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How to: Get and Set WMI Object Properties

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To read and write Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object property values, you:

  • Get and set property and qualifier values.
  • Load and save configurations.

Getting and Setting Properties on WMI Objects

Use properties to provide information about the characteristics of a WMI object. For more information about Speech Server WMI classes, see Speech Server WMI Classes.

To read property values

  • Use code similar to the following sample.


    All Speech Server classes inherit from the SWbemObject object, which explains why the SWbemObject.Properties_ property is available in the following sample.

    Set objMSS = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MSSV2:MSS=@")
    ' Read each member of SWbemObject.Properties_
    For Each p in objMSS.Properties_
    ' Display the values of the Name and Value properties of the SWbemProperty object  
     If p.IsArray Then
          WScript.Echo p.Name, "=", Join(p.Value)
          WScript.Echo p.Name, " = ", p.Value
       End If

To write property values of Speech Server objects

  • To write a property value, you must, at a minimum, retrieve an instance of the class containing the property, assign the property a value, and use the Put_ method to update the value in the object. The following sample gets the MSS object (using the GetObject function), sets the UpperMemoryThreshold property, and saves the change.

    Set objMSS = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MSSV2:MSS=@")

Reading Qualifiers on WMI Objects

A qualifier is a tag that provides additional information about a WMI object, method, or property.

To gain access to a WMI object's qualifiers

  • Use the SWbemObject.Qualifiers_ property, as shown in the following sample.

    Set p = objMSS.Properties_(strProperty)
    If strNewValue <> "" Then
        'p is a MSS property variable
        p.Value = strNewValue
        d = p.Qualifiers_("DefaultValue")
        p.Value = d
    End If

Loading and Saving Configurations

To load values from a configuration file

  • Use the VBScript Split function and FileSystemObject to parse the file and read property values, as shown in the following sample.

    Use the SWbemObjectProperties_ property to store the values read from the configuration file, and use the SWbemObjectPut_ method to update the server instance with those values.

    For Each line in Split(f.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
        ' Omit empty lines and comments
        ' ...
        ' Split line into name and value parts
        ' ...
            Set p = objMSS.Properties_(strName)
            If Not Err Then
                If p.IsArray Then
                    p.Value = Join(strValue)
                    p.Value = strValue
                End If
                If Err Then
                    WScript.Echo "Failed to assign " & strName & ": " & Err.Description : Err.Clear
                End If
                WScript.Echo "No such property: " & strName : Err.Clear
            End If
    ' Update WMI with modified instance

To save a server configuration to a file

  1. Use the SWbemObjectProperties_ property to provide the collection of properties on the server, as shown in the following sample.

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(strFilename, true)
    ' Write all configuration settings
    For Each p In objMSS.Properties_
        If p.IsArray Then
            f.WriteLine p.Name & ":" & Join(p.Value)
            f.WriteLine p.Name & ":" & p.Value
        End If
  2. Use the VBScript WriteLine method to write property values to a file.

See Also

Other Resources

Speech Server WMI Classes