Insertar, actualizar, elimina, y ordenar las opciones globales del conjunto de opciones


Publicado: enero de 2017

Se aplica a: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online

Estos ejemplos de código muestran cómo insertar, actualizar, eliminar y ordenar opciones en un conjunto de opciones globales.

En este tema

Insertar una opción nueva

Actualizar una opción

Eliminar una opción

Ordenar opciones

Insertar una opción nueva

Este ejemplo muestra cómo agregar una nueva opción a un conjunto de opciones global mediante InsertOptionValueRequest:

// Use InsertOptionValueRequest to insert a new option into a 
// global option set.
InsertOptionValueRequest insertOptionValueRequest =
    new InsertOptionValueRequest
        OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
        Label = new Label("New Picklist Label", _languageCode)

// Execute the request and store the newly inserted option value 
// for cleanup, used in the later part of this sample.
_insertedOptionValue = ((InsertOptionValueResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

//Publish the OptionSet
PublishXmlRequest pxReq2 = new PublishXmlRequest { ParameterXml = String.Format("<importexportxml><optionsets><optionset>{0}</optionset></optionsets></importexportxml>", _globalOptionSetName) };

' Use InsertOptionValueRequest to insert a new option into a 
' global option set.
Dim insertOptionValueRequest As InsertOptionValueRequest = New InsertOptionValueRequest With {
 .OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
 .Label = New Label("New Picklist Label", _languageCode)

' Execute the request and store the newly inserted option value 
' for cleanup, used in the later part of this sample.
_insertedOptionValue =
 (CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(insertOptionValueRequest), InsertOptionValueResponse)).NewOptionValue

'Publish the OptionSet
Dim pxReq2 As PublishXmlRequest = New PublishXmlRequest With {
 .ParameterXml = String.Format("<importexportxml><optionsets><optionset>{0}</optionset></optionsets></importexportxml>", _globalOptionSetName)

Actualizar una opción

Este ejemplo muestra cómo actualizar una opción en un conjunto de opciones global mediante UpdateOptionValueRequest:

// In order to change labels on option set values (or delete) option set
// values, you must use UpdateOptionValueRequest 
// (or DeleteOptionValueRequest).
UpdateOptionValueRequest updateOptionValueRequest =
    new UpdateOptionValueRequest
        OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
        // Update the second option value.
        Value = optionList[1].Value.Value,
        Label = new Label("Updated Option 1", _languageCode)


//Publish the OptionSet
PublishXmlRequest pxReq3 = new PublishXmlRequest { ParameterXml = String.Format("<importexportxml><optionsets><optionset>{0}</optionset></optionsets></importexportxml>", _globalOptionSetName) };

' In order to change labels on option set values (or delete) option set
' values, you must use UpdateOptionValueRequest 
' (or DeleteOptionValueRequest).
Dim updateOptionValueRequest As UpdateOptionValueRequest =
 New UpdateOptionValueRequest With {
  .OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
  .Value = optionList(1).Value.Value,
  .Label = New Label("Updated Option 1", _languageCode)
' Update the second option value.


'Publish the OptionSet
Dim pxReq3 As PublishXmlRequest =
 New PublishXmlRequest With {
  .ParameterXml =

Eliminar una opción

Este ejemplo muestra cómo eliminar una opción en un conjunto de opciones global mediante DeleteOptionValueRequest:

// Use the DeleteOptionValueRequest message 
// to remove the newly inserted label.
DeleteOptionValueRequest deleteOptionValueRequest =
    new DeleteOptionValueRequest
    OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
    Value = _insertedOptionValue

// Execute the request.

' Use the DeleteOptionValueRequest message 
' to remove the newly inserted label.
Dim deleteOptionValueRequest As DeleteOptionValueRequest =
 New DeleteOptionValueRequest With {
  .OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
  .Value = _insertedOptionValue

' Execute the request.

Ordenar opciones

Este ejemplo muestra cómo establecer el orden de las opciones en un conjunto de opciones global mediante OrderOptionRequest:

// Change the order of the original option's list.
// Use the OrderBy (OrderByDescending) linq function to sort options in  
// ascending (descending) order according to label text.
// For ascending order use this:
var updateOptionList =
    optionList.OrderBy(x => x.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label).ToList();

// For descending order use this:
// var updateOptionList =
//      optionList.OrderByDescending(
//      x => x.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label).ToList();

// Create the request.
OrderOptionRequest orderOptionRequest = new OrderOptionRequest
    // Set the properties for the request.
    OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
    // Set the changed order using Select linq function 
    // to get only values in an array from the changed option list.
    Values = updateOptionList.Select(x => x.Value.Value).ToArray()

// Execute the request

//Publish the OptionSet
PublishXmlRequest pxReq4 = new PublishXmlRequest { ParameterXml = String.Format("<importexportxml><optionsets><optionset>{0}</optionset></optionsets></importexportxml>", _globalOptionSetName) };

' Change the order of the original option's list.
' Use the OrderBy (OrderByDescending) linq function to sort options in  
' ascending (descending) order according to label text.
' For ascending order use this:
Dim updateOptionList = optionList.OrderBy(Function(x) x.Label.LocalizedLabels(0).Label).ToList()

' For descending order use this:
' var updateOptionList =
'      optionList.OrderByDescending(
'      x => x.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label).ToList();

' Create the request.
Dim orderOptionRequest As OrderOptionRequest =
 New OrderOptionRequest With {
  .OptionSetName = _globalOptionSetName,
  .Values = updateOptionList.Select(Function(x) x.Value.Value).ToArray()
' Set the properties for the request.
' Set the changed order using Select linq function 
' to get only values in an array from the changed option list.

' Execute the request

'Publish the OptionSet
Dim pxReq4 As PublishXmlRequest =
 New PublishXmlRequest With {
  .ParameterXml = String.Format("<importexportxml><optionsets><optionset>{0}</optionset></optionsets></importexportxml>",

Ver también

Personalizar conjuntos de opciones globales
Mensajes del conjunto de opciones global
Valores de metadatos de conjunto de opciones globales

Microsoft Dynamics 365

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