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Centra la ventana en una ventana especificada.

BOOL CenterWindow( 
   HWND hWndCenter = NULL  
) throw();


  • hWndCenter
    [in] El identificador de la ventana en la que el centro. Si este parámetro es NULL (valor predeterminado), el método establecerá hWndCenter a la ventana principal de la ventana si es una ventana secundaria. Si no, establecerá hWndCenter a la ventana propietaria de la ventana.

Valor devuelto

TRUE si la ventana se centra correctamente; si no, FALSO.


//The following example attaches various HWNDs to the CWindow objects  
//and calls CWindow::CenterWindow() for each of them

CWindow childWindow, popupWindow, overlappedWindow;

childWindow.Attach(hWndChild); //a window created with WS_CHILD style
childWindow.CenterWindow();    //This will center the child  
                               //window against its Parent window

popupWindow.Attach(hWndPopup); //a window created with WS_POPUP style
popupWindow.CenterWindow();    //This will center the popup window  
                               //against its Owner window

overlappedWindow.Attach(hWndOverlapped); //a window created with  
                                         //WS_OVERLAPPED style
overlappedWindow.CenterWindow(::GetDesktopWindow()); //This will center  
                       //the overlapped window against the DeskTop window


encabezado: atlwin.h

Vea también


CWindow Class

