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Confirmation and Validation of the User's Response

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

After an application recognizes a user's response, it should confirm the recognized response to ensure that it has not recognized some phrase incorrectly and to give the caller an opportunity to correct the error if it exists.

A simple way to recognize and confirm a single response from the user is to use GetAndConfirmActivity, an activity in which one phase controls recognition and the other controls confirmation of the recognized result by means of a default grammar that recognizes Yes and No.

If the response from the user contains more than one semantic item, or you choose not to use the default confirmation grammars, consider using one QuestionAnswerActivity for each semantic item and a separate QuestionAnswerActivity to confirm all the semantic items.

In This Section

Confirmation with GetAndConfirmActivity

Validation of the User's Response

Confirmation with QuestionAnswerActivity