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How to: Change Configuration Settings for Team Foundation Server Components

Configuration information for Team Foundation Server is contained in various configuration files. This topic describes a general procedure for editing these configuration settings. For information about specific settings that you can change, see Managing Team Foundation Server Configuration Settings.

Required Permissions

To perform this procedure, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the application-tier server for Team Foundation. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.


Do not use the ASP.NET tab of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (inetmgr) to edit a configuration file. If you use this tab, an attribute is added to the <configuration> element of the file. This attribute interferes with normal functioning.

To change a configuration setting

  1. On the application-tier server for Team Foundation, locate the installation directory for the application tier, and open the Web Services directory.

  2. Locate the appropriate Web.Config file:

    • To change a global setting, look in the root of the Web Services directory.

    • To change a setting for a service, open the Services subdirectory.

    • To change a setting for builds, open the Build subdirectory.

    • To change a setting for version control, open the VersionControl subdirectory.

    • To change a setting for tracking work items, open the WorkItemTracking subdirectory.

  3. In a text or XML editor, open the Web.Config file, locate the element that you want to change, and update the value that is assigned to the element.

  4. Save and close the file.

    You must close and restart the Web services application for Team Foundation before your changes will take effect.

See Also


Global Web.Config File Settings in Team Foundation Server Components
Build Web.Config File Settings in Team Foundation Server Components
Services Web.Config File Settings in Team Foundation Server Components
WorkItem Tracking Web.Config File Settings in Team Foundation Server Components