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RGB Function 

Returns a whole number representing an RGB color value.

RGB(red, green, blue)


  • red
    Required. Number in the range 0-255 representing the red component of the color.
  • green
    Required. Number in the range 0-255 representing the green component of the color.
  • blue
    Required. Number in the range 0-255 representing the blue component of the color.


Application methods and properties that accept a color specification expect that specification to be a number representing an RGB color value. An RGB color value specifies the relative intensity of red, green, and blue to cause a specific color to be displayed.

The low-order byte contains the value for red, the middle byte contains the value for green, and the high-order byte contains the value for blue.

For applications that require the byte order to be reversed, the following function will provide the same information with the bytes reversed:

Function RevRGB(red, green, blue)

   RevRGB= CLng(blue + (green * 256) + (red * 65536))

End Function

The value for any argument to RGB that exceeds 255 is assumed to be 255.


Version 2