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ContentTransferEncoding Property

ContentTransferEncoding Property

The ContentTransferEncoding property defines the encoding mechanism used when sending the contents of an implementing object over the network.


Property ContentTransferEncoding as String
HRESULT get_ContentTransferEncoding(BSTR* pVal);
HRESULT put_ContentTransferEncoding(BSTR Val);


The ContentTransferEncoding property corresponds to the Content-Transfer-Encoding Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) header field of Request for Comments (RFC) 2045.

This property corresponds to the urn:schemas:mailheader:content-transfer-encoding field for the object. You can therefore set this field using the ContentTransferEncoding property on the interface or by updating the value using the Fields collection.

Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) defines the following string constants and mechanisms for use with the ContentTransferEncoding property:

CdoEncodingType Module Constants

Constant Value Meaning



Simple 7-bit ASCII



8-bit coding with line termination characters



3 octets encoded into 4 sextets with offset



Arbitrary binary stream



Macintosh binary to hex encoding



Mostly 7-bit, with 8-bit characters encoded as "=HH"



UNIX Uuencode encoding

In compliance with RFC 2045, the ContentTransferEncoding property is enforced to be "7bit", "8bit", or "binary" when the ContentMediaType property indicates a composite content type such as message or multipart. An attempt to encode a composite type with any other mechanism results in an error.

CDO can decode a body part from "mac-binhex40" but cannot encode using this mechanism.

The contents of ContentTransferEncoding are case-insensitive. The default value is "7bit".


Dim iBp as CDO.IBodyPart
iBp.ContentTransferEncoding = "base64"