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Cómo: Animar la geometría de un rectángulo mediante fotogramas clave

En este ejemplo, se muestra cómo animar la propiedad Rect de RectangleGeometry mediante fotogramas clave.


En el ejemplo siguiente se utiliza la clase RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames para animar la propiedad Rect de RectangleGeometry. Esta animación utiliza tres fotogramas clave de la siguiente manera:

  1. Durante los primeros dos segundos, utiliza una instancia de la clase LinearRectKeyFrame para animar un cambio gradual en la posición, ancho y alto de un rectángulo. Los fotogramas clave lineales como LinearRectKeyFrame crean una transición lineal suave entre valores.

  2. Durante el final del medio segundo siguiente, utiliza una instancia de la clase DiscreteRectKeyFrame para reducir de repente el alto del rectángulo. Los fotogramas clave discretos como DiscreteRectKeyFrame crean cambios súbitos entre los valores; es decir, la disminución de alto se produce de forma rápida y brusca.

  3. Durante los dos últimos segundos, utiliza una instancia de la clase SplineRectKeyFrame para volver a establecer el rectángulo a su tamaño y posición originales. Los fotogramas clave spline como SplineRectKeyFrame crean una transición variable entre los valores según los valores de la propiedad KeySpline. En este ejemplo, el cambio comienza despacio y se acelera exponencialmente hacia el final del segmento temporal.

Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Shapes
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows.Media

Namespace Microsoft.Samples.KeyFrameExamples
    ''' <summary>
    ''' This example shows how to use the RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames class to
    ''' animate the position and size of a rectangle.
    ''' Key frame animations enable you to create complex animations 
    ''' by specifying multiple destination values
    ''' and controlling the animation's interpolation method.
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class RectAnimationUsingKeyFramesExample
        Inherits Page
        Public Sub New()
            Title = "RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Example"
            Background = Brushes.White
            Margin = New Thickness(20)

            ' Create a NameScope for this page so that
            ' Storyboards can be used.
            NameScope.SetNameScope(Me, New NameScope())

            Dim myStackPanel As New StackPanel()
            myStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
            myStackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center

            'Add the Path Element
            Dim myPath As New Path()
            myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black
            myPath.Fill = Brushes.LemonChiffon
            myPath.StrokeThickness = 1

            ' Create a RectangleGeometry to specify the Path data.
            Dim myRectangleGeometry As New RectangleGeometry()
            myRectangleGeometry.Rect = New Rect(0, 200, 100, 100)
            myPath.Data = myRectangleGeometry


            ' Assign the TranslateTransform a name so that
            ' it can be targeted by a Storyboard.
            Me.RegisterName("AnimatedRectangleGeometry", myRectangleGeometry)

            ' Create a RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames to
            ' animate the RectangleGeometry.
            Dim rectAnimation As New RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames()
            rectAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6)

            ' Set the animation to repeat forever. 
            rectAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever

            ' Animate position, width, and height in first 2 seconds. LinearRectKeyFrame creates
            ' a smooth, linear animation between values.
            rectAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(New LinearRectKeyFrame(New Rect(600,50,200,50), KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)))) ' KeyTime -  Target value (KeyValue)

            ' In the next half second, change height to 10. DiscreteRectKeyFrame creates a 
            ' sudden "jump" between values.
            rectAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(New DiscreteRectKeyFrame(New Rect(600, 50, 200, 10), KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5)))) ' KeyTime -  Target value (KeyValue)

            ' In the final 2 seconds of the animation, go back to the starting position, width, and height.  
            ' Spline key frames like SplineRectKeyFrame creates a variable transition between values depending 
            ' on the KeySpline property. In this example, the animation starts off slow but toward the end of 
            ' the time segment, it speeds up exponentially.
            rectAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(New SplineRectKeyFrame(New Rect(0, 200, 100, 100), KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4.5)), New KeySpline(0.6, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0))) ' KeySpline -  KeyTime -  Target value (KeyValue)

            ' Set the animation to target the Rect property
            ' of the object named "AnimatedRectangleGeometry."
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(rectAnimation, "AnimatedRectangleGeometry")
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(rectAnimation, New PropertyPath(RectangleGeometry.RectProperty))

            ' Create a storyboard to apply the animation.
            Dim rectStoryboard As New Storyboard()

            ' Start the storyboard after the rectangle loads.
            AddHandler myPath.Loaded, Sub(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) rectStoryboard.Begin(Me)

            Content = myStackPanel
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.KeyFrameExamples
    /// <summary>
    /// This example shows how to use the RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames class to
    /// animate the position and size of a rectangle.
    /// Key frame animations enable you to create complex animations 
    /// by specifying multiple destination values
    /// and controlling the animation's interpolation method.
    /// </summary>
    public class RectAnimationUsingKeyFramesExample : Page
        public RectAnimationUsingKeyFramesExample()
            Title = "RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Example";
            Background = Brushes.White;
            Margin = new Thickness(20);

            // Create a NameScope for this page so that
            // Storyboards can be used.
            NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());

            StackPanel myStackPanel = new StackPanel();
            myStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
            myStackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            //Add the Path Element
            Path myPath = new Path();
            myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            myPath.Fill = Brushes.LemonChiffon;
            myPath.StrokeThickness = 1;

            // Create a RectangleGeometry to specify the Path data.
            RectangleGeometry myRectangleGeometry = new RectangleGeometry();
            myRectangleGeometry.Rect = new Rect(0, 200, 100, 100);
            myPath.Data = myRectangleGeometry;


            // Assign the TranslateTransform a name so that
            // it can be targeted by a Storyboard.
                "AnimatedRectangleGeometry", myRectangleGeometry);

            // Create a RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames to
            // animate the RectangleGeometry.
            RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames rectAnimation 
                = new RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
            rectAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6);

            // Set the animation to repeat forever. 
            rectAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;

            // Animate position, width, and height in first 2 seconds. LinearRectKeyFrame creates
            // a smooth, linear animation between values.
                new LinearRectKeyFrame(
                    new Rect(600,50,200,50), // Target value (KeyValue)
                    KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))) // KeyTime

            // In the next half second, change height to 10. DiscreteRectKeyFrame creates a 
            // sudden "jump" between values.
                new DiscreteRectKeyFrame(
                    new Rect(600, 50, 200, 10), // Target value (KeyValue)
                    KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5))) // KeyTime

            // In the final 2 seconds of the animation, go back to the starting position, width, and height.  
            // Spline key frames like SplineRectKeyFrame creates a variable transition between values depending 
            // on the KeySpline property. In this example, the animation starts off slow but toward the end of 
            // the time segment, it speeds up exponentially.
                new SplineRectKeyFrame(
                    new Rect(0, 200, 100, 100), // Target value (KeyValue)
                    KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4.5)), // KeyTime
                    new KeySpline(0.6, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0) // KeySpline

            // Set the animation to target the Rect property
            // of the object named "AnimatedRectangleGeometry."
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(rectAnimation, "AnimatedRectangleGeometry");
                rectAnimation, new PropertyPath(RectangleGeometry.RectProperty));

            // Create a storyboard to apply the animation.
            Storyboard rectStoryboard = new Storyboard();

            // Start the storyboard after the rectangle loads.
            myPath.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            Content = myStackPanel;

  Title="ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames Example">

  <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Center">

    <Path Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1" Fill="LemonChiffon">
        <RectangleGeometry x:Name="myRectangleGeometry" Rect="0,200,100,100" />
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Path.Loaded">

              <!-- Animate the Rect property of the RectangleGeometry which causes the
              rectangle to animate its position as well as its width and height. -->
                Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Rect"
                Duration="0:0:6" FillBehavior="HoldEnd" RepeatBehavior="Forever">

                <!-- Animate position, width, and height in first 2 seconds. LinearRectKeyFrame creates
                a smooth, linear animation between values. -->
                <LinearRectKeyFrame Value="600,50,200,50" KeyTime="0:0:2" />

                <!-- In the next half second, change height to 10. DiscreteRectKeyFrame creates a 
                sudden "jump" between values. -->
                <DiscreteRectKeyFrame Value="600,50,200,10" KeyTime="0:0:2.5" />

                <!-- In the final 2 seconds of the animation, go back to the starting position, width, and height.  
                Spline key frames like SplineRectKeyFrame creates a variable transition between values depending 
                on the KeySpline property. In this example, the animation starts off slow but toward the end of 
                the time segment, it speeds up exponentially.-->
                <SplineRectKeyFrame Value="0,200,100,100" KeyTime="0:0:4.5" KeySpline="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00"  />


Para obtener el ejemplo completo, vea KeyFrame Animation Sample.

Vea también






Información general sobre animaciones de fotogramas clave

Otros recursos

Temas "Cómo..." de animaciones de fotogramas clave