperation.

Propiedad Valor
ReferencingEntity asyncoperation
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName ImportFile_AsyncOperations
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade

Relaciones de varios a uno

Cada relación de varios a uno se define mediante una relación de uno a varios correspondiente con la tabla relacionada. Listado por SchemaName.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_importfilebase_createdby de la tabla systemuser.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_importfilebase_createdonbehalfby de la tabla systemuser.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios team_ImportFiles de la tabla team.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios ImportFile_Team de la tabla team.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios ImportFile_SystemUser de la tabla systemuser.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios SystemUser_ImportFiles de la tabla systemuser.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_importfilebase_modifiedonbehalfby de la tabla systemuser.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios Import_ImportFile de la tabla import.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios ImportMap_ImportFile de la tabla importmap.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios lk_importfilebase_modifiedby de la tabla systemuser.


Consulte la relación de uno a varios BusinessUnit_ImportFiles de la tabla businessunit.

Consultar también

Referencia de tabla o entidad de Dataverse Referencia de la API web importfile EntityType