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Cómo: Crear una entidad POCO con objetos proxy (Entity Framework)

El ejemplo de este tema muestra cómo crear entidades POCO con objetos proxy. Para crear entidades POCO con objetos proxy, la clase POCO debe cumplir los requisitos descritos en Requisitos para crear objetos proxy POCO (Entity Framework).

El ejemplo de este tema utiliza las clases POCO que se definen en Cómo: Definir entidades POCO (Entity Framework) y un modelo de datos basado en AdventureWorks que se define en Cómo: Personalizar archivos de asignación y modelado para trabajar con objetos personalizados (Entity Framework).


Este ejemplo crea un nuevo objeto LineItem utilizando el método CreateObject y, a continuación, agrega el nuevo LineItem a un Order existente.

' Specify the order to update. 
Dim orderId As Integer = 43680

Using context As New POCOAdventureWorksEntities()
        ' Enable lazy loading. 
        context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = True

        Dim order As Order = context.Orders.Where(Function(o) o.SalesOrderID = orderId).First()
        ' Create a new item and add it to the order. 
        ' The Entity Framework is going to generate 
        ' proxy object for the newItem object. 
        Dim newItem As LineItem = context.CreateObject(Of LineItem)()
        newItem.SalesOrderDetailID = 0
        ' Assign the order to the new LineItem. 
        newItem.SalesOrderID = orderId
        newItem.OrderQty = 1
        newItem.ProductID = 750
        newItem.UnitPriceDiscount = 0
        newItem.UnitPrice = 2171.2942D
        newItem.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Today
        newItem.rowguid = Guid.NewGuid()
        newItem.SpecialOfferID = 1

        ' Add the new item to the order. 
        ' The order will be added to the context because 
        ' we are working with POCO proxies. 

        ' The state of the newItem is Added. 

        ' Change the status and ship date of an existing order. 
        order.ShipDate = DateTime.Today

        ' The sate of the order item is Modified. 

        ' The newItem is set to Unchanged.

        ' Change the newly added item. 
        newItem.OrderQty = 2

        ' The changes are tracked as they occur and the state of the object is Modified. 

        ' Delete the newly created object. 

        ' Save changes in the object context to the database 
        ' after first detecting changes again. 
    Catch ex As UpdateException
    Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
    End Try
End Using
// Specify the order to update.
int orderId = 43680;

using (POCOAdventureWorksEntities context =
        new POCOAdventureWorksEntities())
        // Enable lazy loading.
        context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;

        Order order = context.Orders.
                          Where(o => o.SalesOrderID == orderId).First();
        // Create a new item and add it to the order.
        // The Entity Framework is going to generate 
        // proxy object for the newItem object. 
        LineItem newItem = context.CreateObject<LineItem>();
        newItem.SalesOrderDetailID = 0;
        // Assign the order to the new LineItem. 
        newItem.SalesOrderID = orderId;
        newItem.OrderQty = 1;
        newItem.ProductID = 750;
        newItem.UnitPriceDiscount = 0;
        newItem.UnitPrice = 2171.2942M;
        newItem.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Today;
        newItem.rowguid = Guid.NewGuid();
        newItem.SpecialOfferID = 1;

        // Add the new item to the order.
        // The order will be added to the context because 
        // we are working with POCO proxies.

        // The state of the newItem is Added.

        // Change the status and ship date of an existing order.
        order.ShipDate = DateTime.Today;

        // The sate of the order item is Modified.

        // The newItem is set to Unchanged.

        // Change the newly added item.
        newItem.OrderQty = 2;

        // The changes are tracked as they occur and the state of the object is Modified.

        // Delete the newly created object.

        // Save changes in the object context to the database 
        // after first detecting changes again.
    catch (UpdateException ex)
    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)

Vea también


Cómo: Identificar que una entidad POCO es un proxy (Entity Framework)


Trabajar con entidades POCO (Entity Framework)
Realizar el seguimiento de los cambios en entidades POCO (Entity Framework)
Personalizar objetos (Entity Framework)