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This cmdlet returns the list of all the team mapping error reports. It can also return the configuration details of one mapping error report with its ID provided or other filter parameters.


   [[-ErrorReportId] <String>]


This cmdlet returns the list of existing team mapping error reports. It can also return the configuration details for mapping result with given ID or other filters.


Example 1

PS C:\> Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport

Code                  ConnectionId CreatedAt           Culture ErrorNotificationSent ErrorType                        Id                                   IntermediateIncident Message
----                  ------------ ---------           ------- --------------------- ---------                        --                                   -------------------- -------
WFMAuthError                       30/09/2022 14:14:08 en-US   False                 WFMAuthErrorMessageType          74091f69-29b7-4884-aab9-ee5d705f36e3 1042                 The workforce management system account credentials you've ...
WFMAuthError                       17/10/2022 19:42:15 en-US   False                 WFMAuthErrorMessageType          b0d04444-d80b-490a-a573-ae3bb7f871bc 40                   The workforce management system account credentials you've ...
WFMAuthError                       17/10/2022 20:27:31 en-US   False                 WFMAuthErrorMessageType          91ca35d9-1abc-4ded-bcda-dbf58a155930 94                   The workforce management system account credentials you've ...
GraphUserAuthError                 18/10/2022 04:46:57 en-US   False                 GraphUserAuthErrorMessageType    4d26df1c-7133-4477-9266-5d7ffb70aa88 0                    Authentication failed. Ensure that you've entered valid cre...
UserMappingError                   18/10/2022 04:47:15 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType      6a90b796-9cda-4cc9-a74c-499de91073f9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 3 succeeded, 0 failed AAD us...
BatchTeamMappingError              06/04/2023 15:24:22 en-US   False                 BatchTeamMappingErrorMessageType bf1bc3ea-1e40-483b-b6cc-669f22f24c48 1                    This designated actor profile doesn't have team ownership p...

Returns the list of all the error reports.

Example 2

PS C:\> Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport -ErrorReportId 74091f69-29b7-4884-aab9-ee5d705f36e3 | Format-List

Code                       : WFMAuthError
ConnectionId               :
CreatedAt                  : 30/09/2022 14:14:08
Culture                    : en-US
ErrorNotificationSent      : False
ErrorType                  : WFMAuthErrorMessageType
Id                         : 74091f69-29b7-4884-aab9-ee5d705f36e3
IntermediateIncident       : 1042
Message                    : The workforce management system account credentials you've provided are invalid or this account doesn't have the required permissions.
Operation                  : SyncSwapShiftRequestCommand
Parameter                  :
Procedure                  : ExecuteAsync
ReferenceLink              :
ResolvedAt                 :
ResolvedNotificationSentOn :
RevisitIntervalInMinute    : 1440
RevisitedAt                :
ScheduleSequenceNumber     : 310673843
Severity                   : Critical
TeamId                     :
TenantId                   : dfd24b34-ccb0-47e1-bdb7-e49db9c7c14a
TotalIncident              : 1042
Ttl                        : 2505600
WfmConnectorInstanceId     : WCI-6f8eb424-c347-46b4-a50b-118af8d3d546

Returns the error report with ID 18b3e490-e6ed-4c2e-9925-47e36609dff3.

Example 3

PS C:\> Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport -Code UserMappingError

Code             ConnectionId CreatedAt           Culture ErrorNotificationSent ErrorType                   Id                                   IntermediateIncident Message
----             ------------ ---------           ------- --------------------- ---------                   --                                   -------------------- -------
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:47:15 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 6a90b796-9cda-4cc9-a74c-499de91073f9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 3 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:47:28 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 005c4a9d-552e-4ea1-9d6a-c0316d272bc9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 3 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:48:25 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 841e00b5-c4e5-4e24-89d2-703d79250516 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 4 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:54:05 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 0e10d036-c071-4db2-9cac-22e520f929d9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 5 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...

Returns the error report with error code UserMappingError.

Example 4

PS C:\> Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport -Operation UserMappingHandler

Code             ConnectionId CreatedAt           Culture ErrorNotificationSent ErrorType                   Id                                   IntermediateIncident Message
----             ------------ ---------           ------- --------------------- ---------                   --                                   -------------------- -------
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:47:15 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 6a90b796-9cda-4cc9-a74c-499de91073f9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 3 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:47:28 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 005c4a9d-552e-4ea1-9d6a-c0316d272bc9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 3 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:48:25 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 841e00b5-c4e5-4e24-89d2-703d79250516 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 4 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...
UserMappingError              18/10/2022 04:54:05 en-US   False                 UserMappingErrorMessageType 0e10d036-c071-4db2-9cac-22e520f929d9 0                    Mapping failed for some users: 5 succeeded, 0 failed AAD user(s) and ...

Returns the error report with operation UserMappingHandler.

Example 5

PS C:\> Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport -After 2022-12-12T19:11:39.073Z

Code                  ConnectionId CreatedAt           Culture ErrorNotificationSent ErrorType                        Id                                   IntermediateIncident Message
----                  ------------ ---------           ------- --------------------- ---------                        --                                   -------------------- -------
UserMappingError                   26/01/2023 14:42:27 en-US   True                  UserMappingErrorMessageType      d7ab9ab4-b60c-44d3-8c12-d8ee64a67ce8 172                  Mapping failed for some users: 1 succeeded, 2 failed AAD us...
WFMAuthError                       26/01/2023 16:08:31 en-US   False                 WFMAuthErrorMessageType          7adc3e4e-124e-4613-855c-9ac1b338400a 1                    The workforce management system account credentials you've ...

Returns the error report created after 2022-12-12T19:11:39.073Z.



The flag indicating results should have which activeness. Set this to ActiveOnly to get Error reports that are not resolved. Set this to InactiveOnly to get Error reports that are resolved. Set this to Both to get both active and inactive Error reports.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The timestamp indicating results should be after which date and time.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The timestamp indicating results should be before which date and time.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The enum value of error code, human readable string defined in codebase.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The UUID of a WFM connection.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The UUID of a connector instance.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The ID of the error report.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The name of the action of the controller or the name of the command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The name of the executing function or procedure.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams


The UUID of a team in Graph.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Microsoft Teams