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About Application Manifest Files

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The application manifest file (Manifest.xml) is created automatically by the Voice Response Workflow Application Project Wizard and specifies the application resources to preload and cache for improved performance.

This information is used by Speech Server to ensure that the specified resources are obtained and loaded before an application calls them.

In Speech Server, the elements of the manifest file have changed from Microsoft Speech Server 2004. The application and resourceset elements are no longer required in the manifest file.


Speech Server supports Microsoft Speech Server 2004 manifest files. If you migrate an application from Microsoft Speech Server 2004, you can use the existing Microsoft Speech Server 2004 manifest file without changes. For more information, see Migrating Applications to Speech Server.

Default Manifest File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--To improve performance, the Microsoft Speech Server can pre-load and cache application resources, -->
<!--such as grammar files and prompt databases. Use this file to specify resources to pre-load.-->
<manifest version="2.0">
  <resource src="Grammars/Library.grxml" type="Grammar" />
  <!--Add other grammar resources here-->
  <resource src="Prompts/Application.prompts" type="PromptDB" />
  <!--Add other prompt resources here-->

See Also


manifest Element
resource Element