UnindexedFieldURIType Enumeration
[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]
This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Identifies frequently referenced, unindexed properties by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
Namespace: Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService.Exchange2007
Assembly: Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService (in Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService.dll)
Public Enumeration UnindexedFieldURIType
Dim instance As UnindexedFieldURIType
public enum UnindexedFieldURIType
public enum class UnindexedFieldURIType
type UnindexedFieldURIType
Member name | Description | |
folderFolderId | The FolderId property for a folder. | |
folderParentFolderId | The ParentFolderId property for a folder. | |
folderDisplayName | The DisplayName property for a folder. | |
folderUnreadCount | The UnreadCount property for a folder. | |
folderTotalCount | The TotalCount property for a folder. | |
folderChildFolderCount | The ChildFolderCount property for a folder. | |
folderFolderClass | The FolderClass property for a folder. | |
folderSearchParameters | The SearchParameters property for a folder. | |
folderManagedFolderInformation | The ManagedFolderInformation property for a folder. | |
itemItemId | The ItemId property for an item. | |
itemParentFolderId | The ParentFolderId property for an item. | |
itemItemClass | The ItemClass property for an item. | |
itemMimeContent | The MimeContent property for an item. | |
itemAttachments | The Attachments property for an item. | |
itemSubject | The Subject property for an item. | |
itemDateTimeReceived | The DateTimeReceived property for an item. | |
itemSize | The Size property for an item. | |
itemCategories | The Categories property for an item. | |
itemHasAttachments | The HasAttachments property for an item. | |
itemImportance | The Importance property for an item. | |
itemInReplyTo | The InReplyTo property for an item. | |
itemInternetMessageHeaders | The InternetMessageHeaders property for an item. | |
itemIsDraft | The IsDraft property for an item. | |
itemIsFromMe | The IsFromMe property for an item. | |
itemIsResend | The IsResend property for an item. | |
itemIsSubmitted | The IsSubmitted property for an item. | |
itemIsUnmodified | The IsUnmodified property for an item. | |
itemDateTimeSent | The DateTimeSent property for an item. | |
itemDateTimeCreated | The DateTimeCreated property for an item. | |
itemBody | The Body property for an item. | |
itemResponseObjects | The ResponseObjects property for an item. | |
itemSensitivity | The Sensitivity property for an item. | |
itemReminderDueBy | The ReminderDueBy property for an item. | |
itemReminderIsSet | The ReminderIsSet property for an item. | |
itemReminderMinutesBeforeStart | The ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property for an item. | |
itemDisplayTo | The DisplayTo property for an item. | |
itemDisplayCc | The DisplayCc property for an item. | |
itemCulture | The Culture property for an item. | |
messageConversationIndex | The ConversationIndex property for a message. | |
messageConversationTopic | The ConversationTopic property for a message. | |
messageInternetMessageId | The InternetMessageId property for a message. | |
messageIsRead | The IsRead property for a message. | |
messageIsResponseRequested | The IsResponseRequested property for a message. | |
messageIsReadReceiptRequested | The IsReadReceiptRequested property for a message. | |
messageIsDeliveryReceiptRequested | The IsDeliveryReceiptRequested property for a message. | |
messageReferences | The References property for a message. | |
messageReplyTo | The ReplyTo property for a message. | |
messageFrom | The From property for a message. | |
messageSender | The Sender property for a message. | |
messageToRecipients | The ToRecipients property for a message. | |
messageCcRecipients | The CcRecipients property for a message. | |
messageBccRecipients | The BccRecipients property for a message. | |
meetingAssociatedCalendarItemId | The AssociatedCalendarItemId property for a meeting. | |
meetingIsDelegated | The IsDelegated property for a meeting. | |
meetingIsOutOfDate | The IsOutOfDate property for a meeting. | |
meetingHasBeenProcessed | The HasBeenProcessed property for a meeting. | |
meetingResponseType | The ResponseType property for a meeting. | |
meetingRequestMeetingRequestType | The RequestMeetingRequestType property for a meeting. | |
meetingRequestIntendedFreeBusyStatus | The RequestIntendedFreeBusyStatus property for a meeting. | |
calendarStart | The Start property for the calendar. | |
calendarEnd | The End property for the calendar. | |
calendarOriginalStart | The OriginalStart property for the calendar. | |
calendarIsAllDayEvent | The IsAllDayEvent property for the calendar. | |
calendarLegacyFreeBusyStatus | The LegacyFreeBusyStatus property for the calendar. | |
calendarLocation | The Location property for the calendar. | |
calendarWhen | The When property for the calendar. | |
calendarIsMeeting | The IsMeeting property for the calendar. | |
calendarIsCancelled | The IsCancelled property for the calendar. | |
calendarIsRecurring | The IsRecurring property for the calendar. | |
calendarMeetingRequestWasSent | The MeetingRequestWasSent property for the calendar. | |
calendarIsResponseRequested | The IsResponseRequested property for the calendar. | |
calendarCalendarItemType | The CalendarItemType property for the calendar. | |
calendarMyResponseType | The MyResponseType property for the calendar. | |
calendarOrganizer | The Organizer property for the calendar. | |
calendarRequiredAttendees | The RequiredAttendees property for the calendar. | |
calendarOptionalAttendees | The OptionalAttendees property for the calendar. | |
calendarResources | The Resources property for the calendar. | |
calendarConflictingMeetingCount | The ConflictingMeetingCount property for the calendar. | |
calendarAdjacentMeetingCount | The AdjacentMeetingCount property for the calendar. | |
calendarConflictingMeetings | The ConflictingMeetings property for the calendar. | |
calendarAdjacentMeetings | The AdjacentMeetings property for the calendar. | |
calendarDuration | The Duration property for the calendar. | |
calendarTimeZone | The TimeZone property for the calendar. | |
calendarAppointmentReplyTime | The AppointmentReplyTime property for the calendar. | |
calendarAppointmentSequenceNumber | The AppointmentSequenceNumber property for the calendar. | |
calendarAppointmentState | The AppointmentState property for the calendar. | |
calendarRecurrence | The Recurrence property for the calendar. | |
calendarFirstOccurrence | The FirstOccurrence property for the calendar. | |
calendarLastOccurrence | The LastOccurrence property for the calendar. | |
calendarModifiedOccurrences | The ModifiedOccurrences property for the calendar. | |
calendarDeletedOccurrences | The DeletedOccurrences property for the calendar. | |
calendarMeetingTimeZone | The MeetingTimeZone property for the calendar. | |
calendarConferenceType | The ConferenceType property for the calendar. | |
calendarAllowNewTimeProposal | The AllowNewTimeProposal property for the calendar. | |
calendarIsOnlineMeeting | The IsOnlineMeeting property for the calendar. | |
calendarMeetingWorkspaceUrl | The MeetingWorkspaceUrl property for the calendar. | |
calendarNetShowUrl | The NetShowUrl property for the calendar. | |
taskActualWork | The ActualWork property for a task. | |
taskAssignedTime | The AssignedTime property for a task. | |
taskBillingInformation | The BillingInformation property for a task. | |
taskChangeCount | The ChangeCount property for a task. | |
taskCompanies | The Companies property for a task. | |
taskCompleteDate | The CompleteDate property for a task. | |
taskContacts | The Contacts property for a task. | |
taskDelegationState | The DelegationState property for a task. | |
taskDelegator | The Delegator property for a task. | |
taskDueDate | The DueDate property for a task. | |
taskIsAssignmentEditable | The IsAssignmentEditable property for a task. | |
taskIsComplete | The IsComplete property for a task. | |
taskIsRecurring | The IsRecurring property for a task. | |
taskIsTeamTask | The IsTeamTask property for a task. | |
taskMileage | The Mileage property for a task. | |
taskOwner | The Owner property for a task. | |
taskPercentComplete | The PercentComplete property for a task. | |
taskRecurrence | The Recurrence property for a task. | |
taskStartDate | The StartDate property for a task. | |
taskStatus | The Status property for a task. | |
taskStatusDescription | The StatusDescription property for a task. | |
taskTotalWork | The TotalWork property for a task. | |
contactsAssistantName | The AssistantName property for a contact. | |
contactsBirthday | The Birthday property for a contact. | |
contactsBusinessHomePage | The BusinessHomePage property for a contact. | |
contactsChildren | The Children property for a contact. | |
contactsCompanies | The Companies property for a contact. | |
contactsCompanyName | The CompanyName property for a contact. | |
contactsCompleteName | The CompleteName property for a contact. | |
contactsContactSource | The ContactSource property for a contact. | |
contactsCulture | The Culture property for a contact. | |
contactsDepartment | The Department property for a contact. | |
contactsDisplayName | The DisplayName property for a contact. | |
contactsEmailAddresses | The EmailAddresses property for a contact. | |
contactsFileAs | The FileAs property for a contact. | |
contactsFileAsMapping | The FileAsMapping property for a contact. | |
contactsGeneration | The Generation property for a contact. | |
contactsGivenName | The GivenName property for a contact. | |
contactsImAddresses | The ImAddresses property for a contact. | |
contactsInitials | The Initials property for a contact. | |
contactsJobTitle | The JobTitle property for a contact. | |
contactsManager | The Manager property for a contact. | |
contactsMiddleName | The MiddleName property for a contact. | |
contactsMileage | The Mileage property for a contact. | |
contactsNickname | The Nickname property for a contact. | |
contactsOfficeLocation | The OfficeLocation property for a contact. | |
contactsPhoneNumbers | The PhoneNumbers property for a contact. | |
contactsPhysicalAddresses | The PhysicalAddresses property for a contact. | |
contactsPostalAddressIndex | The PostalAddressIndex property for a contact. | |
contactsProfession | The Profession property for a contact. | |
contactsSpouseName | The SpouseName property for a contact. | |
contactsSurname | The Surname property for a contact. | |
contactsWeddingAnniversary | The WeddingAnniversary property for a contact. |
For the full documentation on the types in the Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService.Exchange2007 namespace, see the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SDK in the MSDN Library.
Windows CE, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC
The .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework do not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see .NET Framework System Requirements.
Version Information
.NET Compact Framework
Supported in: 3.5
See Also
Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService.Exchange2007 Namespace