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Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth Namespace


The Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth namespace contains types related to OAuth providers.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass BaseValidatingClientContext

Base class used for certain event contexts

System_CAPS_pubclass BaseValidatingContext<TOptions>

Base class used for certain event contexts

System_CAPS_pubclass BaseValidatingTicketContext<TOptions>

Base class used for certain event contexts

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext

Provides context information when processing an Authorization Response

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware

Authorization Server middleware component which is added to an OWIN pipeline. This class is not created by application code directly, instead it is added by calling the the IAppBuilder UseOAuthAuthorizationServer extension method.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions

Options class provides information needed to control Authorization Server middleware behavior

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider

Default implementation of IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider used by Authorization Server to communicate with the web application while processing requests. OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider provides some default behavior, may be used as a virtual base class, and offers delegate properties which may be used to handle individual calls without declaring a new class type.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext

An event raised after the Authorization Server has processed the request, but before it is passed on to the web application. Calling RequestCompleted will prevent the request from passing on to the web application.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware

Bearer authentication middleware component which is added to an OWIN pipeline. This class is not created by application code directly, instead it is added by calling the the IAppBuilder UseOAuthBearerAuthentication extension method.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions

Options class provides information needed to control Bearer Authentication middleware behavior

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider

OAuth bearer token middleware provider

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthChallengeContext

Specifies the HTTP response header for the bearer authentication scheme.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthDefaults

Default values used by authorization server and bearer authentication.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext

Provides context information when handling an OAuth authorization code grant.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext

Provides context information used in handling an OAuth client credentials grant.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext

Provides context information used when handling OAuth extension grant types.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext

Provides context information used when granting an OAuth refresh token.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext

Provides context information used in handling an OAuth resource owner grant.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthMatchEndpointContext

Provides context information used when determining the OAuth flow type based on the request.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthRequestTokenContext

Specifies the HTTP request header for the bearer authentication scheme.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthTokenEndpointContext

Provides context information used when processing an OAuth token request.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext

Provides context information used at the end of a token-endpoint-request.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext

Provides context information used in validating an OAuth authorization request.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext

Contains information about the client credentials.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext

Contains data about the OAuth client redirect URI

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthValidateIdentityContext

Contains the authentication ticket data from an OAuth bearer token.

System_CAPS_pubclass OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext

Provides context information used in validating an OAuth token request.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider

Interface for OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.Provider property used by Authorization Server to communicate with the web application while processing requests.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider

Specifies callback methods which the OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware invokes to enable developer control over the authentication process. /&amp;gt;

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