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Ejemplo de propiedad personalizada

En el siguiente ejemplo se combinan todos los elementos descritos en Tipos de propiedades. Se define una propiedad de cadena, una propiedad de entero, una propiedad de enumeración y una propiedad de clase. También se muestra cómo se definen las propiedades cuando el control se utiliza de forma declarativa en una página ASP.NET. Para generar el ejemplo, vea las instrucciones en Ejemplos de control de servidor.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace CustomControls 
   // The Position enumeration.
   public enum Position 
      Forward = 0,
      Mid = 1,
      Defence = 2,
      Goalee = 3,
   // The Address class.
   public class Address
      private String street = null;
      private String city = null;
      private String state = null;
      private String zip = null;
      // The Street property.
      public String Street 
            return street;
            street = value;
      // The City property.
      public String City 
            return city;
            city = value;
      // The State property.
      public String State 
            return state;
            state = value;
      // The Zip property.
      public String Zip 
            return zip;
            zip = value;
   // SoccerPlayer is control that exposes simple, enumeration, and
   // class properties.
   public class SoccerPlayer : Control 
      private String  name = null;
      private Position position;
      private Address address = new Address();
      private int age = 0;
      // Age is a simple property of type integer.
      // The element in square brackets is an attribute
      // that provides additional information at design time.
      [Description("The age of the player")]    
      public int Age 
            return age;
            age = value;
      // Name is a simple property of type String.
      [Description("The name of the player")]
      public String Name 
            return name;
            name = value;
      // PlayerPosition is an enumeration property whose
      // type is the Position enumeration.
      [Description("The position of the player on the field.")]
      public Position PlayerPosition
            return position;
            position = value;
      // PlayerAddress is a complex property whose 
      // type is the class Address. Address has four
      // properties, Street, City, State, and Zip. These become
      // subproperties of SoccerPlayer.
      public Address PlayerAddress
            return address;
      //The Render method is inherited from Control.
      protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) 
         output.Write("Name: " + Name + "<br>");
         output.Write("Age: " + Age + "<br>");
         output.Write("PlayerPosition: " + PlayerPosition + "<br>");
         output.Write("Address: " + PlayerAddress.Street + ", " + PlayerAddress.City + ", " +
            PlayerAddress.State + ", " + PlayerAddress.Zip + "<br>");
[Visual Basic]
Option Strict
Option Explicit

Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls

Namespace CustomControls
   ' The Position enumeration.
   Public Enum Position
      Forward = 0
      Mid = 1
      Defence = 2
      Goalee = 3
   End Enum
   ' The Address class.
   Public Class Address
      Private _street As String = Nothing
      Private _city As String = Nothing
      Private _state As String = Nothing
      Private _zip As String = Nothing
      ' The Street property.
      Public Property Street() As String
            Return _street
         End Get
            _street = value
         End Set
      End Property
      ' The City property.
      Public Property City() As String
            Return _city
         End Get
            _city = value
         End Set
      End Property
      ' The State property.
      Public Property State() As String
            Return _state
         End Get
            _state = value
         End Set
      End Property
      ' The Zip property.
      Public Property Zip() As String
            Return _zip
         End Get
            _zip = value
         End Set
      End Property
   End Class
   ' SoccerPlayer is control that exposes simple, enumeration, and
   ' class properties.
   Public Class SoccerPlayer
      Inherits Control
      Private _name As String = Nothing
      Private _position As Position
      Private _address As New Address()
      Private _age As Integer = 0      
      ' Age is a simple property of type integer.
      ' The element in square brackets is an attribute
      ' that provides additional information at design time.
      <Description("The age of the player")> _
      Public Property Age() As Integer
            Return _age
         End Get
            _age = value
         End Set
      End Property
      ' Name is a simple property of type String.
      <Description("The name of the player")> _
      Public Property Name() As String
            Return _name
         End Get
            _name = value
         End Set
      End Property
      ' PlayerPosition is an enumeration property whose
      ' type is the Position enumeration.
      <Description("The position of the player on the field.")> _
      Public Property PlayerPosition() As Position
            Return _position
         End Get
            _position = value
         End Set
      End Property
      ' PlayerAddress is a complex property whose 
      ' type is the class Address. Address has four
      ' properties, Street, City, State, and Zip. These become
      ' subproperties of SoccerPlayer.
      Public ReadOnly Property PlayerAddress() As Address
            Return _address
         End Get
      End Property
      'The Render method is inherited from Control.
      Protected Overrides Sub Render(output As HtmlTextWriter)
         output.Write(("Name: " & Name & "<br>"))
         output.Write(("Age: " & Age & "<br>"))
         output.Write(("PlayerPosition: " & PlayerPosition & "<br>"))
         output.Write(("Address: " & PlayerAddress.Street & ", " & _
            PlayerAddress.City & ", " & PlayerAddress.State & ", " & _
            PlayerAddress.Zip & "<br>"))
      End Sub
   End Class 
End Namespace

Establecer propiedades de control de forma declarativa

En la siguiente página ASP.NET se utiliza el control SoccerPlayer y se establecen las propiedades con sintaxis declarativa.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Custom" Namespace="CustomControls" Assembly = "CustomControls" %>
The SoccerPlayer control has four properties of the following types: 
string, integer, enumeration, and class.
<b>Name</b> is a simple property of type <b>String</b>.<br>
<b>Age</b> is a primitive property of type <b>integer</b>.<br>
<b>PlayerPosition</b> is a simple property of type <b>enumeration</b>.<br>
<b>PlayerAddress</b> is a complex property of type <b>Address</b>, 
which is a <b>class</b> that itself has four
properties: <br> Street, City, State, and Zip. 
These properties are called subproperties of SoccerPlayer.
Notice the syntax for setting the enumeration property and the subproperties.             

<Custom:SoccerPlayer id = "Properties" Name = "Your Favorite Player's Name" Age = "20" PlayerPosition = "Forward"              
PlayerAddress-Street = "100, Players Lane"  PlayerAddress-City = "Soccer City" 
PlayerAddress-State = "State" PlayerAddress-Zip = "000000" runat=server/>                               

Vea también

Definir una propiedad | Tipos de propiedades