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InkAnalyzer.StrokesReparented (Evento)

Actualización: noviembre 2007

Se produce cuando el objeto InkAnalyzer traslada un objeto Stroke de un objeto ContextNode a otro.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.Ink
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.Ink.Analysis (en Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll)


Public Event StrokesReparented As StrokesReparentedEventHandler
Dim instance As InkAnalyzer
Dim handler As StrokesReparentedEventHandler

AddHandler instance.StrokesReparented, handler
public event StrokesReparentedEventHandler StrokesReparented
 event StrokesReparentedEventHandler^ StrokesReparented {
    void add (StrokesReparentedEventHandler^ value);
    void remove (StrokesReparentedEventHandler^ value);
/** @event */
public void add_StrokesReparented (StrokesReparentedEventHandler value)
/** @event */
public void remove_StrokesReparented (StrokesReparentedEventHandler value)
JScript no admite eventos.


Utilice este evento cuando la aplicación mantenga su propia estructura de datos, que está sincronizada con la del objeto InkAnalyzer. Este evento se produce durante la fase de conciliación del análisis de entrada manuscrita o en respuesta a un método InkAnalyzer que traslada un objeto Stroke de un objeto ContextNode a otro.

Para obtener más información sobre la sincronización de los datos de la aplicación con el objeto InkAnalyzer, vea Data Proxy with Ink Analysis.


En este ejemplo se define un método, AttachDataProxyEventHandlers, que asocia los controladores de eventos del proxy de datos a un objeto InkAnalyzer, theInkAnalyzer.

Private Sub AttachDataProxyEventHandlers() 
    ' If the document model supports on demand data proxy, then add an
    ' event handler for the PopulateContextNode event. This event is raised
    ' when the InkAnalyzer accesses a partially populated ContextNode created
    ' by the document model.
    If Me.theDocumentModel.SupportsOnDemandDataProxy Then
        AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.PopulateContextNode, AddressOf Me.PopulateContextNode
    End If

    ' Add the other data proxy related event handlers. These events are raised
    ' by the InkAnalyzer to communicate ink analysis results to the document model.
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeCreated, AddressOf Me.AddContextNode
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeDeleting, AddressOf Me.RemoveContextNode
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkAdding, AddressOf Me.AddContextNodeLink
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting, AddressOf Me.RemoveContextNodeLink
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeMovingToPosition, AddressOf Me.MoveContextNodeToPosition
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodePropertiesUpdated, AddressOf Me.UpdateContextNodeProperties
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeReparenting, AddressOf Me.ReparentContextNode
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.InkAnalyzerStateChanging, AddressOf Me.InkAnalyzer_StateChanging
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.StrokesReparented, AddressOf Me.ReparentStroke
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.IntermediateResultsUpdated, AddressOf Me.ResultsAvailable
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ResultsUpdated, AddressOf Me.ResultsAvailable

End Sub 'AttachDataProxyEventHandlers
        private void AttachDataProxyEventHandlers()
            // If the document model supports on demand data proxy, then add an
            // event handler for the PopulateContextNode event. This event is raised
            // when the InkAnalyzer accesses a partially populated ContextNode created
            // by the document model.
            if (this.theDocumentModel.SupportsOnDemandDataProxy)
                this.theInkAnalyzer.PopulateContextNode +=
                    new Microsoft.Ink.PopulateContextNodeEventHandler(

            // Add the other data proxy related event handlers. These events are raised
            // by the InkAnalyzer to communicate ink analysis results to the document model.
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeCreated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeCreatedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeDeleting +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeDeletingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkAdding +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeLinkAddingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeMovingToPosition +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeMovingToPositionEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodePropertiesUpdated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeReparenting +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeReparentingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.InkAnalyzerStateChanging +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.InkAnalyzerStateChangingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.StrokesReparented +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.StrokesReparentedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.IntermediateResultsUpdated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ResultsUpdatedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ResultsUpdated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ResultsUpdatedEventHandler(

En el ejemplo siguiente se define el método, ReparentStrokes, que controla el evento StrokesReparented. La información del evento se pasa al objeto del modelo de documento, theDocumentModel.

En este ejemplo no se proporciona la definición del modelo de documento ni se muestra cómo procesa la información que se le pasa.

'/ <summary>
'/ Handles the InkAnalyzer.StrokeReparented event.
'/ </summary>
'/ <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
'/ <param name="e">The event data.</param>
Private Sub ReparentStroke( _
    ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As Microsoft.Ink.StrokesReparentedEventArgs)

    Me.theDocumentModel.ReparentStrokes(e.ReparentedStrokes, e.SourceNode, _
    e.DestinationNode, CType(sender, Microsoft.Ink.InkAnalyzer))

End Sub 'ReparentStroke

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the InkAnalyzer.StrokeReparented event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event data.</param>
        private void ReparentStrokes(
            object sender, Microsoft.Ink.StrokesReparentedEventArgs e)
                e.ReparentedStrokes, e.SourceNode, e.DestinationNode,


Windows Vista

.NET Framework y .NET Compact Framework no admiten todas las versiones de cada plataforma. Para obtener una lista de las versiones compatibles, vea Requisitos de sistema de .NET Framework.

Información de versión

.NET Framework

Compatible con: 3.0

Vea también


InkAnalyzer (Clase)

InkAnalyzer (Miembros)

Microsoft.Ink (Espacio de nombres)


