Crear una entidad personalizada
Publicado: enero de 2017
Se aplica a: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
En este tema se muestra cómo crear una entidad personalizada propiedad del usuario llamada Cuenta bancaria y agregar cuatro tipos diferentes de atributos a la misma.
También puede crear entidades personalizadas propiedad de la organización.Más información:Propiedad de la entidad
No podrá ver esta entidad al navegar por la aplicación a menos que se establezcan las propiedades de entidad que se modifican para establecer Áreas que muestran esta entidad.
En este tema
Crear una entidad personalizada
Agregar un atributo de cadena a la entidad personalizada
Agregar un atributo monetario a la entidad personalizada
Agregar un atributo de fecha y hora a la entidad personalizada
Agregar un atributo de búsqueda a la entidad personalizada
Crear una entidad personalizada
En el siguiente ejemplo usa la CreateEntityRequest para crear la entidad y StringAttributeMetadataPrimaryAttribute.
El valor _customEntityName es “new_bankaccount”.
CreateEntityRequest createrequest = new CreateEntityRequest
//Define the entity
Entity = new EntityMetadata
SchemaName = _customEntityName,
DisplayName = new Label("Bank Account", 1033),
DisplayCollectionName = new Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
Description = new Label("An entity to store information about customer bank accounts", 1033),
OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
IsActivity = false,
// Define the primary attribute for the entity
PrimaryAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "new_accountname",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
MaxLength = 100,
FormatName = StringFormatName.Text,
DisplayName = new Label("Account Name", 1033),
Description = new Label("The primary attribute for the Bank Account entity.", 1033)
Console.WriteLine("The bank account entity has been created.");
Dim createrequest As CreateEntityRequest = New CreateEntityRequest With {
.Entity = New EntityMetadata With {
.SchemaName = _customEntityName,
.DisplayName = New Label("Bank Account", 1033),
.DisplayCollectionName = New Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
.Description = New Label("An entity to store information about customer bank accounts", 1033),
.OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
.IsActivity = False},
.PrimaryAttribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = "new_accountname",
.RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
.MaxLength = 100,
.Format = StringFormat.Text,
.DisplayName = New Label("Account Name", 1033),
.Description = New Label("The primary attribute for the Bank Account entity.", 1033)
'Define the entity
' Define the primary attribute for the entity
Console.WriteLine("The bank account entity has been created.")
Agregar un atributo de cadena a la entidad personalizada
En el siguiente ejemplo se agrega un atributo StringAttributeMetadata a la entidad Bank Account.
CreateAttributeRequest createBankNameAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = _customEntityName,
Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "new_bankname",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
MaxLength = 100,
FormatName = StringFormatName.Text,
DisplayName = new Label("Bank Name", 1033),
Description = new Label("The name of the bank.", 1033)
Dim createBankNameAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
.EntityName = _customEntityName,
.Attribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = "new_bankname",
.RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
.MaxLength = 100,
.Format = StringFormat.Text,
.DisplayName = New Label("Bank Name", 1033),
.Description = New Label("The name of the bank.", 1033)
Agregar un atributo monetario a la entidad personalizada
En el siguiente ejemplo se agrega un atributo MoneyAttributeMetadata a la entidad Bank Account.
CreateAttributeRequest createBalanceAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = _customEntityName,
Attribute = new MoneyAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "new_balance",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
PrecisionSource = 2,
DisplayName = new Label("Balance", 1033),
Description = new Label("Account Balance at the last known date", 1033),
Dim createBalanceAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
.EntityName = _customEntityName,
.Attribute = New MoneyAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = "new_balance",
.RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
.PrecisionSource = 2,
.DisplayName = New Label("Balance", 1033),
.Description = New Label("Account Balance at the last known date", 1033)
Agregar un atributo de fecha y hora a la entidad personalizada
En el siguiente ejemplo se agrega un atributo DateTimeAttributeMetadata a la entidad Bank Account.
CreateAttributeRequest createCheckedDateRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = _customEntityName,
Attribute = new DateTimeAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "new_checkeddate",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
Format = DateTimeFormat.DateOnly,
DisplayName = new Label("Date", 1033),
Description = new Label("The date the account balance was last confirmed", 1033)
Console.WriteLine("An date attribute has been added to the bank account entity.");
Dim createCheckedDateRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
.EntityName = _customEntityName,
.Attribute = New DateTimeAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = "new_checkeddate",
.RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
.Format = DateTimeFormat.DateOnly,
.DisplayName = New Label("Date", 1033),
.Description = New Label("The date the account balance was last confirmed", 1033)
Console.WriteLine("An date attribute has been added to the bank account entity.")
Agregar un atributo de búsqueda a la entidad personalizada
En el siguiente ejemplo se usa CreateOneToManyRequest para crear una relación de uno a varios con la entidad Contact para agregar un atributo LookupAttributeMetadata a la entidad Bank Account.
CreateOneToManyRequest req = new CreateOneToManyRequest()
Lookup = new LookupAttributeMetadata()
Description = new Label("The referral (lead) from the bank account owner", 1033),
DisplayName = new Label("Referral", 1033),
LogicalName = "new_parent_leadid",
SchemaName = "New_Parent_leadId",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.Recommended)
OneToManyRelationship = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata()
AssociatedMenuConfiguration = new AssociatedMenuConfiguration()
Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseCollectionName,
Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
Label = new Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
Order = 10000
CascadeConfiguration = new CascadeConfiguration()
Assign = CascadeType.Cascade,
Delete = CascadeType.Cascade,
Merge = CascadeType.Cascade,
Reparent = CascadeType.Cascade,
Share = CascadeType.Cascade,
Unshare = CascadeType.Cascade
ReferencedEntity = "lead",
ReferencedAttribute = "leadid",
ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
SchemaName = "new_lead_new_bankaccount"
Dim req As New CreateOneToManyRequest() With {
.Lookup = New LookupAttributeMetadata() With {
.Description = New Label("The owner of the bank account", 1033),
.DisplayName = New Label("Account Owner", 1033),
.LogicalName = "new_parent_contactid",
.SchemaName = "New_Parent_ContactId",
.RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.ApplicationRequired)},
.OneToManyRelationship = New OneToManyRelationshipMetadata() With {
.AssociatedMenuConfiguration = New AssociatedMenuConfiguration() With {
.Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseCollectionName,
.Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
.Label = New Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
.Order = 10000},
.CascadeConfiguration = New CascadeConfiguration() With {
.Assign = CascadeType.Cascade,
.Delete = CascadeType.Cascade,
.Merge = CascadeType.Cascade,
.Reparent = CascadeType.Cascade,
.Share = CascadeType.Cascade,
.Unshare = CascadeType.Cascade},
.ReferencedEntity = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
.ReferencedAttribute = "contactid",
.ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
.SchemaName = "new_contact_new_bankaccount"
Ver también
Usar el ejemplo y el código auxiliar
Personalizar metadatos de entidad
¿Qué entidades se pueden personalizar?
Recuperar, actualizar y eliminar entidades
Crear y actualizar una entidad que se puede enviar por correo electrónico
Crear una entidad de actividad personalizada
Modificar los iconos para una entidad
Modificar los mensajes de una entidad
Microsoft Dynamics 365
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