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AnalysisStatusBase (Clase)

Actualización: noviembre 2007

Clase base de AnalysisStatus. Representa el estado de la operación de análisis, describiendo si el análisis se completó correctamente y si se produjeron advertencias.

Espacio de nombres:  System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore
Ensamblado:  IACore (en IACore.dll)


Public Class AnalysisStatusBase
Dim instance As AnalysisStatusBase
public class AnalysisStatusBase
public ref class AnalysisStatusBase
public class AnalysisStatusBase
public class AnalysisStatusBase


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra cómo se buscan las advertencias tras un análisis de entradas manuscritas. Al realizar el análisis con el reconocedor de afrikaans, que probablemente no ha instalado, verá que se produce un error en el análisis, con una advertencia InkRecognizerInitializationFailed.

' Analyze using Afrikaans recognizer.
' You are unlikely to have this recognizer, so it will raise a warning.
Dim afrikaansAnalyzer As New InkAnalyzerBase()
Dim afrikaansLanguageId As Integer = 1078

' Accumulate the stroke data in collections.
Dim thePacketDescription() As Guid = theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes(0).PacketDescription
Dim theStrokeIdentifiers As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim thePacketCounts As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim thePacketData As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim aStroke As Stroke
For Each aStroke In theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes
    ' Add the stroke data to the collections.

' Add the stroke data to the base layer ink analyzer.
afrikaansAnalyzer.AddStrokes( _
        theStrokeIdentifiers.ToArray(GetType(Integer())), _
        thePacketCounts.ToArray(GetType(Integer())), _
        thePacketData.ToArray(GetType(Integer())), _

Dim status As AnalysisStatusBase = afrikaansAnalyzer.Analyze()

' Display any warnings
If status.Warnings.Count > 0 Then
    ' Initialize warning message
    Dim message As String = "Analysis resulted in the following warnings:" & Environment.NewLine

    ' Note: We should only expect to see the BackgroundException warning if
    ' we were performing background analysis.
    ' Loop through warnings
    Dim warning As AnalysisWarningBase
    For Each warning In status.Warnings
        Select Case warning.WarningCode
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.Aborted
                message = message & "Analysis operation was aborted. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.BackgroundException
                ' This is a fatal warning. Throw an exception.
                ' First, attempt to save as much document state as possible 
                ' ...

                ' Rethrow the exception so that it can be caught by an exception
                ' handler (or if there is no exception handler, a program error 
                ' debugger such as Dr. Watson can be invoked)
                Throw (warning.BackgroundException)
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.ConfirmedWithoutInkRecognition
                message = message & "Node was confirmed without ink recognition having been performed. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.ContextNodeLocationNotSet
                message = message & "Node does not have a proper location set. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidCoercionNotSupported
                message = message & "Factoid coercion failed "
                If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso _
                    warning.AnalysisHint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid) Then
                    message = message & "for factoid: " & _
                        CType(warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData( _
                              PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid), String) & ". "
                End If
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidNotSupported

                If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso _
                    warning.AnalysisHint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid) Then
                    message = message & _
                        CType(warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData( _
                              PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid), String) & _
                        " factoid was not respected. "
                End If
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.GuideNotSupported
                message = message & "Guide was not respected. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.AddInkToRecognizerFailed
                message = message & "Ink could not be added to the InkRecognizer. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.InkRecognizerInitializationFailed
                message = message & "The InkRecognizer failed to initialize. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.NoMatchingInkRecognizerFound
                message = message & "There are no ink recognizers meeting the language or capabilities needed. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.LanguageIdNotRespected
                message = message & "The language ID set on a stroke did not match the language ID of the InkRecognizer. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.PartialDictionaryTermsNotSupported
                message = message & "Partial dictionary terms could not be returned from the text recognizer. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.SetPrefixSuffixFailed
                message = message & "The text recognizer was unable to respect either the prefix or suffix. "
                If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso _
                    warning.AnalysisHint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText) Then
                    message = message & "Prefix: " & _
                        warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText) _
                        & ". "
                End If
                If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso _
                    warning.AnalysisHint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText) Then
                    message = message & "Suffix: " & _
                        warning.AnalysisHint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText) _
                        & ". "
                End If
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.WordlistNotSupported
                message = message & "Wordlist was not respected. "
            Case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.WordModeNotSupported
                message = message & "Word mode was not respected. "
        End Select

        ' Add node id information
        Dim id As Guid
        For Each id In warning.GetNodeIds()
            message = message & "Id: " & id.ToString() & " "
        Next id

        ' Add hint information
        If Not (warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) Then

            Dim hint As ContextNodeBase = warning.AnalysisHint
            message = message & Environment.NewLine & "Hint information: "
            message = message & "AllowPartialDictionaryTerms"
            If hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.AllowPartialDictionaryTerms) Then
                message = message & " = " & _
                    hint.GetPropertyData( _
                message = message & " = False "
            End If
            message = message & "CoerceToFactoid"
            If hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.CoerceToFactoid) Then
                message = message & " = " & _
                    hint.GetPropertyData( _
                message = message & " = False "
            End If
            If hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid) Then
                message = message & "Factoid = " & _
                    warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid) & " "
            End If
            If hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Guide) Then
                Dim theInkRecognizerGuideBase As InkRecognizerGuideBase = _
                    CType(hint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Guide), _

                message += "Guide Drawn Box = {" & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxLeft.ToString() _
                                              & ", " & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxTop.ToString() _
                                              & ", " & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxRight.ToString() _
                                              & ", " & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxBottom.ToString() _
                                              & ")"

                message &= "Guide Writing Box = {" & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxLeft.ToString() _
                                                & ", " & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxTop.ToString() _
                                                & ", " & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxRight.ToString() _
                                                & ", " & theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxBottom.ToString() _
                                                & ")"

                message = message & String.Format("Guide = ({0}, {1})", _
                     theInkRecognizerGuideBase.Columns, theInkRecognizerGuideBase.Rows)

            End If

            If hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Name) Then
                message = message & "Name = " & _
                    CType(warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Name), String) _
                    & " "
            End If

            If Not hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText) Then
                message = message & "PrefixText = " & _
                    CType(warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText), String) _
                    & " "
            End If

            If Not hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText) Then
                message = message & "SuffixText = " & _
                    CType(warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText), String) _
                    & " "
            End If

            message = message & "WordMode"
            If hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.WordMode) Then
                message = message & " = " & _
                    CType(hint.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.WordMode), String)
                message = message & " = False"
            End If
        End If

        message = message & Environment.NewLine
    Next warning

    ' Show in the output window
End If
If status.Successful Then
    Me.labelResult.Text = afrikaansAnalyzer.GetRecognizedString()
End If

            // Analyze using Afrikaans recognizer.
            // You are unlikely to have this recognizer, so it will raise a warning.
            InkAnalyzerBase afrikaansInkAnalyzer = new InkAnalyzerBase();
            int afrikaansLanguageId = 1078;

            // Accumulate the stroke data in collections.
            Guid[] thePacketDescription = theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes[0].PacketDescription;
            ArrayList theStrokeIdentifiers = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList thePacketCounts = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList thePacketData = new ArrayList();
            foreach (Stroke aStroke in theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes)
                // Add the stroke data to the collections.

            // Add the stroke data to the base layer ink analyzer.
                theStrokeIdentifiers.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[],
                thePacketCounts.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[],
                thePacketData.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[],

            AnalysisStatusBase status = afrikaansInkAnalyzer.Analyze();

            // Note: We should only expect to see the BackgroundException warning if
            // we were performing background analysis.
            // Display any warnings
            if (!status.Successful)
                // Initialize warning message
                string message = "Analysis resulted in the following warnings:" + Environment.NewLine;

                // Loop through warnings
                foreach (AnalysisWarningBase warning in status.Warnings)
                    switch (warning.WarningCode)
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.Aborted:
                            message += "Analysis operation was aborted. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.BackgroundException:
                            // This is a fatal warning. Throw an exception.
                            // First, attempt to save as much doc state as possible 
                            // ...

                            // Rethrow the exception so that it can be caught by an exception
                            // handler (or if there is no exception handler, a program error 
                            // debugger such as Dr. Watson can be invoked)
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.ConfirmedWithoutInkRecognition:
                            message += "Node was confirmed without ink recognition having been performed. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.ContextNodeLocationNotSet:
                            message += "Node does not have a proper location set. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidCoercionNotSupported:
                            message += "Factoid coercion failed ";
                            if (warning.AnalysisHint != null && 
                                message += "for factoid: " + 
                                    (string) warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(
                                        PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid) + ". ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidNotSupported:
                            if (warning.AnalysisHint != null &&
                                message +=
                                     + " factoid was not respected. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.GuideNotSupported:
                            message += "Guide was not respected. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.AddInkToRecognizerFailed:
                            message += "Ink could not be added to the InkRecognizer. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.InkRecognizerInitializationFailed:
                            message += "The InkRecognizer failed to initialize. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.NoMatchingInkRecognizerFound:
                            message += "There are no ink recognizers meeting the language or capabilities needed. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.LanguageIdNotRespected:
                            message += "The language ID set on a stroke did not match the language ID of the InkRecognizer. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.PartialDictionaryTermsNotSupported:
                            message += "Partial dictionary terms could not be returned from the text recognizer. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.SetPrefixSuffixFailed:
                            message += "The text recognizer was unable to respect either the prefix or suffix. ";
                            if (warning.AnalysisHint != null && 
                                message += "Prefix: " + 
                                        PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText) + ". ";
                            if (warning.AnalysisHint != null &&
                                message += "Suffix: " +
                                        PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText) + ". ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.WordlistNotSupported:
                            message += "Wordlist was not respected. ";
                        case System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.AnalysisWarningCode.WordModeNotSupported:
                            message += "Word mode was not respected. ";

                    // Add node id information
                    foreach (Guid id in warning.GetNodeIds())
                        message += "Id: " + id.ToString() + " ";

                    // Add hint information
                    if (warning.AnalysisHint != null)
                        ContextNodeBase  hint = warning.AnalysisHint;
                        message += Environment.NewLine + "Hint information: ";
                        message += "AllowPartialDictionaryTerms";

                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.AllowPartialDictionaryTerms))
                            message += " = " +
                            message += " = false ";

                        message += "CoerceToFactoid";
                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.CoerceToFactoid))
                            message += " = " +
                            message += " = false ";

                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid))
                            message += "Factoid = " + 
                                (string) warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(
                                PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Factoid) + " ";

                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Guide))
                            InkRecognizerGuideBase theInkRecognizerGuideBase = 
                                (InkRecognizerGuideBase) hint.GetPropertyData(

                            message += "Guide Drawn Box = {" + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxLeft.ToString()
                                                      + ", " + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxTop.ToString()
                                                      + ", " + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxRight.ToString()
                                                      + ", " + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.DrawnBoxBottom.ToString() 
                                                      + ")";

                            message += "Guide Writing Box = {" + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxLeft.ToString()
                                                        + ", " + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxTop.ToString()
                                                        + ", " + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxRight.ToString()
                                                        + ", " + theInkRecognizerGuideBase.WritingBoxBottom.ToString()
                                                        + ")";  

                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.Name))
                            message += "Name = " +
                                (string) warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(

                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText))
                            message += "PrefixText = " + 
                                (string) warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(
                                    PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.PrefixText) + " ";
                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText))
                            message += "SuffixText = " + 
                                (string) warning.AnalysisHint.GetPropertyData(
                                    PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.SuffixText) + " ";
                        message += "WordMode";

                        if (hint.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase.WordMode))
                            message += " = " +
                                ((bool) hint.GetPropertyData(
                            message += " = false";
                    message += Environment.NewLine;

                // Show in the output window

            if (status.Successful)
                this.resultsLabel.Text = afrikaansInkAnalyzer.GetRecognizedString();

Jerarquía de herencia


Seguridad para subprocesos

Todos los miembros static (Shared en Visual Basic) públicos de este tipo son seguros para la ejecución de subprocesos. No se garantiza que los miembros de instancias sean seguros para la ejecución de subprocesos.


Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003

.NET Framework y .NET Compact Framework no admiten todas las versiones de cada plataforma. Para obtener una lista de las versiones compatibles, vea Requisitos de sistema de .NET Framework.

Información de versión

.NET Framework

Compatible con: 3.0

Vea también


AnalysisStatusBase (Miembros)

System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore (Espacio de nombres)
